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Dutch荷兰语译成English英语 运输/交通/货运 Translation Glossary

Dutch荷兰语 term English英语 translation
dakgarantie cost-cieling warranty (note spcdific context)
deelstructuren van zowel het onderstel als de bovenbouw structural components of both the chassis and the bodywork
deelsysteem sub-system
dennenboom side coaming
deurlusremming door loop brake
doelgroepenvervoer special transport services; Special Transport Services (STS)
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
doorleggen trein continue train tracks
doorslaan slip
duurbelasting > load-duration? continuous load
duurder gaat werken ... raises its/his prices
dwangrem emergency brake
dwarslijn diagonal
fietsenvanger side underride guard, side underrun guard, side guard
Fijnmazig finely-meshed (distribution network)
folderkasten brochure display racks
forklift afzethoogte forklift load delivery height
gage KHV/GHV schaal Salary scale - Small commercial shipping/ large commercial shipping
gederfde (Chemicaliën oplegger) loss of use
geleidekaart companion pass
glasresteel glazing van
Entered by: Neil Cross
Grijpmateriaal basic materials
handelsorganisatie in goederen goods trading company
Entered by: Kitty Brussaard
het voorwerp uitmaken van can be (subject to)
hoge box-sterkte High strength box
houdweg holding circuit, holding path
Entered by: Arnaud Jacobs
huifvervoer covered lorry transport
Hulpstoffen Consumables
in hoofdzaak of in bijkomende orde primarily or secondarily
in-en omsteltijd set-up time and change-over time
inhoudelijk the follow-up of the project both from a content/substantive and operational aspect/point of view
inkappen (Flemish) pour in / out (liquids)
inschrijvingsleidraad (railway/engineering) tender guideline /instructions
inslag intake
inslag douane entrepot Bonded warehouse (goods received in)
intakten spacing
Entered by: Michael Beijer
interessant doenerij self-importance
Entered by: Iris Shalev
invoeger slip road, slip lane, on-ramp, entrance ramp
inwikkelaar packer/packager
kantelwalsbord prism sign
kentekenhouder registered keeper (of a vehicle)
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