Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

and these in turn are with the market and the context.

Chinese汉语 translation:


Added to glossary by David Lin
Sep 28, 2017 02:51
7 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English英语 term

and these in turn are with the market and the context.

English英语译成Chinese汉语 商务/金融 管理
"According to Arieu (2007), "there is strategic consistency when the actions of an organization are consistent with the expectations of management, and these in turn are with the market and the context."

我的理解: and these(these指逗号前的部分) in turn are ( consistent -原文省略了)with the market and the context."

似乎可以翻译为“企业实现战略一致性需要统一运营和管理预期,随后保持与市场的同步。“ 或者 “为了实现战略一致性,企业需要在统一运营和管理预期的前提下,保持与市场及环境的一致。”

Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
5 并因此与市场及背景同步
4 +1 fyi.
Change log

Sep 29, 2017 09:26: David Lin changed "Term asked" from "and these in turn are with the market and the context.\\\"" to "and these in turn are with the market and the context."

Oct 4, 2017 17:36: David Lin Created KOG entry

Proposed translations



此句关键在于 in turn = because of that , 不是 one after the other, in order (参考牛津字典)。


当企业行为和管理期望达成一致,并因此与市场及背景同步 (或: 并因此配合市场及背景),这就实现了 战略/策略 连贯/一致性。

I think this business approach stresses the importance of management expectations and leadership in marketing strategy development.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much for your time, David! It's really helpful!"
English英语 term (edited): and these in turn are with the market and the context.\"


组织的行为与管理层的期望相一致,而管理层的期望与市场及环境相一致,这样就是(Arieu (2007)中提到的)战略一致性。

Peer comment(s):

agree Xiaotong Yi (X)
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