The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Dutch荷兰语译成English英语 医疗(总称) Translation Glossary

Dutch荷兰语 term English英语 translation
dwangstand contracture
dwingen compel
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
echoscopist sonographer
Entered by: Mindaugas Vasinauskas
een slang die kan worden aangeduid als 'maagsonde' a tube that can be referred to as a gastric tube
een stricturerende, oppervlakkig groeiende massa a stricturing, superficially growing mass
eh. --> eenheid / eenheden unit /units
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
en een niet-ontplooid colon descendens en sigmoid ... and a non-expanded colon descendens en sigmoid
en kliniek in the hospital (or clinic)
enkelvork ankle mortise
eosinof eosinophils
Er waren nieuwe afwijkingen die goed bij longonsteking konden passen there were new shadows that could well be caused by pneumonia
evenwichtsprikkel vestibular registration
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
extra cerebrale beplakking additional EEG electrodes
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
F/ER --> flowmetrie / echo-residu flowmetry / post void residual ultrasound
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
FART beiderzijds ongetsoord Normal response to Forearm Rolling Test
Entered by: dmesnier
felskap crimp cap
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
Fg-d Fragment D
fibrotische streeptekening beide longvelden fibrotic lesions in both lungs
fijne/grove motoriek fine/gross motor skills, fine/gross motor control
Entered by: Antoinette Verburg
fijnslagige nystagmus ODS fine jerk nystagmus of both eyes
Entered by: Muses Inc
fladderthorax flail chest
Entered by: Neil Cross
flikkerscotomen Scintillating scotoma(s)
Entered by: Max Nuijens
foramentaillering foraminal narrowing
forse prostaat in kader van BPH enlarged prostate consistent with BPH
fractuur met trapstand fracture with a step-off
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
frommeloor microtia
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
Fysiotherapie in engere zin physiotherapy in the strict sense of the word
fytje small osteophyte
Entered by: dmesnier
G0P0M0A0 G0P0M0A0; gravida 0; para 0; miscarriage 0; abortus 0
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
gb not remarkable
geassocieerd tot taken in association a maximum of
Entered by: Textpertise
gebruiksvergunning occupancy permit
Entered by: Katja van Hellemond
gebruiksvorm application
Entered by: Marc Van Gastel
gedeeltelijke vergrijzing van het subcoracoidale vet partial obliteration of the subcoracoid fat; partial loss of fat signal intensity in the subcoracoid triangle
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
gedilateerde CMP dilated (or congestive) CMP
Geen evolutieve pleuroparenchymateuze letsels no active pleural or parenchymal lesions
gehernieerd herniated
gehypothekeerde toestand compromised state or condition
geloosd voided
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
gentakralen genta-beads
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