Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Glossary of most common military terms
A dictionary with words and expressions you might come across while reading articles about the Swedish military system and regiments during the day of the Allotment System (1682 - 1901).
The DOD Dictionary and the Joint Acronyms and Abbreviations master data base are managed by the Joint Doctrine Division, J-7, Joint Staff. All approved joint definitions are contained in Joint Publication 1-02, "DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. As amended through 08 August 2006.NATO TERMS/ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS
MILVOC Wörterbuch militärischer Begriffe
Eidg. Departements für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport (VBS) |
German > English glossary of military terms, 146 pages.
Glossary of military terms and acronyms.
Provides translation into Spanish of military terms.
A glossary in English-Spanish of Military Terms was designed to provide individuals with a complete and accurate resource for researching the acronyms and terminology of the United States Armed Forces. With 23580 words in its database, offers visitors access to an extremely large and detailed collection of military terminology. New words, phrases, and acronyms are being... View more
Glossary of Army's Services
Hellenic Army Language School |
Downloadable WORD document
Military Terms & Slang from the Vietnam War
The Sixties Project |
A complete glossary of military terms & slang from the Vietnam War
This glossary contains hundreds of German terms related to the armed forces of Germany during the WWII era. This glossary has been compiled from numerous sources and was written especially with the military historian in mind. (By the author Jason Pipes)