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Italian意大利语译成English英语 历史 Translation Glossary

Italian意大利语 term English英语 translation
i salti d'acqua waterfalls/cascades
iaculatore spear thrower
il capoccio peasant/farmer head of the family (breadwinner)
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
Il Cavalier XXXX Sir XXXX
Entered by: Maria Burnett
il fare del talento del lavoro e dell’impegno work that conveys talent and effort
Il Maggior Consiglio \"Maggior Consiglio\"
Entered by: Maria Burnett
il meglio di quanto la storia e la natura hanno voluto riservare the best that history and nature have set aside / have to offer
il reale galoppo attaccato alle bighe the royal two-horsed chariot
Entered by: Maria Burnett
il venerabile The Worshipful Master
imbrachettatura hinge
impennare i quadrelli fletch quarrels
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
impianti aeroportuali airport facilities
impianto compositivo planimetrico a geometria ortogonale orthogonally-planned layout
Entered by: Pierluigi Bernardini
implicitamente toccato opponendosi ai ... touched upon/addressed implicitly by Dante in his opposition to
Entered by: Lara Barnett
imprescindibile sfondo all-important background
Entered by: EirTranslations
imprese di conquista conquests
Entered by: Lara Barnett
In corrispondenza dell’inizio della passeggiata Vittorio Emanuele at the beginning of Promenade Vittorio Emanuele
incamerato lo jus postale (postal service) operating rights
incastellamento Encastellation
incettazione monopolization/cornering
Entered by: Dana Rinaldi
indizione tredicesima thirteenth indiction
ingrottamenti lava cave
inserire nel panorama letterario firmly established in the literary scene
insieme omogeneo creating a(n) harmonious ensemble
Entered by: Gina Ferlisi
Italietta preunitaria preunification Italietta
jalousia (gelosie) Shutters
La conquista fa capolino sulle sovracoperte this new development made its appearance on the covers of...
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
la loro poco invasività the castles blend in seamlessly with the landscape
La Sardegna dall'Unificazione aragonese ai Savoia Sardinia from the Aragonese Unification to the House of Savoy
la stampa Italiana The Italian printing industry
La storia riscuote sempre i suoi debiti history always calls in its debts
la tessera membership card
Lanaiolo Wool weaver
lastrine dipinte in sincronia suono painted panels shifting synchronously to the music
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
l’avanguardia avant-garde
l’incontro-scontro (tra Stati Uniti e Unione Sovietica) a not altogether friendly match (between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.)
l’interno a pianta basilicale interior with a basilican ground-plan
Entered by: Gina Ferlisi
le sue notevoli dimensioni che la sua continuità d'uso show considerable size/dimensions as well as continuous use
linee di sviluppo ... (see explanation)
lo spirante the dying (century)
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