The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese日语译成English英语 普通/谈话/问候/信函 Translation Glossary

Japanese日语 term English英语 translation
1/10セイカツ living on 10 percent
劇場公開時ベース based at the time of the release
厚の子 (a) child of Atsushi
おもたせ gift (usually of food) when visiting someone's house
ずらかう Get the heck outta here (vulgar)
お願い a polite notification, not directly please
Entered by: Kim Carlson Tadenuma
そう来なくちゃ That\'s what I\'m talking about !
それっきゃねい there is only this/ there is nothing but
ちょっとワクワク気分 A Touch of Bliss
つい口ずさんでしまう Start humming (singing) to oneself without thinking
とことこ Clip-clop
とんだ三枚目 terrible joker
どうこう言うレベル not on a par with winner's level
はめ込み合成写真 inlaid composite image
ぶしつけなるご招待をご容赦ください please disregard ...
ぷるるん supple
またまた、なんも出ないよ Flattery will get you nowhere
みそこのうたわいッ! disappointed
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
しばらく張り付きます I will be there until the goal is accomplished.
しかけ mechanism or scheme
しゃあねえよ I can\'t help it/there\'s nothing I can do/I have no choice
さやけし clear, bright, fresh, refreshing, crystal-clear.....
すべりまくる slip up big time
半ば呆れつつ Taken aback
博希 Hiroki
取引業者 partner
壊れ果てた completely ruined/destroyed
大分駅バス5分停歩4分 5 minutes by bus from Oita Station and then 4 minutes by walking [on foot]
天下の桜田門 the holy Metropolitan Police
妖怪をやったり…鬼をやったり picking monsters and ogres as main themes
定時・総合 regular general TV (programs)
対象製品 products covered by the agreement
Entered by: David Higbee-Teves
小学校高学年 Upper grade in Elementary school
尻目に while
屈す submit to, yield, give in, be defeated by
巡り involved
差分マニュアル difference manual
差入証 proof of submission
上司は信頼できる I can trust my boss
上关久美子 Kumiko Kamiseki
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