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Translator Boot Camp

Oct 1, 2013


Marketing basics for freelance translators

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Schedule:This session ended at 18:10

For non-marketers, the concept of marketing can be quite scary, obscure and vague. Still, marketing is a critical aspect of every business activity. In an hour, this webinar will provide you with some basic information about marketing concepts and strategies you can easily implement in your promotional activities to help you grow your business and target new prospects more effectively.

Specifically, we will cover the following:
  • What is marketing and why is it important for freelancers
  • Positioning: target market and target audience
  • Key principles of marketing communication
  • How to define your marketing objectives
  • Marketing kit: docs and their use

  • This session is part of the translator training series and was only available to live event attendees. To purchase access to this video please visit translator training.

    Speakers:Alessandra Martelli
    Alessandra Martelli is a freelance translator and copywriter working in the industry since 2002. Alessandra specializes in translation and copywriting projects in the fields of Marketing & Advertising, Market research and Tourism, and she is the “Italian voice” of some of the most important brands operating in the fields of luxury, B2B services, tourism and hospitality worldwide. Conference speaker and professional trainer, Alessandra provides hands-on actionable training to freelance translators willing to improve their skills both as professionals and as business owners. Twitter: @mtmtranslations

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    Discussion for Translator Boot Camp session (2013): Marketing basics for freelance translators
    Rita Menezes
    Rita Menezes  Identity Verified
    Local time: 02:28
    + ...
    Creating the need for translation? Oct 1, 2013

    Hello Alessandra,
    Do you believe we, translators, should create the need for translation? In other words, shall we present ourselves and our services to our (potential) clients as "something" they really need? If so, are there any efficient ways of doing that?
    Rita Menezes

    David Eduardo Rodríguez
    David Eduardo Rodríguez
    Local time: 23:28
    Creating the need for translation? Oct 1, 2013

    Rita Menezes wrote:

    Hello Alessandra,
    Do you believe we, translators, should create the need for translation? In other words, shall we present ourselves and our services to our (potential) clients as "something" they really need? If so, are there any efficient ways of doing that?
    Rita Menezes

    Id like to second that question, It would be interesting to know that. Is it worth it to take the time to offer your services to potential clients, one by one, even though they did not ask for it?

    Alessandra Martelli (X)
    Alessandra Martelli (X)  Identity Verified
    Local time: 03:28
    + ...
    Raising awareness is key Oct 1, 2013

    Hi Rita and Daniel,

    thank you for your question. I replied in the Q&A box, please let me know if you have any more questions about this.

    Kind regards,

    CRtranslation  Identity Verified
    Local time: 22:28
    + ...
    reading Q.A. Oct 1, 2013

    I was reading the question and answer part for more info and can't see it anymore...

    Alessandra Martelli (X)
    Alessandra Martelli (X)  Identity Verified
    Local time: 03:28
    + ...
    reading Q.A. Oct 1, 2013

    CRtranslation wrote:

    I was reading the question and answer part for more info and can't see it anymore...


    I'm still answering your questions, but there have been some minor glitches and answers might not show promptly. Please allow a few minutes and try to reload the page. Thank you.

    Alessandra Martelli (X)
    Alessandra Martelli (X)  Identity Verified
    Local time: 03:28
    + ...
    Thank you Oct 1, 2013

    Dear colleagues,

    thank you very much for attending Marketing basics for freelance translators, for your feedback and lively questions.

    I hope you found value within the session and that it would help you boost the effectiveness of your marketing activities. For further questions on the session please contact me via my website ( or Twitter (@mtmtranslations).

    Thank you agai
    ... See more
    Dear colleagues,

    thank you very much for attending Marketing basics for freelance translators, for your feedback and lively questions.

    I hope you found value within the session and that it would help you boost the effectiveness of your marketing activities. For further questions on the session please contact me via my website ( or Twitter (@mtmtranslations).

    Thank you again and happy marketing!

    [Edited at 2013-10-01 19:09 GMT]


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