Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators

Translators in Taiwan

Translate and Enjoy

We are a translation team call AcuCom Translation. There're translators master in all kinds of field.
We also can provide different languanges paris, e.g. Ch-Jap, Jap-Ch, Ch-Korean, Korean-Ch, Ch-Germany, Germany- Ch, Ch-French, French- Ch etc.
Team language pairs 17
  • китайский => английский
  • китайский => французский
  • английский => китайский
  • французский => китайский
  • японский => китайский
  • китайский => японский
  • корейский => китайский
  • китайский => корейский
  • английский => китайский
Team leader
Haimi Lee (X)
Haimi Lee (X)
Law,Game,Tec, Finance, Mechanical,Market
Team Leader
It's Haimi Lee, I have been working as a freelance translators for more than 10 years. My goal is to lead our local expert team to provide better service and also, lead our team to accomplish their own dreams.