Fourteen years of full-time professional experience in translating.
My Professional Competences
I have the following competences:
a) Translation competence:
the ability to translate content in accordance with the purpose of the translation project, including the ability to address the problems of language content comprehension and language content production and the ability to render the target language content in accordance with the client’s specific requirement and other project specifications.
b) Linguistic and textual competence in the source language and the target language:
the ability to understand the source language, fluency in the target language, and general or specialized knowledge of text-type conventions. This linguistic and textual competence includes the ability to apply this knowledge when producing translation or other target language content.
c) Competence in research, information acquisition, and processing:
the ability to efficiently acquire the additional linguistic and specialized knowledge necessary to understand the source language content and to produce the target language content. Research competence also requires experience in the use of research tools and the ability to develop suitable strategies for the efficient use of the information sources available.
d) Cultural competence:
ability to make use of information on the behavioural standards, up-to-date terminology, value systems, and locale that characterize both source and target language cultures.
e) Technical competence:
the knowledge, abilities, and skills required to perform the technical tasks in the translation process by employing technical resources including the tools and IT systems that support the whole translation process.
f) Domain competence:
the ability to understand content produced in the source language and to reproduce it in the target language using the appropriate style and terminology.
My Translation Work
I always translate in accordance with the purpose of the translation project, including the linguistic conventions of the target language and relevant project specifications. Throughout this process, I can provide a service conforming to the ISO 1700: 2015 International Standard with regards to the following:
a) compliance with specific domain and client terminology and/or any other reference material provided and ensuring terminological consistency during translation;
b) semantic accuracy of the target language content;
c) appropriate syntax, spelling, punctuation, diacritical marks, and other orthographical conventions of the target language;
d) lexical cohesion and phraseology;
e) compliance with any proprietary and/or client style guide (including domain, language register, and language variants);
f) locale and any applicable standards;
g) formatting;
h) target audience and purpose of the target language content.
i) raise any uncertainty as a query with the project manager.
My Check Work
After translation, I will perform overall self-revision of the target content for possible semantic, grammatical and spelling issues, and for omissions and other errors, as well as ensuring compliance with any relevant translation project specifications.
I will make any corrections necessary prior to delivery.