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Dutch荷兰语译成English英语 法律:税与海关 Translation Glossary

Dutch荷兰语 term English英语 translation
aanbesteder Contracting Authority
aangiftebelastingen return-based taxes
Accijnsgoederenplaats (AGP) bonded warehouse
actief van de boedel assets of an estate
afzien van de vrijstelling not claim the exemption / waive the exemption
ambtshalve aanvullen van de rechtsgronden raise additional ex officio grounds
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
arbeidsgehandicaptekorting Tax credit for the occupationally handicapped
arbeidskorting labour credit
bedrijfsvoorheffing advance levy or withholding tax on professional income
bekeurder reporting officer
belastbaar binnenlands bedrag taxable domestic income/amount
belastingclaim i.v.m. FOR (Fiscale OudedagsReserve) fiscal old-age reserve
Belastingdienst Dutch Tax and Customs Administration
beleggingsrecht investment right
bevrijdend in full discharge
Entered by: Steven Segaert
Bezw. objection/appeal
bijschrijvingen transfers/credits
bilj. jaarnu yearnow
biljetcode tax return (form) code
box (tax) box (belasting)
brutering grossing-up
BT gross
BTW vrijgesteld wegens intracommunautaire levering van diensten VAT exempt intracommunity supplies
BTW-verlegging VAT reverse charge mechanism
cluster PCA (poss. Dutch governement body) Planning Control Administration
Entered by: Textpertise
conform approved
contractpercentage contract percentage
contractueel ter beschikking hebben (een gekwalificeerd persoon ...) have (a qualified person) under contract
daar geen inkomsten uit derft does not get an income from it
deelnemingsvrijstelling participation exemption
definitief vastgesteld final assessment
Entered by: Caroline Hartigan
Doorkiesnummer Direct telephone number
doorlopende post transitory item
eaw inpector-dienstchef (inspector- ) chief of operations
EB Pensioenpremie Eigen bijdrage (employee contribution)
eigenwoningreserve home equity reserve (sale proceeds minus current mortgage loan); equity [tied up] in house, etc.
eindheffingsloon (werkgeversloon) wages subject to tax deduction at source
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
ermede gelijkgestelde toelage and equivalent benefits/income
evenredigheidsmethode proportional method
executieschuldenaar foreclosure debtor
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