Jan 16, 2013 11:07
12 yrs ago
English英语 term

screen annotations

English英语译成Chinese汉语 技术/工程设计 IT(信息技术) tablet computers
The improvements here are clearly aimed at direct competition with Apple's fourth-generation iPad and iPad Mini. The Fire HD in any of its forms is likely a decent choice for anyone on your gift list who wants a tablet but doesn't want you to spend too much. You're not going to get {the same abilities for screen annotations} as you do on the Samsung Galaxy Note, though the device will still function well with Evernote and other note taking apps.

这方面的改进显然旨在与苹果的第四代iPad和iPad Mini正面竞争。对于想要一款平板电脑,又不想你太破费的人来说,任何一款Fire HD可能是个还不错的选择。你无法获得与三星Galaxy Note一样的{屏幕功能},不过这款设备仍能与Evernote及其他笔记应用程序很好地兼容。

Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
4 +2 屏幕注释

Proposed translations



这是一种软件功能,也叫on-screen annotation,比如在编辑文件时,你需要加一些符号,删除,添加文字,下划线等,这些都叫annotation
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agree judylee2nd
agree Joanna Chow
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