Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English英语 term or phrase:
mouth formation
Chinese汉语 translation:
Added to glossary by
Apr 7, 2004 16:00
20 yrs ago
English英语 term
Proposed translations
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Possible Answers
Mouth = 口
Formation = 形成,结构
Formation = 形成,结构
As the disease progresses there is loss of the supporting tissues of the teeth, which leads to the formation of "pockets" adjacent to the tooth. These pockets are difficult to keep clean and permit the proliferation of strictly anaerobic bacteria, which may give rise to further inflammation, bone loss, and abscess formation.
Fluoride supplements or a fluoridated water supply are of value to infants and children as fluoride is incorporated into the developing teeth, making them more resistant to demineralisation. If early demineralisation of enamel is unchecked cavities form and the deeper layers of the tooth become affected. If untreated the pulp can become infected, leading to necrosis and abscess formation.
Fluoride supplements or a fluoridated water supply are of value to infants and children as fluoride is incorporated into the developing teeth, making them more resistant to demineralisation. If early demineralisation of enamel is unchecked cavities form and the deeper layers of the tooth become affected. If untreated the pulp can become infected, leading to necrosis and abscess formation.
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