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Danish丹麦语译成English英语 法律:合同 Translation Glossary

Danish丹麦语 term English英语 translation
giver tillige med de ovenfor In addition to the provision mentioned above.... also provides
jf. BRL § 15 a stk. 2. cf. s.15 a (2) = subs. 2 of the Danish Housing Act
løsøreeffekter chattels
rent skilsmis separation of property in case of separation or divorce only
(sæt x) (mark with 'x')
accessoriske enkeltværelser attached bedsitters / single rooms
adcitere eller medindstævne give third-part notice (or serve summons on)
afkald waive the right to
afståelsesret right of assignment
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
Aftale fravigelser Contract deviations
aftalepraksis contractual practices
aftalesedler agreed penalties
Entered by: Helen Johnson
agtpågivenhed Attention / alertness
alene med with the sole
almindeligt vanhjemmelsansvar general liability for breach of warranty (co. shares)/of covenant (land)/ of title
anfordringsgældsbrev (gen) bond redeemable on demand; (spec.) IOU/debt instrument payable on demand
anlægssum acquisition cost
Entered by: Helen Johnson
Anmelder notifying party / applicant
anvist til transferred to
Arbejdsretlige labor/labour(UK)
Entered by: Lise Leavitt
at'er changes // additions
§ 5 stk. 2 section 5, subsection 2
Entered by: Maria Rosich Andreu
Æ G T E P A G T Prenuptial agreement
begærer næværende files the present marriage settlement with the registration office at the Aalborg court
begunstigede minor beneficiaries; (vested) with a beneficial interest
benyttedes til erhvervslejeformål used for business purposes
berigtigelse completion
Entered by: Christine Andersen
Berigtigende advokat settlement lawyer
bevillingsmæssig hjemmel license and authorisation; funding adopted
Entered by: Christine Andersen
bevissikring secure the evidence
billet-indtægter (proceeds from) ticket sales
blandede lejemål mixed-use lettings/tenancies
bodsberegning calculation of penalty
bodsbestemmelse penalty clause
boende resident
bundet til anden side Is not bound by any other commitment
Entered by: Helen Johnson
By- og Boligministeriet Town and Housing Ministry
Center for Jura og Udbud Center/Centre for Law and Public Procurement/leave untranslated
Entered by: Helen Johnson
Danske Finansieringsselskabers Forening The Association of Danish Finance Houses
Entered by: Helen Johnson
dækning cover / coverage
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