Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

electrolyte creep

Chinese汉语 translation:


Jun 16, 2009 14:22
15 yrs ago
English英语 term

electrolyte creep

GBK English英语译成Chinese汉语 技术/工程设计 电子/电子工程
Definition from Electropedia - IEC:
gradual and slow spreading of an electrolyte film on the external surface of a cell or battery NOTE – Electrolyte creep is sometimes indicated by the presence of a visible solid deposit or wet spots.
Example sentences:
In a typical design of an alkaline zinc/air button cell, the caustic solution is immobilized by the addition of a thickening agent (e.g., carboxymethyl cellulose) to prevent electrolyte creep and is retained between a polymerbonded porous carbon for the air electrode and a porous zinc electrode. (Sandia National Laboratories)
Key areas to monitor are signs of excessive electrolyte permeation, delamination of the sealant layer from the metal foil, seam splitting, electrolyte creep at the feed-throughs, and reactions between the laminate and the cell components. (US Department of Energy)
The telegraphers would float a layer of oil on top of the open cell "gravity batteries", also known as crow's foot batteries in order to prevent "electrolyte creep", which is the tendency for the electrolyte salts to climb up over the top of the cell. (
Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
4 +2 电解质蠕变(外渗)
Change log

Jun 16, 2009 14:10: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Jun 16, 2009 14:22: Enrique Cavalitto changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jun 19, 2009 14:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jul 2, 2010 13:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations



Definition from own experience or research:
Example sentences:
[HT5377-0018-0153] 抗蠕变无规聚丙烯共聚物的制备方法 [HT5377-0057-0154] 辐射固化的热熔组合物及 ... [HT5377-0077-0163] 聚合物电解质和含有该电解质的锂二次电池 ... (宏图技术信息网)
2008年8月15日 ... 铅锡多元合金集流排,内阻小,耐腐蚀,可经受长期浮充使用,分析纯极电解质,自放电小。 (四)采用新技术、改进板栅材配方,提高抗蠕变及抗腐蚀 ... (
本实用新型涉及一种高分子聚合物电解质高温电池隔离膜。 ... 透孔工作温度为阶梯性增长在130-140℃时微孔极速闭合并保持结构完整,本体热稳定性在160℃时压缩蠕变为4%。 ... (
Peer comment(s):

agree ILT : 电解质蠕变 is more widely applicable IMO...
I appreciate, ILT!
agree Bin Tiede (X)
Thank you, Bin Tiede!
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