The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese日语译成English英语 IT(信息技术) Translation Glossary

Japanese日语 term English英语 translation
%1佚連延厚 %1 Information Change
(情報の)空読み void read
...が対応づけられている。 is mapped to/is associated with
0は無効とし、1とする 0 is invalid, set to 1
4th ROMでの御社現地ストリームによる... program stream
5件の入力履歴 5 entries
6層貫通基板 6-layer through-hole PCB
加入 To become a member
基幹業務基盤 core (corporate) infrastructure / business critical infrastructure
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
なんちゃって認証 unofficial authentication
まったり sluggishly, languidly
が主であり Main
あり With
かなり打率の高いエラー errors that occur with considerable frequency
占有面積が少ない doesn't take up much space
収容対地数 number of concurrent tunnels
口だけなのは that's just talking, it's just gas, it's not true
右埋めする pad with trailing single-byte spaces
右側の世界 The right side of the model, graphic or chart
Entered by: Facundo Pallero
同期生成ノード time synchronization node
Entered by: cinefil
外部公開サーバ external public server
実体化可能な feasible to implement
寿命短縮を指摘 suggests a shortened life span
小区分;中区分;大区分 of smaller size; of medium size; of larger size
属人化 individual/singular efforts
左0埋め pad with leading zeros
上始点 vertical starting point, top starting point
帳票サーバー Documentation Server
予実 (yojitsu) budgeted/planned and actual
代表アドレス representative address
Entered by: Anita Kobayashi
他格納場所 storage location for xml and other files
会計性・非会計性 of an accounting nature / of a non-accounting nature
作業集計 Task Summary
併示 =併せて示す present/introduce/give/provide (the new plan) along with/in addition to the exisiting plan
Entered by: seika
御中メールアドレス Recipient’s Email Address
後発不良 defect management block
従来なかった previously unavailable
地デジ digital terrestrial television/digital terrestrial broadcasting
Entered by: cinefil
地気出力 no-voltage (contact) output
ページ式 paged
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