Japanese译成English位笔译译员和口译译员 » General fields

Japanese译成English技术/工程设计译员 (0)
Japanese译成English艺术/文学译员 (0)
Japanese译成English医学译员 (0)
Japanese译成English法律/专利译员 (0)
Japanese译成English科学译员 (0)
Japanese译成English商务/金融译员 (0)
Japanese译成English市场开发译员 (0)
Japanese译成English其它译员 (0)
Japanese译成English社会科学译员 (0)

Japanese译成English位笔译译员和口译译员 » Specific fields

Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 会计 (974)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 广告/公共关系
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 航天/航空/太空
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 农业
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 家畜/动物繁殖
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 人类学
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 考古学 (225)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 建筑学 (520)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 艺术、工艺品、绘画
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 天文学与太空 (361)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Asylum/Migration/Displacement (554)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 金融(普通)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 自动化与机器人
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 汽车制造/轿车与卡车 (1748)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 生物学(生物技术、生化、微生物)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies (562)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 植物学 (315)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 建筑/土木工程
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 商务/商业(普通)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 材料(塑料、陶瓷等)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 证书、毕业证、执照、个人简历 (781)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 化学;化学/化工
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 诗词与文学
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 影院、影片、电视、戏剧 (2581)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 纺织/服装/时装
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Comics/Manga/Graphic novels
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 电信
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 电脑(总称) (2506)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 电脑:硬件 (1369)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 电脑:软件 (2413)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 电脑:系统、网络
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 法律:合同
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 烹饪/美食
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 化妆品、美容 (1160)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 医学:牙科
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 媒体/多媒体
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 经济学 (1211)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 教育/教育学
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 电子/电子工程
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 能源/发电
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 工程(总称)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 工程:工业
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 机械/机械工程 (1120)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 核能/核子科学
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 环境与生态
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 秘术
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 渔业
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 民间故事 (719)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 食物与饮料
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 林业/林木/木材 (186)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 家具/家用电器
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Gambling/Casino/Bets (8)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 游戏/视频游戏/博彩/赌场 (2480)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 采矿与矿物/宝石
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 家谱 (85)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 普通/谈话/问候/信函
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 遗传学 (762)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 地理学 (363)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 地质学
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 政府/政治
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 摄影/影像(及美术)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 医疗:医疗服务
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 历史
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 旅游与旅行
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 人力资源 (1200)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Human rights
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 成语/格言/熟语
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 保险 (475)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 国际组织/开发/合作
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 互联网、电子商务
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 投资/证券 (688)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 冶金/冶炼
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: IT(信息技术)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 新闻学 (1217)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 房地产
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 法律(总称)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 法律:专利、商标、版权
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 法律:税与海关
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: LGBTQ
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Linguistic evaluation/cognitive debriefing
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 语言学 (1789)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 运输/交通/货运
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 管理 (1251)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 制造业
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 船只、航行、海运
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Market Research
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 营销/市场调研
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Massages/Reflexology
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 数学与统计
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 医疗(总称)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 医学:心血管学
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 医疗:器械
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Medical: Oncology (40)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 医疗:医药
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 气象学 (61)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 计量学 (105)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 军事/国防 (322)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 音乐
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 名字(人名、公司名)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 营养 (657)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 石油能源/石油科学
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 其它 (665)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 纸/造纸 (163)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 专利
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 哲学
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 物理学 (378)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 印刷与出版
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 心理学
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 宗教
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 零售业
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 安全 (813)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Safety Data Sheets/Regulations
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: SAP (238)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 科学(普通) (1227)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 俚语 (748)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 社会科学、社会学、伦理学等
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 体育/健身/娱乐 (1010)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 问卷调查 (428)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Veterinary (4)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Waste management/Waste disposal/Recycling
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: Water resources management (4)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 葡萄酒/酿酒学/葡萄栽培 (286)
Japanese译成English位笔译译员: 动物学

Japanese译成English translators and interpreters

关于会籍栏 ProZ.com Member Profile Keywords Native Language
KudoZ Points
(in pair)
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Identity Verified   cinefil
発電機据え付け、光ファイバー海底ケーブル敷設、クラシックバレエ技法、映画史、ガス液化プラント工事、スチームボイラー据え付け工事、短波ラジオ放送局リハビリテーション、神話・シンボル、フランス語圏アフリカ、養鶏、医療機器メンテナンス ... Japanese
4492 points
Identity Verified   Yuki Okada
  Engineering translator
engineering, electrical, electronics, semiconductor, technical, manual, software, translation, interpretation 翻訳, 通訳, 技術, 工学, 電気, 電機, 電子工学, 半導体, マニュアル, ソフトウェア ... Japanese
1819 points
Identity Verified   David Patrick
  Professional, punctual translations
Japanese, English, 日本語, 英語, 医学, medical, 法律, legal, 金融, finance, marketing, マーケティング ... English
1190 points
Identity Verified   casey
  Japanese to English business translation
Japanese, English, localization, website, press release, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, Japan, USA, United States, business, correspondence, documents ... English
823 points
Identity Verified   Nobuo Kawamura
  professional translator since 2001
Legal contract, industrial machjinery, precision instrument, automobile, health care, medical equipment, cosmetics, finance, insurance, investment politics, history, tourism, advertisement, media, press release ... Japanese
483 points
Identity Verified   Katalin Horváth McClure
  Expert: high-tech, software, engineering
Japanese, English, Hungarian, software, hardware, electrical engineering, electronics, instrument control, quality, QA, test, measurement, technical support, customer training, website development, writing articles, web localization, software localization, database localization, localization, editing, proofreading, interpreting, marketing materials, presentations, IT, information technology, TRADOS, Framemaker, Adobe, PDF, MENSA, user manual, help file, japán, angol, magyar, fordító, fordítás, szoftver, hardver, villamosmérnök, műszeres vezérlés, elektronika, elektromos műszerek, minőségirányítás, minőségellenőrzés, minőségbiztosítás, támogatás, ügyféloktatás, fejlesztés, cikkek, lokalizáció, honosítás, adatbázis, adatbázisok, lektorálás, tolmács, tolmácsolás, reklám, előadások, információ, információtechnológia, informatika, informatikus, kézikönyv, súgó, tankönyv, tananyag ... Hungarian
435 points
Identity Verified   Kayoko Kimura
  PhD & DVM, 35+ years exp. in sciences
clinical trial, informed consent, protocol, adverse event, manual, immunology, physiology, Veterinary medicine, animal science, pharmacology, toxicology, clinical science, chemistry, analytical chemistry, nutrition, health, science, feed, vitamin, mineral, dairy cattle, pigs, dogs, software, physiology, education, special education service, safety, SDS, food, pharmaceutical, medical record, ... Japanese
298 points
Identity Verified   Harry Oikawa
  Business Communication Expert
Japan, Japanese, English, translation, translator, interpreter, documentation, business document, commercial document, publication, business, business planning, marketing management, product management, business process, standardisation, electronics, consumer electronics, PR, brochure, technical document, manual, engineering, mechanical, IT, computer, PC, hardware, software, network, technology, ERP, SCM, CRM, change management, information, financial, accounting, TAX, contract, agreement, certification, ... Japanese
291 points
Identity Verified   Kara ph.D.
  Pharmacist & Bio Researcher
biotechnology, bioengineering, pharmacist, acdemic articles, regulatory application, バイオ, 遺伝子操作, 薬剤師, 論文, 薬事申請 ... Japanese
247 points
Identity Verified   Mami Yamaguchi
  wordfully, naturally and accurately
Material Safety Data Sheet, chocolate, Europe tour, amino acid, brain research, science, nature, neuroscience, technical translation, DNA, medical report, medical field, psychiatry, physiology, psychology, library, electrophysiological, Shiseido, dispensor, psychometrics, resort, psychological test, education, health service, cosmetics, clinical history, case paper, English to Japanese, marketing, biochmical, homepage, product manual, ecology, medical survey, dentistry, アミノ酸、医療翻訳, 医薬翻訳,生理学, 論文, 実験, ウェブサイト, Eラーニング、化粧品, 遺伝子, 遺伝子, 生物, 科学雑誌, 電気生理, 散乱光, 統計学,医薬品,FDA,投影法, 顕微鏡, 染色、農機、TV番組、眼鏡、菓子、和菓子、医療機器、精密機器、歯科、フラグランス、蛍光顕微鏡、治験、 ... Japanese
157 points
Identity Verified   Naoki Watanabe
  Technical Translation and Interpreting
Japanese, science, technology, localization, English, technical, die cast, IT, medical, Japan, Manufacture, Machine, iOS, Android, software, computer, semiconductor, hardware, networking, Energy, Nuclear, Power, thermal, automotive, Apple, subtitle, transcription, YouTube ... English/Japanese
157 points
Identity Verified   Peishun CHIANG
  Stylish Japanese? Look no further.
transcreation, advertisement, copy writing, Fashion, apparel, clothes, wear, mode, brand, luxury, high brand, prestigious, premium, leather, bag, Automotive, Car, Bus, Truck, hotel, brochure, motor cycle, electric car, hospitality, traveling, tourism, Computer, Localization, Hardware, Software, IT, website, manual, 英語音感レッスン ... Japanese
155 points
Identity Verified   Duncan Adam
  Dr. Duncan Adam, Japanese specialist
Translation, finance, legal, law, agreement, investment, contract, financial reporting, reports, equities, funds, asset management, academic, accounting, banking, accounts, real estate, property, funds, stocks, shares, economics, business, management, koseki, tax, family registration, birth certificate, certificates, Japanese, China, literature, Japanese-to-English, JP-EN, post-editing, MTPE, editing, 翻訳, 日英翻訳, 金融, 投資, 契約, 法律, 会計, 不動産, 経済, 戸籍, 証明書, 株, 株式市場, 資産運用, 銀行, 投資法人, ファンド ... English
151 points
Identity Verified   JapanLegal
  US corporate attorney and scholar
legal translation, Japanese translation, Japanese, English, translation, transcreation, localization, interpreting, interpreter, summarization, editing, proofreading, editor, proofreader, reviewer, quality assurance, QA, law, legal, contract, litigation, attorney, lawyer, M&A, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, agreement, corporate law, native review, native checking, translation review, lease, mortgage, deed, credit, securities, capital markets, financial, finance, disclosure, due diligence, document review, food, beverage, hospitality, tourism, travel, articles, website, terms and conditions, policy, policies, academic, publications, magazine, blog, journalism, media, television, TV, film, documentary, video, media, interviews, anime, cartoon, literature, book, subtitles, subtitling, transcription, time-coding, education, social sciences, humanities, anthropology, sociology, medical, hospital charts, clinical trials, health care, wellness, questionnaire, product packaging, produc ... English/Japanese
145 points
Identity Verified   seika 児童文学、自己出版物、手紙、旅行パンフレット/ガイド、学歴/成績証明書、運転免許書、戸籍謄本、他一般文書 Children's books, self-published books, letters, family register (permanent domicile and other identification documents, school documents and other general documents ... Japanese
141 points
Identity Verified   Reiko Ando
  Quality with carefully chosen words
Japanese translator, Japanese to English translator, English to Japanese translator, Japanese IT translator, Japanese business translator, Japanese finance translator, Japanese FinTech translator, Japanese medical translator, Japanese technical translator, Japanese legal translator, Japanese marketing translator, Japanese news translator, Japanese transcreation ... Japanese
141 points
Identity Verified   Shannon Morales
  Punctual, Personable, Perfectionist
cosmetics, business, marketing, TV scripts, fashion, economics, travel, tourism, surveys, Japanese, spanish, detail-oriented, Market Research, consumer reviews ... English
133 points
Identity Verified   Robert Edison 互联网、电子商务, 人力资源, 旅游与旅行, 历史, 普通/谈话/问候/信函, 金融(普通), 诗词与文学, 化妆品、美容, 商务/商业(普通), 会计, 体育/健身/娱乐, 名字(人名、公司名), 游戏/视频游戏/博彩/赌场, 房地产, 食物与饮料, 影院、影片、电视、戏剧, 烹饪/美食, 电脑(总称), 新闻学, 电脑:软件, 广告/公共关系, 电脑:硬件 ... English
133 points
Identity Verified   Rossa Ó Muireartaigh
  Clear, concise, no fuss
law, contracts, agreements, certificates, business, finance, marketing, company reports, humanities, history, science ... English
119 points
Identity Verified   Carlis Hsu
  For the well-being of mankind
Chinese, English, Japanese, medicine, cardiology, surgery, medicine, pharmaceutical, medical instruments, medical equipment, nutrition, life sciences, biotechnology, drug, orthopedics, papers, articles, biology, biochemistry, cardiology, cardiovascular diseases, interventional cardiology, devices, procedures, life sciences, pharmaceutical documents, pharmacogenetics, internal medicine, nephrology, endocrinology, neurology, dermatology, clinical trials, epidemiology, pharmacy, protocols, informed consent, edical technology, surgical equipment, package inserts, brochures, websites, localization, psychology, software localization, medicine/healthcare, pharmaceutics, clinical trials, pharmacist, genome, proteomics, genetic engineering, proteome, medical patents, pharmaceutical patents, science, technology, medicine, instructions, surveys, experiments, evaluations, medical history, health care, health insurance, public health, nurse, emergency care, traditional Chinese medicine, epidemiolog ... English/Chinese
116 points
Identity Verified   Benjamin Wood
  Education, Experience and Talent
anime, manga, videogames, subtitles, games, playstation, xbox, 360, nintento, ds, tv, movies, patents, contract ... English
106 points
Identity Verified   Kanako Fujiwara
  Translator & Interpreter
Expertise and knowledge in target languages like no other. Correct, polished yet natural expressions. Punctual and highly professional. ... Japanese
99 points
Identity Verified   Kornelia Robertson
  If you're going to do it, do it right.
editing, English, Hungarian, Japanese, translator, science translation, summarization, psychology translation ... Hungarian
94 points
Identity Verified   Yuko Fujita
  Legal, Insurance, Education, Medical
Japanese, insurance, medical, legal, health care, travel, turisum, business, contracts ... Japanese
86 points
Identity Verified   Mark Pleas
  Chinese-Japanese-English trans & interp
和英, 英語, イタリア語, 有価証券報告書, 財務諸表, 建設業, 見積書, 工学, 理科系, Italian, English, Japanese, Chinese, translation, business, accounting, engineering, banking, history ... English
86 points
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