Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

change the Contribution Date from the default of current date

Chinese汉语 translation:


Added to glossary by Jason Ma
Feb 8, 2008 12:29
17 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English英语 term

change the Contribution Date from the default of current date

English英语译成Chinese汉语 商务/金融 管理
Section 6: Make a Performance Journal Entry

1.Click the My Success Plan tab.
2. Click the Goals link.
Located in the left sidebar.
3.Click the Add Journal Entry link.
Located in the Actions column on the right.
4.Enter information in the Subject field.
5.Enter information in the Journal Entry field.
6.To change the Contribution Date from the default of current date, click the Date Picker button.
7.Click the desired date.
8.Choose the Visibility option by clicking the desired radio button, Public or Private.
9.Scroll down if necessary.
Click the Save button.
10.End of Procedure.
Change log

Feb 13, 2008 11:05: Jason Ma changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/641710">Jason Ma's</a> old entry - "change the Contribution Date from the default of current date"" to ""把递交日期从缺省的当前日期改掉""

Feb 14, 2008 13:32: Jason Ma changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/641710">Jason Ma's</a> old entry - "change the Contribution Date from the default of current date"" to ""把递交日期从缺省的当前日期改掉""

Feb 14, 2008 14:02: Jason Ma changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/641710">Jason Ma's</a> old entry - "change the Contribution Date from the default of current date"" to ""把行动日期从缺省的当前日期改掉""


lhcm Feb 14, 2008:
我把那个苹果吃了= 我吃了那个苹果。
lhcm Feb 14, 2008:
lhcm Feb 14, 2008:
“把“字句后的那个“词“,通常是动词作用于的对象。“把衣服从衣架上拿下来“ 。拿下来的是“衣服“,不是“衣架“。把“行动日期“从“默认的当前日期“改掉,要改掉的究竟是什么啊?
lhcm Feb 14, 2008:
把A从B改掉 一个不通顺的配搭。意思含糊不清。
lhcm Feb 14, 2008:
I did not consider the number of hits at all, just from a linguistic aspect, "缺省值" doesn't sound good.
Jason Ma (asker) Feb 14, 2008:
In Google advanced search There are 1,050,000 hits for 缺省值, 4,600,000 for 默认值。
lhcm Feb 14, 2008:
By the way, "缺省的" as a reader, he/she might think it means "missing" in stead of "default", “默认的“sounds better.
Jason Ma (asker) Feb 14, 2008:
Many thanks.
Jason Ma (asker) Feb 14, 2008:
Mr. Ha Your argument makes sense. It's the date of action or activity depending on the circumstance.
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
I should say " I hope All of us benefit from this discussion"... Thanks!
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
As I already explained clearly the most possible scenario, One staff member finished a task, and then he is supposed to enter the information about the task done, what was done, how and when it was done.
Second possible scenario, is that the staff is entering its planning, what actions will be taken on a future date, how will that be done, and when it will be done. Then, that date is still considered as his contribution date---- the date of action, in this scenario, we still have to translate it as “行动日期“。 Thanks and I think I have already presented my points clearly, and I hope we both benefit from this discussion.
rushidao Feb 13, 2008:
I think hc_ha has made a very good point. If this is indeed a performance record of steps taken towards fulfilling a goal, then 行动日期 or something similar is correct. It cld be that the system uses a module which does not allow for 2 dates or to save space
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
This entry is about entering the data about a piece of job done before the date of data entry, that is why it called “ Performance Journal Entry (工作情况记录输入)“, so that the other colleagues or his manager know(s) what he has done, and what stage he is in. It is an internal communication tool. The contribution date is about that piece of job done as his contribution to the team work or his contribution to the company.
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
Then this "date of entry" itself will be against such understanding, the default date is the date of entry, when the person is doing the data entry, why he should change it then, What is the point of that instruction “To change the Contribution Date from the default of current date, click the Date Picker button.” ?
Jason Ma (asker) Feb 13, 2008:
**Date of entry" Yeah, that's how I understand it.
Hc_Ha, your argument is always welcome. I'm learning, I believe other colleagues are also learning from such kind of positive argument. Sometimes my response was delayed, that's because I have been busy meeting a deadline for an urgent project.
Thank you.
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
Please don't take offence, I am presenting my argument for the sake of seeking knowledge, not denying your right to choose whatever you considered it right.-------------
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
Please don't take offence, I am presenting my argument in the sake of seeking knowledge, not denying your right to choose whatever you considered it right.
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
Please don't take offence, I am presenting my argument in the sake of seeking knowledge, not denying your right to choose whatever I considered it right.
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
by saying "递交“, what is the equavelent word in English to that ""递交“?
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
by saying "递交“, what is the equavelent word in Chinese to that ""递交“?
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
will that mean that it refers to the date of entry? as the date of submitting(递交) the information entered into the system?
Jason Ma (asker) Feb 13, 2008:
BTW I searched whole document and there's only one **contribution** .
Jason Ma (asker) Feb 13, 2008:
I believe it's **information" as appeared in **5.Enter information in the Journal Entry field."
Then "6. To change the contribution..."
lhcm Feb 13, 2008:
according to the context, what is that thing being "递交“?
lhcm Feb 8, 2008:
to me, the only problem here is the word "contribution", is anywhere else mentioned this word "contribution" ?

Proposed translations



default = 缺省值
Note from asker:
缺省值和默认值都是大家接受的说法. 谢谢!
Peer comment(s):

agree Wallace Gu : 用"默认值"更恰当一些!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for your assistance."
English英语 term (edited): To change the contribution date from the default of current date


Section 6: Make a Performance Journal Entry
第6部分: 做工作情况记录输入
1.Click the My Success Plan tab. 点击“我通向成功的计划”的标签按钮
2. Click the Goals link. 点击位于左方边拦里的“目标”连接
Located in the left sidebar.
3.Click the Add Journal Entry link. 点击位于右方的“行动”竖栏里的“添加纪录输入”的连接。
Located in the Actions column on the right.
4.Enter information in the Subject field. 把信息输入到“主题”的区域中。
5.Enter information in the Journal Entry field. 把信息输入到“纪录输入”的区域中。
6.To change the Contribution Date from the default of current date, click the Date Picker button.
7.Click the desired date. 点击所要的日子
8.Choose the Visibility option by clicking the desired radio button, Public or Private.
9.Scroll down if necessary.
Click the Save button. 点击“储存”按钮。
10.End of Procedure. 操作过程结束

note: success plan= action plan
the procedure mentioned here is to keep a record of the actions taken. To keep track of “what/how/when” of the actions taken.

contribution date here means the date this person contributed its effort for undertaking a planed task in his action plan or follow-up a started task etc. In short, the action date.

Note added at 3 hrs (2008-02-08 15:35:13 GMT)

Performance--- if you are doing the job well, then your performance is good.
the meaning of performance in the context here, according to my understanding is 工作/工作进度/工作情况, how this person going with the success plan. It reports what stage he is in, what action has been taken /or not taken, actions includes starting a task and its follow-up etc, all actions taken or contribution made towards accomplishment of the plan.
Entry---- data entry, enter the information about “what/when/how ” of the actions taken. The entered data can be made either public or private, “public” will be visible to not only to this person but also to other colleagues, “private” will be only visible to that person or other authorized ones.
It looks like to me that it is a internal management software which enables the alignment of departments, and internal communication.
Performance Journal Entry 工作情况记录输入

Note added at 3 hrs (2008-02-08 16:27:19 GMT)

不把“contribution date"硬译为“作出贡献的日期”,而根据上下文意思译成“行动日期”的理由,上面已经解释过了,这里再补充一点。请注意“To change the contribution date from the default of current date“这个操作,是跟在前面提到的“点击位于右方的***‘行动’***竖栏里的‘添加纪录输入’的连接。”这个操作之后的。也就是说,以下的操作,都是围绕已经采取了的那些行动之有关记录。subject + Jouranl(record)是关于行动的what and how. contribution date 是关于采取了该项“行动”的那个日期when. 这样的分区输入,是为了系统易于分析,提取资料而设计的。因此,contribution date 译成“行动日期”而不硬译成““作出贡献的日期”。
Note from asker:
It seems "contribution" is the key to the translation of this sentence. I'll search this word in the document I have. Thanks, good night.
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