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Italian意大利语译成English英语 体育/健身/娱乐 Translation Glossary

Italian意大利语 term English英语 translation
contrasti defence (US defense)
cordata roped party/roped together
coreografie celebratory routines
corsa a tappe stage race
corse in linea road races
credente (in context) I believe in God (in context)
cross a rientrare inswinging cross
cucchiaio banana kick
Cupolino Top (cover)
cure idropiniche Hydrotherapy
Curva nord Northern end
curve di forza strength curve
cuscini di spinta elbow pads
da prendere l'esito, dato a... To take the outcome as 1.80 goals scored
da suo fido Leo faithful/loyal
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
dai particolari scarichi trasversali featuring special diagonal off-loading design
deltaplano e parapendio hang glider and paraglider
devianza dirigenziale deviant leadership
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
di destro a rientrare verso la porta with the right foot, curving (swinging) towards the net
diagonale traversing / traverse
Entered by: Barbara Carrara
direttore tecnico and direttore sportivo manager and director of football (UK English)
disabili people (athletes) with disabilities (U.K.)
discese a corda doppia abseiling
dischetto penalty mark (Am)-penalty spot (UK)
Entered by: Mara Ballarini
disciplina activities
dislivello complessivo total altitude range / difference in altitude
Entered by: Maria Emanuela Congia
distinto (see context) (North West) stand
diving dive location, dive site, dive centre (BE)
divisa di gioco strip / kit / uniform
docce e molle bilaterali static and dynamic bilateral orthoses
Entered by: Nina Storey
doccia emozionale sensory shower
doppio fallo double fault
doppio fallo double fault
Due di coppia double scull
Entered by: Jean Martin
effetto al tiro give the ball spin
Entered by: Ivana UK
effettuare test in bicicletta in salita o a cronometro carry out a test on a bicycle uphill or timed
escursioni su ghiaccio ice walks
eseguire affondi alternati execute alternate lunges
esercizi di forza strengthening exercises
eventi relativi alla selezione pre-selection events
Entered by: Maria Emanuela Congia
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