--------------------- ProZ.com Newsletter ---------------------
Your ProZ.com username: (See bottom for more details related to your ProZ.com account)
Promote yourself - become a member! Join now: http://www.proz.com/join
(1) First newsletter of 2008 (2) your top language pair - more customers than members (3) Forum for translators in Canada (4) Conferencia ProZ.com en Montevideo (5) Regionalna konferencja ProZ.com w Polsce (6) Upcoming trainings: Bonn, Paris, Manchester, Zagreb (7) Update on willingness to work again (WWA) (8) Profiles - keeping them up to date is good business (9) January updates to ProZ.com Connect (10) Enthusiastic response to ProZ.com event in Dortmund (11) ProZ.com localized into five more languages (12) Upcoming powwows (13) Ажурирање на Подготвеност за пов (14) Améliorations apportées à la fonction WWA (15) Aggiornamento sulla funzione WWA (Willingness to Work Again) (16) Ενημέρωση στην Πρόθεση περαιτέρω συνεργασίας (WWA) (17) Mejoras en la herramienta WWA (18) ProZ.com на македонски (19) ProZ.com en français (20) ProZ.com in italiano (21) ProZ.com στα Ελληνικά (22) ProZ.com en español
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) First newsletter of 2008 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dear ProZ.com members and guests,
Thanks for a wonderful 2007! As we enter 2008, ProZ.com's ninth year, we on the site team are excited about the opportunity to serve you and your business for another year...
Thanks to your support and participation over the years, the site team now consists of 21 dedicated professionals. Every day, with feedback from you, the industry's leading professional community, we pursue ProZ.com's mission statement of providing tools and opportunities for you to "network, expand your business, do better work and have more fun."
A lot has been planned for this year. One thing you may notice now are slight changes to the monthly newsletter. For one thing, some of the content has been localized - you will see this if you are a speaker of one of the languages into which localization has been performed.
Also, as the year progresses, you will see a new type of content appearing: information to help you to improve your business. There will be "best practices" surveys, articles on localization, networking and branding, and more. In many cases, the content will be contributed by members of the community, who will receive attribution for their work. In this way, the newsletter will become more of a community document.
But that is just the newsletter. Many more aspects of the site will be improved, as we bring you new solutions for doing business more efficiently and enjoyably, in the company of your ProZ.com colleagues.
So stay tuned to this space -- and have a great 2008!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (2) your top language pair - demand was good, but members were lacking in 2007 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
your top language pair is considered an "under-represented" language pair at ProZ.com.
What does this mean? Currently, there are fewer than ten members with complete profiles who list this as their first language pair. Yet demand is not low; in 2007, there were at least four job postings per member in this pair (to say nothing of directory searches and profile hits resulting from Google searches - which generate slightly more new client flow than the jobs system.)
If you are an experienced translator who is currently accepting work in this language pair, please consider joining ProZ.com as a full paying member. Conditions are favorable for a substantial return on your investment.
To join, go to: http://www.proz.com/join
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (3) Forum for translators in Canada ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you are a professional translator or interpreter working in Canada, you are invited to visit a new forum created specifically for discussion related to the translation industry in Canada.
See the first topic here: http://www.proz.com/topic/88484 In this thread, ProZians from across Canada - Halifax, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver and several small towns - have discussed such Canadian topics as "title protection", the Translation Bureau, STIBC and the ATIA. Others have just stopped in to introduce themselves. If you are in Canada, you are invited to do the same!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (4) Conferencia ProZ.com en Montevideo, construyendo puentes hacia el mundo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Estimados ProZianos de Sudamérica y el mundo:
Con mucho placer anunciamos la próxima Conferencia Regional de ProZ.com a realizarse en Montevideo, Uruguay, los días 23 y 24 de agosto.
Con el lema “Construyendo puentes hacia el mundo”, este evento bilingüe castellano-inglés está destinado tanto a traductores experimentados como también a quienes recién se inician en este apasionante mundo. Contaremos con disertantes de Uruguay y de otras latitudes, quienes expondrán sobre la realidad idiomática mundial, las herramientas de traducción asistida por computadora, el profesionalismo interdisciplinario en la traducción, los medios de pago internacionales, y muchos otros temas de nuestro interés.
El evento será además una excelente ocasión para intercambiar impresiones y experiencias, participar y descubrir jutos que “sí, se puede”. Por supuesto que también habrá ocasión de pasear y conocer la ciudad, capital de Uruguay y del Mercosur. Y como broche de oro, el domingo 24 culmina con la Noche de la Nostalgia, la tradicional fiesta en la cual se bailan los temas de hoy y de siempre.
Para más información rogamos visitar la página http://www.proz.com/conference/23
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (5) Regionalna konferencja ProZ.com w Polsce ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Szanowni Państwo!
W imieniu ProZ.com oraz LSP Software Sp. z o. o. pragniemy zaprosić Państwa na konferencję "Rynek tłumaczeń i lokalizacji w Polsce". Odbędzie się ona w dniach 29-30 marca 2008r. w Warszawie.
Konferencja będzie okazją do dyskusji z przedstawicielami największych agencji tłumaczeń i doświadczonymi tłumaczami. Zaprezentowane zostaną najnowsze technologie, a większość sesji będzie mieć formę otwartą, umożliwiającą aktywny udział wszystkim uczestnikom. Jak sama nazwa wskazuje, konferencja będzie nastawiona na lokalny rynek, a wszystkie sesje przeprowadzone zostaną w języku polskim. Pragniemy zwrócić uwagę także na przystępną cenę konferencji i korzystne zniżki dla osób dokonujących rejestracji jeszcze w styczniu.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do rejestracji! Więcej szczegółów:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (6) Upcoming trainings: Bonn, Paris, Manchester, Zagreb ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
One of the most popular new services introduced last year was ProZ.com trainings. Members around the world took advantage of the reasonably priced offerings to advance their skills in tools and techniques related to the profession.
A number of trainings have already been scheduled for this year. In particular, a full array of sessions is planned for various CAT tools, including SDL Trados, Wordfast, Déjà Vu, Passolo and Multiterm. The sessions will be offered at both beginning and advanced levels, and venues have been booked in 10 countries so far. Here are a few upcoming venues and dates:
29: Bonn, Germany (6 slots available)
31: Paris, France FULL
31: Bonn, Germany (6)
1: Paris, France (2)
9: Manchester, UK (12)
11: Madrid, Spain FULL
14: Nice, France (8)
15: Barcelona, Spain (15)
16: Rome, Italy (6)
22: Zagreb, Croatia (5)
23: Würzburg, Germany (10)
24: Würzburg, Germany (10)
25: Utrecht, Netherlands FULL
26: Utrecht, Netherlands FULL
Spots are filling up quickly in some areas, so check now for the sessions in your area. More are listed on this page - and more will be added in the future, so check in periodically: http://www.proz.com/trainings
If you are an experienced trainer with references, and would be interested in offering a session in your area, please contact Leonardo with a support ticket: http://www.proz.com/support Or, if you would like a certain type of training in your area, you may send a request via the same channel.
Advertisement ------------------------------------ SDL Trados 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) is now available as a free download for all existing users of SDL Trados 2007. SP2 brings a host of new features, including support for additional file formats, improved quality assurance with QA Checker 2.0, Microsoft Word Spelling Checker 2.0, localized SDL Trados 2007 documentation, SDL MultiTerm 2007 SP1 and over 200 product updates designed to give enhanced user experience. Find out more about SDL Trados 2007 SP2 at http://www.translationzone.com/en/Products/SDLTrados2007/service-pack-2/default.asp ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (7) Update on willingness to work again (WWA) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In mid-2006, a new feature was announced that allows ProZ.com translators to display "Willingness to Work Again" (WWA) entries from satisfied clients in their profiles. The WWA feature has proven popular, and over 3,000 translators are now using the feature to add marketing impact to their profiles.
In light of the popularity of this feature, a new page will be created to provide a more convenient means of requesting and providing WWA entries. The page will give outsourcers a way to provide positive* feedback to several ProZ.com users at once, without the need to visit each profile separately. (* As stipulated in the initial announcement, still only positive feedback is possible.)
In another enhancement, functionality has been built into the Connect directory, allowing outsourcers to look specifically for translators who have WWA entries. This option, just released for feedback, has been tried by 10% of outsourcers, in 2% of their searches.
An announcement will be made in the forums when the new tool is released. In the meantime, to request WWA entries, check the upper right corner of your profile http://www.proz.com/profile to make sure you have selected "Show WWA" and then click on "Request entries".
In the "Invite WWA entries from outsourcers" area you can write the full or user name of outsourcers who have a profile or Blue Board record on the site or the email address of outsourcers who do not. There is an invitation message that you can edit to suit your preferences and a "Send invitation" button to send it.
Note that use of WWA functionality is optional. To opt out of participating in ProZ.com's feedback systems -- including WWA and the Blue Board -- go to: http://www.proz.com/?sp=profile&sp_mode=settings&sp_submode=withdraw_wwa
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (8) Profiles - keeping them up to date is good business ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Having a complete profile is one way to help ensure that you get the most out of your ProZ.com experience.
Consider thinking of your profile as a “shop window”, to be filled with the best you have to offer. The more complete and attractive your shop window, the more likely you are to appeal to new clients and new colleagues alike! A few minutes spent making sure your profile is complete can pay off for years to come.
To update your profile, go to: http://www.proz.com/quick_profile
This year, as always, ongoing improvements are planned for profiles. For example, new profile formats will be released for corporate members, and students. Enhancements to usability and appearance are also planned.
Of course, the data in profiles is only as useful as it is current. ProZ.com staff members will remind you up to three times during the coming year that keeping your profile up to date is good business for you (and also for the whole ProZ.com community.)
Once again, the link for updating your profile is here: http://www.proz.com/quick_profile
Advertisement ------------------------------------ NomaDesk® 2.0 collaboration solution enables translation professionals to effortlessly and securely share documentswith other project members.
Designed specifically for small, widely-dispersed teams, NomaDesk is quickly becoming the preferred collaboration solution for professional translators, worldwide.
NomaDesk is now offering a free trial to the first 1000 ProZ.com visitors.
Download your free trial now at NomaDesk.com:
http://www.nomadesk.com/ ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (9) January updates to ProZ.com Connect ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Connect is ProZ.com's next-generation platform for finding, qualifying, and managing data about language professionals. Access is a benefit of corporate membership.
The Connect team is pleased to kick off the new year with some new updates and enhancements, including:
* New search criteria (WWA, CVs, availability, complete profiles)
* Enhanced communication, job posting, directory features
* Improved vendor management integration
* New screencast about how to post a job
...and more. See the release announcement for details:
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Across Personal Edition For Freelance Translators - Join Now and Start Benefiting Immediately!
Get a universal editor for all popular document formats, direct access to the Language Server of your customers, a single installation to use across software as a server client AND as a standalone work station. No investment or update costs and no amortization risks - if you are a freelance translator you only have to register to get a free, unlimited license key (as well as free e-mail support via the across website if required).
http://www.across.net/en/3221.aspx ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (10) Enthusiastic response to ProZ.com event in Dortmund ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A ProZ.com regional event was held in Dortmund, Germany, featuring a full agenda of sessions of interest to translators, as well as enjoyable social events. The event, organized by Jerzy Czopik and Rebekka Gross, was scheduled around the Dortmund's famous Christmas Market.
The feedback was excellent. Member N.M. Eklund wrote, "... I really enjoyed getting to know the persons behind all those familiar names and meeting with 'old' friends again. Inspiring conversations, a friendly atmosphere and a program stuffed with interesting themes - what more can you ask for? I came back tired, but with a lot of ideas, impressions and positive energy. I look forward to the next conference already - wherever it may be..."
Member Gillian Scheibelein added: "... I really enjoyed the conference and came home tired and stuffed with facts and impressions. And we certainly achieved the 3 objectives - learning, networking and fun. "
To view the feedback thread with these comments, go to: http://www.proz.com/topic/90893
To review the details of the event and to see who attended, go to: http://www.proz.com/conference/13
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Unbelievable _50%-OFF_Sale_ of all the legendary AIT PM and word count products:
AnyCount, Translation Office 3000, and Projetex!
The secret link available for ProZ newsletter readers until February 29!
http://special.translation3000.com/aitproz Feel free to grab our _reasonably-priced_ terminology management products as well:
AnyLexic and AnyLexic Server, AcroLexic and WinLexic! Use the secret link above. ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (11) ProZ.com localized into Hebrew, Slovenian, Swedish, Arabic and Japanese ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Good news - the major areas of ProZ.com have now been localized into Hebrew, Slovenian, Swedish, Arabic and Japanese.
We owe this achievement to our localization teams, whose members are shown on the following pages:
Hebrew: http://www.proz.com/team/630 Slovenian: http://www.proz.com/team/676 Swedish: http://www.proz.com/team/520 Arabic: http://www.proz.com/teams/438 Japanese: http://www.proz.com/teams/514
With these additions, ProZ.com is now available in thirty-two (32) non-English languages.
Those who participate in these volunteer teams make ProZ.com even more user-friendly for professionals in the language industry worldwide.
Work continues with localization into new languages, and "maintenance" of languages already available. If you want to be part of the ProZ.com localization team in your language please, let us know by volunteering via the support system: http://www.proz.com/support
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Wordfast is the fastest Translation Memory tool on the market. With advanced features and a simple design, Wordfast has become the TM software of choice for over 13,000 translators, language service providers, corporations, and educational institutions worldwide. Download our trial version now at http://www.wordfast.com/store_download.html and see why critics choose Wordfast over the competition in 8 out of 8 categories including ease of use, value, and customer support. To subscribe to our mailing list and receive information about news and events as well as special offers send an email to [email protected]. ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (12) Upcoming powwows: Germany, Hungary, Egypt, Italy, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Powwows are free, informal events arranged by ProZ.com members living in a given area. They provide a great opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and socialize. Anyone can attend, and guests are welcome.
The following are the powwows already scheduled for the next 30 days. If you don't see an event in your area, you can propose one starting at this page: http://www.proz.com/?sp=event/powwow_board&show_mode=propose
2: Bayern, (19 members) http://proz.com/pw/1736 2: Budapest (19) http://proz.com/pw/1796 8: Baarn, Nether. (11) http://proz.com/pw/1808 9: Florence (3) http://proz.com/pw/1831 9: Bristol (13) http://proz.com/pw/1819 16: Shibin El-Kowm, Egypt (2) http://proz.com/pw/1802 16: Milano (1) http://proz.com/pw/1837 22: Newcastle (1) http://proz.com/pw/1832 23: Piemonte (18) http://proz.com/pw/1793 24: Донецьк, Ukraine (6) http://proz.com/pw/1829
7: Paris, (6) http://proz.com/pw/1835 8: Lyon (4) http://proz.com/pw/1825 24: On Skype, Australia (4) http://proz.com/pw/1826
For more powwows, see: http://www.proz.com/powwows
Advertisement ------------------------------------ Oleg Rudavin's book "Internet Freelancing: Practical Guide for Translators" is a comprehensive and systematic review of how best to utilize the Internet as a freelance translator.
Translators with years of freelance experience will learn a lot from it, and beginners will find answers to most of the questions they ask themselves.
For more information and to purchase please visit http://www.proz.com/books ------------------------------------
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (13) Ажурирање на Подготвеност за повторна соработка (ППС) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Во средината на 2006, беше објавена нова карактеристика која им овозможува на преведувачите на ProZ.com во своите профили да прикажат записи за „Подготвеност за повторна соработка“ (ППС) од задоволни клиенти. Карактеристиката ППС се покажа популарна и сега повеќе од 3,000 преведувачи го користат овој систем.
Сега, се подготвува нова страница која ќе обезбеди попрактичен начин за барање и давање на ППС записи. Оваа страница ќе им овозможи на нарачателите на услуги начин како да дадат позитивен одговор на неколку корисници на ProZ.com истовремено, без да го посетуваат секој профил одделно. Како што е наведено во првичното објавување, можен е само позитивен коментар.
Во еден друг обид за подобрување, функционалноста беше вградена во директориумот Поврзи се, што им овозможува на нарачателите на услуги да бараат само преведувачи со ППС записи. Оваа опција, направена само за коментари, ја испробале само 10% од нарачателите на услуги, во 2% од нивните пребарувања.
Соопштението ќе биде објавено на форумите кога ќе биде активирана новата алатка. Во меѓувреме, за да побарате ППС запис, проверете го горниот десен агол од вашиот профил http://www.proz.com/profile за да се осигурате дека сте избрале „Прикажи ППС“ и потоа кликнете на „Побарај записи“.
Во полето „Побарај ППС запис од нарачатели на услуги“ можете да го напишете целосното име или корисничкото име на нарачателите на услуги кои имаат профил или Blue Board запис на страницата, или адресата за е-пошта за нарачателите на услуги кои немаат. Постои порака за покана, која можете да ја уредувате соодветно на вашите желби и копче „испрати покана“, за да ја испратите истата.
Можете да забележите дека користењето на функцијата ППС е незадолжително. Доколку сакате да не бидете во системот за повратни информации на ProZ.com--вклучувајќи ги ППС и Blue Board -- посетете:
Tекстот го локализираше Габриела Николова http://www.proz.com/profile/62733
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (14) Améliorations apportées à la fonction WWA (Désir de retravailler) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Au cours de l’année 2006, nous avons développé une nouvelle fonction qui permet aux traducteurs de ProZ.com d'afficher dans leur profil les entrées WWA (willingness to work again – désir de retravailler) des clients satisfaits. Avec plus de 3000 traducteurs utilisant actuellement le système, la fonction WWA s’est avérée populaire.
Nous travaillons à présent à la création d'une nouvelle page, dont le but sera de faciliter les demandes et les entrées WWA. Cette page permettra aux donneurs d’ordre de livrer leurs impressions et leur feedback sur plusieurs utilisateurs de ProZ.com à la fois - plus besoin de consulter chacun des profils séparément pour faire une entrée. Comme précisé plus haut, seules les entrées positives seront encore possibles.
Dans le même souci de toujours améliorer la fonction, nous l’avons intégrée dans l’annuaire Connect, permettant ainsi aux donneurs d’ordre de rechercher de manière plus ciblée des traducteurs possédant des entrées WWA. 10 % des donneurs d’ordre ont déjà testé cette option, développée uniquement pour affiner les recherches par feedback, dans 2 % de leurs recherches.
La mise en place du nouvel outil sera annoncée dans les forums. En attendant, si vous désirez demander des entrées WWA, rendez vous sur votre profil (http://www.proz.com/profile) et, dans le coin supérieur droit, assurez-vous que l’option « Afficher le WWA » est bien cochée avant de cliquer sur « demander des entrées ».
Dans le cadre intitulé « Invitez des donneurs d’ordres à faire des entrées WWA », vous pouvez taper les noms complets ou les noms d’utilisateur des donneurs d’ordres qui disposent d’un profil ou d’un enregistrement au Blue Board. Vous y trouverez également un message d’invitation type, que vous pourrez modifier selon vos préférences, ainsi qu’une commande « envoyer l’invitation ».
Notons que l’utilisation de la fonction WWA est facultative. Si vous désirez quitter le système de feedback ProZ.com – la fonction WWA, tout comme le Blue Board – cliquez sur le lien suivant : http://www.proz.com/?sp=profile&sp_mode=settings&sp_submode=withdraw_wwa
Ce texte a été traduit en français par Anne Diamantidis http://www.proz.com/profile/62733
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (15) Aggiornamento sulla funzione WWA (Willingness to Work Again) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nel 2006 venne annunciata una nuova funzione chiamata WWA ovvero "Willingness to Work Again" ("Disponibilità a lavorare di nuovo"), che consente ai traduttori di ProZ.com di visualizzare nel proprio profilo i commenti dei propri clienti soddisfatti. La funzione WWA si è rivelata molto gradita e viene attualmente utilizzata da oltre 3000 traduttori.
Adesso abbiamo creato una nuova pagina che fornirà un metodo più conveniente per richiedere e per fornire commenti WWA. Questa nuova pagina darà modo ai committenti di fornire feedback positivo a diversi utenti ProZ.com nello stesso momento, senza bisogno di visitare separatamente ciascun profilo. Come dichiarato nell’annuncio iniziale, sarà possibile fornire solo feedback positivo.
Un ulteriore miglioramento è stato integrato nella sezione Connect, consentendo ai committenti di effettuare ricerche specifiche mirate ai traduttori che hanno ricevuto commenti WWA. Questa funzione, appena rilasciata allo scopo di ottenere feedback dagli utenti del sito, è stata provata dal 10% dei committenti nel 2% delle ricerche effettuate.
Nei forum verrà emesso un annuncio quando il nuovo strumento sarà disponibile. Nel frattempo, per richiedere l’inserimento di commenti WWA, controllate nell’angolo in alto a destra del vostro profilo http://www.proz.com/profile e verificate se avete selezionato l’opzione "Mostra WWA" e poi fate clic su "Richiedi commenti".
Nell’area "Invite WWA entries from outsourcers" ("Richiedi commenti WWA ai committenti") potete inserire il nome completo o il nome utente dei committenti che hanno un profilo in ProZ.com o un record nella Blue Board, oppure l’indirizzo e-mail in caso di committenti non iscritti a ProZ.com. Nella pagina indicata troverete un messaggio di invito, che potrete adattare come desiderate e che potrà essere inviato facendo clic sull’apposito pulsante.
Si rammenta che l’uso della funzione WWA è facoltativo. Per selezionare l’opzione di non partecipare al sistema di feedback di ProZ.com, che comprende WWA e BlueBoard, fate clic sul seguente link: http://www.proz.com/?sp=profile&sp_mode=settings&sp_submode=withdraw_wwa
Questo testo è stato localizzato in italiano da Gianfranco Manca http://www.proz.com/profile/12340
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (16) Ενημέρωση στην Πρόθεση περαιτέρω συνεργασίας (WWA) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Κατά το πρώτο εξάμηνο του 2006, μία νέα λειτουργία ανακοινώθηκε που επιτρέπει στους μεταφραστές μέλη του ProZ.com να προβάλλουν τις καταχωρήσεις στο «Πρόθεση περαιτέρω συνεργασίας» (WWA) από ικανοποιημένους πελάτες στο προφίλ τους. Η λειτουργία WWA είναι δημοφιλής, με πάνω από 3000 μεταφραστές να χρησιμοποιούν το σύστημα.
Τώρα μία νέα σελία θα δημιουργηθεί για να σας παρέχει ένα ευκολότερο μέσο αίτησης και παροχής αυτών των καταχωρήσεων WWA. Αυτή η σελίδα θα δίνει ένα μέσο στα γραφεία/πελάτες να παράσχουν τα σχόλιά τους για αρκετούς χρήστες του ProZ.com κάθε φορά, χωρίς να χρειάζεται να επισκέπτονται το κάθε προφίλ ξεχωριστά. Όπως ανακοινώθηκε αρχικά, μόνο θετικά σχόλια θα είναι δυνατόν να καταχωρηθούν.
Μία άλλη βελτίωση η λειτουργία έχει ενσωματωθεί στον κατάλογο Connect, επιτρέποντας στους πελάτες/γραφεία να βρουν ειδικά μεταφραστές με καταχωρήσεις WWA. Αυτή η επιλογή, που σχετίζεται με τα σχόλια, έχει δοκιμαστεί από 10% των πελατών/γραφείων, σε 2% των αναζητήσεών τους.
Θα γίνει ανακοίνωση στα φόρα όταν δοθεί το εργαλείο αυτό στο ευρύτερο κοινό. Εν τω μεταξύ, για να ζητήσετε καταχωρήσεις WWA, κοιτάξτε στην πάνω δεξιά γωνία του προφίλ σας http://www.proz.com/profile για να βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε επιλέξει το «Προβολή WWA» και έπειτα πατήστε το «Ζητήστε Εγγραφές».
Στο «Ζητήστε εγγραφές WWA από γραφεία/πελάτες» μπορείτε να γράψετε το πλήρες όνομα ή το όνομα χρήστη των γραφείων/πελατών που έχουν προφίλ ή καταχώρηση στο Blue Board στον ιστότοπο, ή, την διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου των γραφείων/πελατών που δεν έχουν. Έχετε στη διάθεσή σας ένα μήνυμα πρόσκλησης που μπορείτε να επιμεληθείτε για να το προσαρμόσετε στις προτιμήσεις σας και ένα κουμπί «Αποστολή πρόσκλησης» για να το στείλετε.
Ας σημειωθεί ότι η χρήση της λειτουργίας WWA είναι προαιρετική. Για να μην συμμετάσχεχτε στα συστήματα παροχής σχολίων του ProZ.com – συμπεριλαμβανομένων των WWA και Blue Board – μεταβείτε στο: http://www.proz.com/?sp=profile&sp_mode=settings&sp_submode=withdraw_wwa
Το κείμενο προσαρμόστηκε στα Ελληνικά από τη Βαλεντίνη Μελλά http://www.proz.com/profile/3447
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (17) Mejoras en la herramienta WWA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A mediados de 2006 se lanzó la herramienta WWA (del inglés “Willingness to Work Again”- “Disposición a Trabajar Nuevamente”), que le permite a los traductores registrados en ProZ.com mostrar en su perfil comentarios de clientes satisfechos con su trabajo. La herramienta WWA ha tenido una muy buena aceptación: más de 3.000 traductores están usando este sistema actualmente.
En este momento, estamos trabajando en la creación una página para solicitar y dejar comentarios WWA de manera más fácil. En esta página los compradores de servicios podrán realizar comentarios sobre varios usuarios de ProZ.com al mismo tiempo, sin necesidad de visitar cada uno de sus perfiles individualmente. Como siempre, los compradores de servicios seguirán teniendo la posibilidad de dejar comentarios positivos solamente.
Como parte de estas mejoras, también se ha agregado en el directorio Connect! la posibilidad de que los compradores de servicios filtren sus búsquedas a traductores que hayan recibido entradas WWA. Esta opción, que está siendo testeada por los usuarios de esta plataforma, ha sido usada por el 10% de los compradores de servicios del sitio en el 2% de sus búsquedas.
La implementación de esta nueva herramienta será anunciada en los foros. Por el momento, para invitar a un comprador de servicios a realizar un comentario sobre la experiencia de trabajo con usted, marque la casilla "Mostrar WWA" en la parte superior derecha de su perfil y luego haga clic en “Pedir entradas”.
En el área “Solicitar comentarios WWA de compradores de servicios” escriba el nombre completo de los compradores de servicios que tengan un perfil o Historial Blue Board en el sitio, o la dirección de correo electrónico de los clientes que no estén registrados en ProZ.com. Hay un mensaje de invitación, que usted podrá editar según sus preferencias, y un botón “Enviar invitación” para enviar la solicitud.
La utilización del sistema WWA es opcional. Si no desea participar en el sistema de comentarios de ProZ.com - incluyendo WWA y Blue Board - haga clic en este enlace http://www.proz.com/?sp=profile&sp_mode=settings&sp_submode=withdraw_wwa
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (18) ProZ.com на македонски ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Оваа и претходната статија се дел од првата локализирана содржина во нашиот билтен. Локализацијата ја прошируваме преведувајќи сé повеќе области од страницата, електронска пошта на ProZ.com и соопштенија на различни јазици.
За да го користите ProZ.com на македонски јазик, посетете: http://mac.proz.com , а македонскиот форум за дискусија можете да го посетите на http://www.proz.com/forum/416 Исто така, љубезно Ве покануваме да учествувате на нашиот петти натпревар за превод на вашиот јазичен пар на http://www.proz.com/contests
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (19) ProZ.com en français ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cet article, ainsi que le précédent, comptent comme première partie localisée de notre newsletter. Nous étendons nos efforts de localisation, en traduisant dans plusieurs langues toujours plus de parties du site, ainsi que les courriels venant de ProZ.com et les annonces.
Pour utiliser ProZ.com en français, cliquez sur le lien suivant : http://fra.proz.com, et n’hésitez pas à consulter le forum de discussion francophone à l’adresse http://www.proz.com/forum/25. Vous êtes de plus cordialement invités à participer au Cinquième Concours de Traduction dans votre ou vos paire(s) de langues ! Vous trouverez la page des Concours à l’adresse suivante : http://www.proz.com/contests.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (20) ProZ.com in italiano ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Il presente articolo e il precedente fanno parte della prima versione con contenuto localizzato della nostra newsletter. Stiamo intensificando gli sforzi per la localizzazione di altre aree del sito, con messaggi via e-mail e annunci da parte di da ProZ.com in diverse lingue.
Per usare ProZ.com in versione italiana, fate clic su: http://ita.proz.com; potete inoltre visitare il forum di discussione in italiano in http://www.proz.com/forum/26 Siete inoltre tutti invitati a partecipare al Quinto Concorso di Traduzione, nelle vostre combinazioni linguistiche, in http://www.proz.com/contests
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (21) ProZ.com στα Ελληνικά ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Το παρόν και προηγούμενα άρθρα αποτελούν τμήμα του πρώτου γλωσσικά προσαρμοσμένου περιεχόμενου των μηνιαίων ενημερώσεων. Επεκτείνουμε τις προσπάθειες για μετάφραση όλο και περισσότερων περιοχών του ιστότοπου, των μηνυμάτων ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου και ανακοινώσεων του ProZ.com σε διάφορες γλώσσες.
Για να χρησιμοποιήσετε το ProZ.com στα Ελληνικά μεταβείτε στο: http://ell.proz.com . Μπορείτε επίσης να επισκεφθείτε το φόρουμ Ελληνικών στο http://www.proz.com/forum/63
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (22) ProZ.com en español ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Este artículo y el anterior son parte del primer contenido localizado de nuestro newsletter. Estamos aumentando el contenido localizado del sitio, localizando nuevas áreas, correos electrónicos, notificaciones y anuncios del sitio en diferentes idiomas.
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