The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese日语译成English英语 语言学 Translation Glossary

Japanese日语 term English英语 translation
$B$^$H$^$jOC(B substantive discourse
あいづち backchannel(s)
すぐそこです right around the corner / imminent / almost here
名詞先行文 nominal sentence
外字問題 unsupported Unicode characters problem/unsupported characters problem
定着しきってはいない not fully established
寝ると眠る Go to bed & Sleep vs. Sleep
三くだり半 A notice of divorce
後置格 oblique case
心のヒダ emotional complexities
バカと天才は紙一重 It is a fine line that separates the fool from the wiseman
分野連想語 Field-specific terms
もっばら solely, wholly, entirely, exclusively
入子型重層構造 nested story structure
Entered by: David Patrick
「文法は嫌です」。 "I hate grammar."
第一水準漢字 level-1 kanji
複合過去 compound past
自由記述文 Free writing / stream-of-consciousness writing
Kono "This" in Japanese, must always be followed by a noun.
東アジア言語 East Asian Languages
Entered by: David Patrick
朱記訂正 grading or correction with red ink
感性エンジン Kansei engine
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