Localization in the world of gaming (podcast)

Source: Moravia
Story flagged by: Jared Tabor

Localization in the gaming industry is no easy game to play. Diverse brand loyalties, distinct player preferences, cultural differences, hard-to-spot subtleties, and a host of other issues make it essential to approach gaming localization as strategically—and accurately—as possible.

But what makes the difference between a good supplier of gaming localization and one that is mediocre at best? How do gaming companies select the right localization partner? And where do some translators and LSPs fall short?

These are just a few of the questions discussed in the latest Globally Speaking podcast—an episode that focuses entirely on the specific needs of the gaming industry.

Hosts Renato Beninatto and Michael Stevens interview Andy Johnson, who is the Principal Program Manager at NSI, Inc. and has worked in the field of gaming localization since 1991. And a lot of what he has to say might surprise you.

Among the most important issues discussed are:

  • How games and the gaming industry itself have both changed in recent years
  • How gaming companies determine what languages will or will not be profitable for localization purposes
  • Why localizing content across the board isn’t the right solution in many games
  • How do gaming companies use big data to drive localization decisions?

Listen to the podcast >>

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