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Dutch荷兰语译成English英语 金融(普通) Translation Glossary

Dutch荷兰语 term English英语 translation
fiatstelsel approval system
Telfactor calculation factor
"(interne) opdrachtgever" (internal) client
'in min' on the liabilities side
(deze brief) als niet verzonden beschouwen please disregard this letter.
Entered by: Michael Beijer
(een cheque) in verzet plaatsen block a cheque (US: check)
(geld)telcentrale cash counting centre/center
(kas)cheque guaranteed cheque
0/00 per thousand
aanbiedingscontract contract proposal, contract offer
aandelenrisicopremie equity risk premium
aanrekening op het kapitaal ... the full purchase price [of the shares] being charged / debited to capital
aansluitingsberekeningen reconciliation costs
Aanvalsplan witte vlek strategy to remedy the gap in provision
abstracte afroepgarantie abstract standby guarantee
actieve belastingslatenties deferred tax assets
activa en passiva met elkaar in overeenstemming brengen balance assets and liabilities
Activeren en inactiveren van kosten Capitalise and expense (project) income and costs
afboeking van saldo writing off the balance / charging the balance to the reserve(s)
afboekingen write-offs
Entered by: Hans Geluk
afdekken hedge
afgekocht middels consignatie bought out / commuted through [sale on] consignment
aflossingsvrije hypotheek interest-only (home) loan
afmijning (succesful) bid at a public auction
afname van winstbestanddelen decrease in profit components [partially or wholly tax exempt or deductible]
afrekenmuntsoort settlement currency
Afschrijvingen en waardeverminderingen, voorzieningen, uitgestelde belastingen Depreciation and amortization, reserves, and deferred taxes.
afstemmen met co-ordinating / co-ordination with (other departments)
Afwijkend percentage bijtelling auto 1 Different percentage additional (tax) liability (company) car 1
agenderingsrecht Right to add agenda items
al dan niet met een kleine + sometimes with a small mark-up
Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling Organization with ANBI status (in the Netherlands)
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
als eigen vermogen gestort op de aandelen in het aandelenkapitaal XXX paid in ZZZ in the form of equity on the shares acquired in the share capital of YYY
annuïtaire aflossing annuity repayment, annuity redemption, redemption/repayment on an annuity basis
anonimiseringstraject anonymization process
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
apparatieve automated
arrangementnummer scheme [identification] number
à at/@
Entered by: James Armel Smith
baliestorting OTC deposit/transaction
bank- en spaarbrieven bank and savings bonds
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