Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

strip grazing

Chinese汉语 translation:


Added to glossary by Adsion Liu
May 14, 2009 19:54
15 yrs ago
English英语 term

strip grazing

GBK English英语译成Chinese汉语 技术/工程设计 家畜/动物繁殖
Definition from
Confining animals to an area of grazing land to be grazed in a relatively short period of time, where the paddock size is varied to allow access to a specific land. Strip grazing may or may not be a form of rotational stocking, depending on whether or not specific paddocks are utilised for recurring periods of grazing and rest.
Example sentences:
Strip grazing would rarely be suitable for low stocking rates as winter pastures can usually sustain these grazing pressures. However, if pasture growth is hindered by soil fertility or low plant density, strip grazing may be beneficial. (
Strip grazing can be easily superimposed on control grazing in large paddocks by placing movable electric fences ahead and behind the goats, giving them sufficient forage for two to three days. Strip grazing is very effective and results in high pasture utilization because otherwise goats will not graze soiled forage well. (eXtension)
Strip grazing on a three-day frequency yielded more than 40% more grazing days per acre than allocating a 14-day forage supply and produced the same level of animal gain. This can reduce the amount of mud compared to Feeding hay in the same location all winter. (
Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
4 +2 划区轮牧(条牧)
4 条牧,限界放牧
Change log

May 14, 2009 12:44: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

May 14, 2009 19:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

May 17, 2009 20:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

May 27, 2009 02:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

May 27, 2009 04:07: Adsion Liu changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/0">'s</a> old entry - "strip grazing"" to ""划区轮牧(条牧)""

Proposed translations



Definition from 互动百科:
划区轮牧-划区轮牧概念 <br />划区轮牧是一种科学利用草原的方式。<br /><br />划区轮牧-划区轮牧解释 <br />它是根据草原生产力和放牧畜群的需要,将放牧场划分为若干分区,规定放牧顺序、放牧周期和分区放牧时间的放牧方式。划区轮牧一般以日或周为轮牧的时间单位。
Example sentences:
划区轮牧是一种科学利用草原的方式,它是根据草原生产力和放牧畜群的需要,将放牧场划分为若干分区,规定放牧顺序、放牧周期和分区放牧时间的放牧方式。划区轮牧一般以 ... (百度百科)
2008年4月30日 ... 划区轮牧是一种世界畜牧业发达国家广泛应用的先进放牧管理制度,也是其他更加先进放牧方式的基础。它与自由放牧相比,其优越性表现为: ... (中国畜牧兽医信息网)
利用绵羊野外放牧试验,连续5a在内蒙古高原短花针茅草原研究划区轮牧和季节连续放牧对草地植被、土壤和家畜生产性能的影响,为草地合理利用提供理论依据。 (
Peer comment(s):

agree Irene Zhang
2天 9小时
Thank you, Irene!
agree ILT
I appreciate, ILT!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.


Rotational grazing: 轮牧、划区轮牧、分区轮牧
Strip grazing: 条牧、限界放牧
"轮牧" is an abbreviation of "划区轮牧" or "分区轮牧" which is translated into "rotational grazing" (please refer to the link: And based on the definition provided by Enrique, strip grazing may or may not be a form of rotational stocking, which means "条牧" is different from "划区轮牧".
Besides, I think "条牧" or "限界放牧" is more suitable than "条区轮牧" provided by the Chinabaike, because "stripe grazing" may or may not be rotational or periodic.
Definition from Chinabaike:
条区轮牧(strip grazing):划区轮牧(rotation grazing)的一种形式。其精细度程度介于一般轮牧(rotation grazing)与日粮轮牧(ration grazing)之间,多用于放牧试验
Example sentences:
放牧可采用固定放牧、分区轮牧和条牧的方法,冬季放牧应减少牛只体重的下降,注意保膘,要晚出牧、早归牧、充分利用中午暖和时间放牧,午后饮水,同时注意牛舍要向阳、保暖、小气候环境好。暖季放牧要早出牧、早收牧,延长放牧时间,让牛多采食,同时应注意防暑。 (新乡畜牧信息网)
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