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Japanese日语译成English英语 政府/政治 Translation Glossary

Japanese日语 term English英语 translation
中央児童福祉審議会 Central Child Welfare Council [unofficial translation]
?c割り?s?ュ vertical hierarchy
A同盟と連邦レベルで統一会派を組むB同盟 b Union which is in coalition at the federal level with a Union
労働者の階級と、下っ端の the worker with the lowest rating(migrant labour)
厚生労働省高齢者医療制度等改革推進事業本部 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare\'s Geriatric Care Reform Promotion Department
原院 NISA (Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency)
この戦略の中 within this strategy
Entered by: Shannon Morales
報告官 Special Rapporteur of the UN Commission on Human Rights
大学の独立法人化 Incorporation of National Universities
大講座制 Macro-chair system
大臣官房付 attached to (the Office of) the ministrer's secretariat
Entered by: cinefil
外務省飯倉公館 The Iikura Guest House
安全知識循環型社会構築事業 project of building a safety-knowledge-recycling-based society
密告制度 Network of clandestine informants
崔永黙 Choi Young Muk
帰国の記帳 Prime Minister's note to Emperor upon his return
主人公たる centric | having 〇〇 as the main character
主管担当部門 central authority in charge of transport policies
幽霊公務員整理 Cutting "ghost workers"
幇会 secret society | underworld gang
二番底 double-dip recession
亀裂構造 Cleavage Structures
介護保険 long-term care insurance/nursing care insurance
伯国 Brazil
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
御用工会 government controlled union
ハネる don't let loose, don't let go
プチ・ブル petite bourgeoisie
制度的布置 political system
ゼロエバポテスト法 Zero-Evaporative Emissions Test
よりどころ refuge
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
全部事項証明 Certification of Whole Data
公私の兼顧 both public and private interests (a quote from Mao)
共同決定制 System of Co-determination (Mitbestimmungssytem)
科学技術振興調整費 Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology
Entered by: Yuki Okada
米側の発言はこの研究の対象となっている高性能で長期計画に基づいたSMDとは別の初期段階のSMDへの前倒し参 In their statement, the U.S. sounded out Japan on its front-loaded [accelerated] participation in ..
特定同一世帯所属者異動連絡票 status change notice of specific family unit member
職域加算 Extra pay
領有権 sovereignty
要望先 petition recipient
首都東京における不法滞在外国人対策の強化に関する共同宣言 Joint Declaration on Enhancing Control of Illegal Aliens in Tokyo
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