Member since Oct '22

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English to Chinese
Chinese to English
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English (monolingual)

20 years working house of wordsmithery.

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Native in: Chinese (Variants: Traditional, Simplified) Native in Chinese
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我們煉文冶字已有十年金匱。我們業在創意有一旬歷史,念在磨丹奪赤、專於落筆驚謬思。 We have been transmuting words into gold for over a decade. We deliver creativity with the Midas touch.
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Copywriting, Interpreting, Website localization, Language instruction, Subtitling, Editing/proofreading, Transcription, Native speaker conversation, Training, Voiceover (dubbing)
Specializes in:
Poetry & LiteraturePrinting & Publishing
Cinema, Film, TV, DramaPhotography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Media / MultimediaSlang
Internet, e-CommerceNames (personal, company)
Idioms / Maxims / SayingsManagement

Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to Chinese - Rates: 0.09 - 0.17 USD per word / 34 - 40 USD per hour / 0.45 - 0.60 USD per audio/video minute
Chinese to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.17 USD per character / 34 - 40 USD per hour / 0.45 - 0.60 USD per audio/video minute
Chinese - Rates: 0.09 - 0.17 USD per character / 34 - 40 USD per hour / 0.45 - 0.60 USD per audio/video minute
English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.17 USD per word / 34 - 40 USD per hour / 0.45 - 0.60 USD per audio/video minute

Conditions apply
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 7
English to Chinese: A passage from Rachel Carson's The Sea Around Us
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English
“The sea lies all about us. The commerce of all lands must cross it. The very winds that move over the lands have been cradled on its broad expanse and seek ever to return to it. The continents themselves dissolve and pass to the sea, in grain after grain of eroded land. So, the rains that rose from it return again in rivers. In its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life and receives in the end, after, it may be, many transmutations, the dead husks of the same life. For all at last returns to the sea—Oceanus, the ocean river, like the ever-flowing stream of time, the beginning and the end."
Translation - Chinese

English to Chinese: Relationship to Nature (p. 198-199) from Human Dynamics: A New Framework for Understanding People and Realizing the Potential in Our Organizations
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English
'The shape of white pine trees, the way they all twist around to point east, the clumps of moss so green and soft, the texture of the rocks, the way they change in color. If you look at the ground through a lens, it looks like a cluster of jewels.

'Sunlight sparkling on the waves like diamonds on a blue cloth. The sound of the wind in the pines. The water lapping on the shore. The smell of jupiter and chives. The song of the white throat sparrow, the Canada bird, the calls of the loon. The way the clouds go puffy along the horizon. The scent of hot rocks juxtaposed with the scent of water.

'Cardinal flowers, white water lilies, little white violets in early spring, the wild iris in early summer. The frogs twanging in the ponds at night, the grinding call of the bull frogs. The sound a canoe paddle makes lifting up from the water when it’s calm. The triple and gurgle of water under the keel when you’re sailing. It sort of chuckles along. The wild roses, the lacy froth of cherry blossom in the spring, the emerald tufts of grass growing along cracks in the rock in June and early July, the same pale gold later on. The shapes of the islands and the rocks, the way they curl and twist. The channels between the islands.

'The herons, gulls, and terns. Shapes and textures of leaves and branches. The lichens and fungus. The sound of water on the shore. The arrangement of the rocks along the shore of the bay, like a country in miniature. I remember once going across the bay in winter. It had been very calm when it froze and the ice was very clear and you could see down to the bottom. There were great long cracks and the ice was gulping and moaning. It was all right because you could see the ice was over a foot thick, but it felt weird. Another year we came and there was snow on the ice and little frost curls like feathers all over. It seemed sad to walk on them and destroy them. When the water is frozen it’s so quiet, the stillness is uncanny. If it’s a calm day with no wind, there’s no water noise, and that seems abnormal.

'In summer there‘s always the sound of the water and the wind. The clouds are wonderful in winter. There’s an amazing variety of color like great piled up bruises; greens and grays and yellows. I suppose the seasons really have their own colors there. The winter is green and white. Spring is blue and green. Deep blue. Light greens and dark greens. As summer moves toward fall it becomes gold and green and pale blue. When the autumn is well under way it’s deep blue and green. Sometimes there are the northern lights and they can be magnificent. They pulse, wax, and wane. Sometimes they go around the whole sky. The stars are wonderful. So many, so bright and clear. In June there are fireflies darting about. Little flecks of light pulsing and fading. In August there are shooting stars.

'One of the best sensations is swimming and felling the water ripple over your skin like cool silk. Nothing between you and the water. Follow that with lying on smooth, warm granite and letting the warm air dry you.

'The wonderful quality of the light at dusk. The sun is getting low and bathes everything with a purple gold mantle. It’s just magical. It’s so rich. If you have the right kind of clouds at sunset, usually a mackerel sky, it will just incandesce in crimson. Beautiful. The blue fades to gray. . . . '” (Relationship to Nature, p. 198-199)
Translation - Chinese







1. 范仲淹《岳陽樓記》:「上下天光,一碧萬頃;沙鷗翔集,錦鱗游泳;岸芷汀蘭,郁郁青青;而或長煙一空,皓月千里;浮光耀金,靜影沉壁。」
2. 蘇軾《赤壁賦》:「桂棹兮蘭槳,擊空明兮溯流光。」
3. 《詩經.蒹葭》:「溯游從之,宛在水中泜。」李白《登金陵鳳凰臺》:「三山半落青天外,二水中分白鷺洲。」崔顥《黃鶴樓》:「晴川歷歷漢陽樹,芳草萋萋鸚鵡洲。」
4. 蘇軾《赤壁賦》:「如怨如慕,如泣如訴,餘音裊裊,不絕如縷。」
5. 李白《贈汪倫》:「桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪倫送我情。」
6. 李商隱《無題》:「春蠶到死絲方盡,蠟炬成灰淚始乾。」
7. 李煜《浪淘沙》:「春意闌珊。羅衾不耐五更寒,夢裡不知身是客,一晌貪歡。」
8. 柳永《雨霖鈴》:「念去去、千里煙波,暮靄沉沉楚天闊。」
9. 李商隱《登樂遊原》:「夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。」
English to Chinese: The Bridge Builder by Will Allen Dromgoole
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English
An old man going a lone highway,
Came in the evening, cold and gray,
To a chasm vast, both deep and wide.
The old man crossed in the twilight dim,
The swollen stream was as naught to him,
But he stopped when safe on the farther side,
And built a bride to span the tide.
'Old man,' said a fellow pilgrim near,
'You are wasting your strength in labor here,
Your journey will end with the closing day,
You never again will pass this way,
You’ve crossed the chasm deep and wide,
Why build you this bridge at eventide?'
The laborer lifted his old gray head,
'Good friend, in the path I have come,'
he said,
'There followeth after me today,
A youth whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm which has been naught to me,
To that young man may a pitfall be.
He, too must cross in the twilight dim,
Good friend, I am building this bridge for
Translation - Chinese

Chinese to English: 自傳詩 The opening poem I wrote in my autobiography
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Chinese
Translation - English
"A cause of opportunity is to me a common vista
that everywhere is a working-house of thought,
everything a long preparation for more, every man
my brethren of wisdom best in sort."
--Autobiographical poem
English to Chinese: Passages from Human Dynamics: A New Framework for Understanding People and Realizing the Potential in Our Organizations
General field: Social Sciences
Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English
“Pain in the area of the solar plexus may not be a symptom of a physical disorder, therefore, but might more accurately be regarded as a call for emotional and spiritual healing. … This process involves tracking the chain of memories of rejection, including those from earliest childhood, and attempting to understand them clearly and objectively. It involves distinguishing between actual, intentional rejection and one’s assumptions that rejection was intended; … Finally, it involves forgiveness—forgiveness of oneself and others for intended or unintended transgressions. Through such a process, the stored feelings and the physical pain triggered by them can be released” (The Body as Messenger, p. 132).

“Emotional-subjective people know when they have found the right words to express their feelings—they feel a flood of relief, and their bodies relax” (The Need for Processing, p. 134).

“The intuitive gift of emotional-subjective people seems to take two forms. The fist is in relation to people: they sense when unspoken thoughts or feelings lie behind the words in a communication. They may register the signal so strongly that they feel it physically—perhaps literally as a “gut reaction” (Intuitive Sensibility: “I Just Know!”, p. 123).
Translation - Chinese


Chinese to English: 觀摩影片「走過」翻譯 Translation of the script of the demonstration film Passage for Renoir School
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Chinese

旅行的途中 我們常被問到

這麼難的路 好厲害
一直一直一直往上爬 直到受不了了 我終於大哭 哭完 還是繼續上路 (喆)

凌晨三點半起床 摸黑上路
雖然早起 我卻不覺得白費 因為頭一抬 天空滿是星星 是我有生以來看過最美麗的星空 (元)

終於攻頂了 累和不開心的事情完全不見了 這就是攻頂的力量嗎 (俊銘)

抵達山屋已是晚上十一點 阿寶嚮導問我 會不會後悔堅持要攻頂 我想都沒想的回答 不會 (汶)


幾度憶起登頂時懷抱的熱情 所承受的疲累與困難 雖然需要極大的勇氣去面對 但只要跨過去 迎向我們的 便是超越自己的里程碑 (熙)

一趟又一趟 回到出發的地方 我找到更堅強的自己 (亭)

一次一次的 裝滿信心回來
你從哪裡來 要到哪裡去
什麼是起點 什麼是終點
一趟一趟 從心出發 回到內心
每一趟結束 是為了下一個開始
對未來 我充滿了期待

感謝這一切的 走過

人生沒有挑戰哪叫人生 (弘)

不要看到難就停下腳步 一定都要 嘗試過 (曦)

挑戰只是在快要放棄時 再堅強地跨出一步 (之)

擁抱 每個 走過
這些精心包裝的禮物 讓我看見 我是誰
讓我勇敢前往 下一個起點

Translation - English

From where did you come?
--a question too often asked on our journey.

“Such a tough route you chose; yet such a good work you have done!”
Often remarked the passersby.
I kept climbing up, until couldn’t do more, and finally I cried. Cried, I still moving on.

Waking up at 3:00 am, we moved on in pitch dark.
Despite such an early wake, I felt it's worth it, because when I looked up, where the stars are crowded, I saw the most beautiful night sky ever in my life.

At last we reached the top! Fatigue and depression all cleared out—is this the strength inspired by summitting?

It was already eleven at night when we arrived at the cabin. The guide A-Bao asked me if I’ve ever regretted insisting on reaching the top, to which, without a second thought, I answered: “Not a bit.”

To where are you going?

Many times in recalling the excitement in reaching the top, it came to me that it had taken us enormous courage to take on all the exhaust and hardships. Nevertheless if stepped across them, we would meet the milestones where we surpass ourselves.

Coming back and back again to the departing point, I found a stronger self.

Again and again, with sureness we came back.
From where come you, going back to where?
What is to begin, and what is end?
Time after time, heart travels to return to mind.
Every arrival is the preparation for the next fly.
The days awaits, thus eyes alight.

Appreciations are devoted to every passages.

Life is not life without challenges.

Don’t stop before obstacles. There are attempts to be made.

A challenge is another persistent stride before giving up.

Embracing each journeys--
these exquisite passages, which exhibited my very self—
I dared to move on to the next departure.
Chinese to English: 觀摩影片「走路絲路上」翻譯 Translation of the script of the demonstration film On the Silk Road for Renoir School
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - Chinese

初冬 在兩千公里外 我們 相伴而行

跟隨 張騫的腳步 從長安城出發

西安 天水 蘭州 武威 張掖 嘉峪關 敦煌 再返回長安

這是一趟 與古老靈魂相遇的旅程

走在「歷史的路」上 看著無垠的沙漠 古老的城牆 彷彿搭乘時光機回到過去

與商人 駝隊 旅人 並肩同行 (恩)

朝代興衰更迭 不同時空的人們在此添上色彩 鼎沸的人潮從未散去 愛熱鬧的靈
魂行走在你我之間 (媗)

這是一趟 與自己相遇的旅程

不著痕跡 沒有預期 旅行就是這樣 在一點一點地累積中 發現自己 正在改變 (沁)

這更是一趟 心與心和解 的旅程

世界紛亂的同時 人們求的反而是心靈上的平靜

徜徉在歷史古城中 令人平靜的力量 彷彿穿越時空與我心靈交流 糾纏已久的卡點 突然就這麼想通了 (瑪)

有些事情要經歷過才會深刻 例如「遲到事件」 我了解到 「沒有責備壓力更大」 「每個人都是一顆螺絲釘」 所以要更嚴肅地看待自己的生活態度 不再自以為是 (博)

「丟護照事件」讓我發現大家成長了好多 誰都有可能掉東西 想成是自己 肯定自責更多 所以 不如伸手 幫人一把 (弘 芸)

我很討厭拍照 也很討厭別人提到”新移民” 但是因為夥伴 因為團隊任務 這一趟旅行 我變得喜歡拍照了 也能忍住敏感的聯想 我 有些不一樣了 (熾)

溫柔也好 勇敢也好
這趟旅行 彷彿讓我們穿過波濤洶湧的海面 找到靜坐海床 原來如是的自我

三千六百公里的旅程 見證 我們的十三歲


謹以此片 獻給 幫助我們完成此行的人 謝謝你 讓我們體驗 生命的豐盛與美好
Translation - English
On the Silk Road

Early winter, two thousand kilometers away,

together we trailed Zhang Qian’s footsteps, setting off from Chang'an,

across Xi An, Tianshui, Lanzhou, Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiayuguan, Dunhuang and back to Chang'an again.

It is an encounter with the ancient souls.

On the “road of history”, furthering horizon to the endless desert and the old city-walls, as if traveled to the past,

where we made our way through merchants, camels, and visitors.

Dynasties faded in and out, their different people blending a spectrum, the hustle and bustle never stopped haunting, ghosts busying walking by us.

It is a journey to meet myself.

Traceless, unexpecting—what is traveling—the accumulating change of self that I discovered.

It is more like a heart’s journey to reconciliate with mind.

Amidst chaos, we instead ask spiritual calmness.

In the flow of the ancient city, found is the tranquil power, which penetrated the barricades of time and communicated with my spirit, so the long stifled mind suddenly got freed.

There are something insightful only when experienced, for instance the “being-late incident”, in which I realized “the lack of criticism makes more self-blame”, and “everyone is a crucial screw in a crew”. So one should take on a more genuine attitude toward life, being no longer self-centered.

The “losing-passport incident” had made me discover everyone grew up a lot. Everyone may lose things, which if happens to me, would have brought me more guilt, so why not lend a helping hand to anyone in need?

I had been afraid of camera, and any remarks of the “new immigrants”. Yet encouraged by my companions, and challenged by the group tasks on the trip, I have grown fond of photographing, and become able to hold sensitive overthinking—I, have become different.

Of tender, or courage,
this journey, as though through the stormy foam of sea, carried us to the seabed, where the original self rests.

Over three thousand and six hundred kilometers, the 13th year of our lives is sincerely a voyage to behold.

Heart does transcend time,
Yours in mine without strive.

The film is dedicated to all of those who have contributed to the journey. Thank you, you who had made real our experience of fullness and marvel of life.

Translation education Master's degree - The University of Melbourne
Experience Years of experience: 5. Registered at Apr 2021. Became a member: Oct 2022. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Newsleopard
CV/Resume English (PDF)

"A cause of opportunity is to me a common vista that everywhere is a working-house of thought, everything a long preparation for more, every-man my brethren of wisdom best in sort."

I'm a freelancer who headquarters in the creativity's embassy in this knowledge world.

Please visit our portfolio website to learn more:

1. Localization specialist in translation, SEO, branding, and marketing.

2. Former International Project Manager and Instructor at PsyKe.

3. Headhunted by Google and Valoso.

-「Studio WKL |走吻學工作室」創辦者及主撰。該工作室由16位參與者共作,來自不同領域如神經科學、美學和自由記者。
4. Founder and writer of Studio WKL, a creative collab with 16 participants from a plexus of fields, e.g., neurology, aesthetics and journalism.

5. I backpacked in Australia for over two years, and I friended 232 people from 39 countries in a short time, did 11 jobs, made 1530 USD/wk (<40 working hrs), traveled 400,000 km, stayed in 24 places, and hosted parties joined by over 40 international backpackers.


About Studio WKL

我是Studio WKL的創辦人兼作家。Studio WKL是專業文字工作室,我們以造字工藝錘鍊影響力。
I'm the founder and lead writer of studio WKL, a professional workhouse of wordsmiths who deliver solutions and style.

Studio WKL is a group of writers, artists and professionals with transdisciplinary and multicultural backgrounds. We specializes in translation, branding and storytelling.

We have been transmuting words into gold for over a decade. With rich experience in the creative industry, we deliver commissions with the Midas touch.

Please visit our portfolio website to learn more:

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects9
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
English to Chinese3
Chinese to English1
Specialty fields
Poetry & Literature6
Human Resources1
Advertising / Public Relations1
Education / Pedagogy1
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama1
Marketing / Market Research1
Tourism & Travel1
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)1
Other fields
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion2
Environment & Ecology1
Food & Drink1
Automation & Robotics1
Keywords: Chinese, English, translation, localization, seo, search engine optimization, literature, art, aesthetic, style. See more.Chinese, English, translation, localization, seo, search engine optimization, literature, art, aesthetic, style, interpretation, marketing, business, psychology, travel, script, writing, book, video. See less.

Profile last updated
Nov 3, 2023

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