Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

Assign To Multiple

Chinese汉语 translation:


Added to glossary by Jason Ma
Feb 8, 2008 08:24
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English英语 term

Assign To Multiple

English英语译成Chinese汉语 商务/金融 管理

1. Click the Assign To Multiple button.
2. Click the Add Assignees link.
3. Enter your first and last name in the search criteria fields.
4. Click the Search button.
5. In the search results area, click the checkbox next to your name.
6. Click the Select button.
7. Click the Assign button.
8. End of Procedure.

Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
3 分配给多人
Change log

Feb 10, 2008 05:41: Jason Ma changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/641710">Jason Ma's</a> old entry - " Assign To Multiple "" to ""分配给多人""


Jason Ma (asker) Feb 10, 2008:
To hc-ha Your latest analysis makes sense to me. In this context one goal is assigned to user and several employees.
Many thanks.
lhcm Feb 9, 2008:
“5. In the search results area, click the checkbox next to your name.” The meaning of this sentence is vague, in terms of what the results are showing. If it only shows a list of names, by clicking “the checkbox next to your name”, it only adds the user to a list of assignees. If it shows a list of goals, then there is a list of names under each goal, then by clicking “the checkbox next to your name.” it means that the user is picking up the goals assigned to multiple assignees and he is one among them.
lhcm Feb 9, 2008:
This part of procedure seems a bit vague to you--- typo,should be
This part of procedure seems a bit vague to me.....
lhcm Feb 9, 2008:
The reason I asked you to provide the contents before and after this “add an existing goal” is: This part of procedure seems a bit vague to you, I’m trying to determine whether it is an instruction for the assigner or the assignee. Initially, I thought it is an instruction for the assignee, for him to pick up the goals assigned, because it is mentioned here that the user needs to search for something by typing his name in the Search criteria fields. And once the search result shows up, I guess the result will be in the form of a name list attached with a list of goals assigned beside each name, and then the user (assignee) just click the checkbox to pick up the desired ones from that list of goals assigned to him. However, to be 100% sure, I would like to read this part with the contents before and after it. Thanks!
lhcm Feb 9, 2008:
or if you can provide the content under those two subtitles that will be even better. THanks!
lhcm Feb 9, 2008:
Hi, Mr Ma, May I know what the subtitle before this one "Add an existing goal" is , and the one after this one. I want to know what position this one is relating the others. Thanks!
lhcm Feb 8, 2008:
Mr Ma, this procedure is talking about how that person to add himself to the assignee list, in other words, it is the procedure for adding an existing goal to someone/assignee.
lhcm Feb 8, 2008:
assignees here , is the one who receives the goal assigned to him, not a task though, it is "a goal", the assignee needs to plan what to do and how to do. A task is something already planed, you just do it.
lhcm Feb 8, 2008:
assign a task to someone, 分配工作给某人, assign a goal to someone, 给某人一个目标,接到目标的那个人,下一个任务,应该就是围绕那个目标着手作出一个action plan, 写出这个如何达到目标而定下的步骤和具体任务了。
Shirley Lao Feb 8, 2008:
More context please!
The term "assignee" has a special meaning in intellectual property rights and law. It does not just mean "distribution". See

Proposed translations



因为后面提到 Assignees,我估计这里是说任务分配给多个 assignees。

Note added at 1 hr (2008-02-08 10:14:16 GMT)

How to translate the "assignee" really depends on the context. For example, if it's talking about assigning tasks, then the "assignee" can be "接受任务者". If it's about assigning codes, then the "assignee" may be translated as "编码接受者".
Note from asker:
Thanks Mr. Gu. So I can translate **assignees** as 被分配者? Sounds bit of awkward, Hmm.
Or 接受者, may be.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you! Mr. Gu."
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