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Italian意大利语译成English英语 历史 Translation Glossary

Italian意大利语 term English英语 translation
ammorbidimento delle posizioni soften their stance
Entered by: EirTranslations
il progressivo ridimensionamento progressively shrink/reduce in size (in context)
Entered by: Gina Ferlisi
... difendendo la costa e l’entroterra con fortini forts and towers were built along the coast and inland to defend the Salento region
Entered by: Lara Barnett
2 fibule bronzee 2 bronze fibulas
Entered by: Maria Burnett
a divinis suspended him 'a divinis'
a filo e compasso geometric precision
a fondo di... with ... lining / weaving
a titolo di feudo to be held in fief / granted in fief
a.C and d.C BC and AD
Entered by: Maria Burnett
accentrare takes full control
accolta housed/ welcomed
Acli A.C.L.I. Catholic Associations of Italian Workers
Entered by: EirTranslations
acquarole water-carrier
affreschi "strappati" removed/detached frescoes
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Agitare lo spauracchio Brandishing the threat of jihadism
al Fnl to the National Liberation Front (NLF)
Entered by: EirTranslations
al tempo dei Popoli del mare at the time of the Sea Peoples
alcune centinaia di metri costeggia i ruderi di Castel run along / run alongside
Entered by: Gina Ferlisi
ammessa ai primi onori received "primi onori" (city honours / city honorary status)
ampliamento della base sociale broadening of the social base
amplifica il piacere estetico che deriva dalla dolcezza delle ondulazioni ...enhances the beauty of the rolling hills
anestetizzare palliatives
aperte a mezzogiorno open on the southern side
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
appartamento di parata reception rooms
apprezzo appraisal, the appraised value (of the property)
aria di famiglia family likeness/resemblance
armi dotte learned/scientific arms
arpioni murati wall-mounted hinges
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
articolata base a scaglie e maglie di ferro a flexible base of plates and chainmail
Entered by: Tom in London
ascia litica stone axe
aspetti della nostra funzione the tangible and intangible aspects of our function [see my note]
Entered by: Tom in London
asse axis, axes
asse viario street axis
Entered by: Angela Arnone
asservito under (the political control of) the King of France
avocato in forza della legge napoleonica regulated under Napoleonic law
azzera i respiri without interruption
è spartito orizzontalmente in due divided in two horizontally
Entered by: Gina Ferlisi
balestre manesche hand-held crossbow
banco dei pegni - please see context pawn counter
basilica martiriale martyrial basilicas
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