May 27, 2005 05:55
19 yrs ago
English英语 term


English英语译成Chinese汉语 社会科学 体育/健身/娱乐
From Olympic-length triathlons to full Iron Mans, 12-hour mountain bike rallies to 24-hour "single-push" ultramarathons, seven-day, multi-sport team adventures to around-the-world solo sailing races, there are now plenty of challenges to inspire the inner adventurer in any of us.
Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
3 +1 无间断的

Proposed translations



It refers to the format of having no breaks. For example, the Tour de France is a multi-day event that has breaks in between.
Peer comment(s):

agree Lin Yang : This is a really good translation.
Thanks, gladbeach
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "谢谢! 试译:不间断的"
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