The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese日语译成English英语 艺术、工艺品、绘画 Translation Glossary

Japanese日语 term English英语 translation
ちぎり絵 torn paper collage
のし: 対応可 Gift Options/Wrapping Available
こだわる particular about (something)
卓越技能者 contemporary master craftsman
学術員 Fellow (Museum Fellow; Curatorial Fellow)
岩絵具 natural mineral pigments
伝統に新しい風を New Breeze on Traditions
伝統工芸士 METI-designated traditional craftsperson
使用色の100%か、40%(平アミ)で表現してください。 Please present it as 100% or 40%(screen tint) of the color used.
忍プレート plate embossed with a "NIN" mark
プリマグラフィ primography (Giclée)
呉須蠟抜き貝紋 Gosu blue shell design with a wax-resist dyeing effect
和的、日本的 (classical) japanese style, japanese
やったもん勝ち the first one who actually takes action before anyone does wins
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
先導的展示会 introductory exhibition or pilot exhibition
神威福籠首飾 Lucky talisman owl necklace
銀線七宝 Silver Wire Cloisonné Enamel
額当て forehead protector
言わしめた made xxx say
龍華翠褒賞 Longhuacui Art Award
膜写 coating thickness gauge
x(person) をして y(verb) しめる make x do y (archaic)
Entered by: casey
水干絵具 dyed mud pigment
江戸の遊び絵 Entertaining Pictures of the Edo Era
没頭する日々を送っている spend their days entirely devoted to...
演示具 display materials/display fixtures
Entered by: Miho Ohashi
本金地 canvas gilded with pure gold
Entered by: Shannon Morales
朱呂鞘 red lacquered scabbard
日本理科美術協会 Japan Science Illustorators Association
手描き染 hand dyeing
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