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Italian意大利语译成English英语 医疗(总称) Translation Glossary

Italian意大利语 term English英语 translation
beanza buccale open-mouth posture
becco di flauto bevelled
becco di flauto di caucciù duckbill(-shaped) rubber tube/sleeve
ben distensibile normal distensibility
benderella/banderella tape
BIC.D. bicarbonato dialisi> bicarbonate dialysis
bicchieri urologici urine collection containers
bid 2 times a day
biforcazione aorto cavale aortocaval/aorto-caval bifurcation
bilancio neuro-motorio neuromotor function/status
bilancio sostanziale umano biochemical balance in humans
bilume bilumen
biochimica biochemistry
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
biodisponibilità Bioavailability
biomicroscopia con lampada a fessura slit-lamp biomicroscopy
bioptizzare to biopsy
biorivitalizzazione cutanea skin biorivitalization
bioumorale biohumoral
biovite bioabsorbable screws
bite articolo-posturale nightguard
bk diretto e colturale MTB detection by smear and culture
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
blasti d'esordio blasts observed at onset
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
bleomicina bleomycin
bloccaggio elastico intermascellare intermaxillary elastic fixation/elastic intermaxillary fixation
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
bloccaggio in chiusura Blockage on closing... of the water-heating resistors counter
blocco articolare As the knee articulates, a locking mechnaism occurs / As the knee articulates it locks in extension
blocco della prono-supinazione in semipronazione pronation-supination blocked in semipronation position
Blocco operatorio operating block
BLSVI ICG fluorescence-guided SLNB
BM/VO Bone Marrow Biopsy
BMP basic metabolic panel
boccola di protezione protective cover / protective sheet
bolle aeree air bubbles
BOM bone marrow biopsy (biopsia osteo-midollare)
Entered by: Elene P.
bonifica dei focolai sanitization of the points of infection
borbotti intestinale bowel sounds
borsa sottodeltoidea Subdeltoid bursa
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
borsista grant recipient
borsite sad subacromial subdeltoid bursitis
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
BOS biomicroscopy OS
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