Dec 3, 2008 22:54
16 yrs ago
English英语 term

hub and spoke

GBK English英语译成Chinese汉语 其它 运输/交通/货运
Definition from Smartertravel:
A hub and spoke system is one in which an airline designates one or several cities as hubs from which most or all of its flights originate/terminate. Passengers flying from one non-hub city to another usually have to connect through a hub, while passengers living in a hub city have a wealth of nonstop destinations to choose from.
Example sentences:
The bad news for travellers is that the hub and spoke system tends to eliminate a lot of non-stop flights. (
For years the only formula for profits was the hub and spoke system. By pulling in passengers from smaller cities, like Jacksonville, Florida, and Charleston, South Carolina, to one big hub, like Atlanta, an airline could capture traffic for the lucrative long-distance flights across oceans and continents. (Cable News Network)
Many airlines supplement their hub and spoke model with codeshares, partner flights, or a small commuter airline. (wiseGEEK)
Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
5 +1 軸輻
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Dec 3, 2008 18:46: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Dec 3, 2008 22:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Dec 6, 2008 22:53: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"


Venise (X) Jan 3, 2009:
when it refers to a system of air transportation.. According to the said definition which is applied in the airline industry, a hub-and spoke system should be translated into "中樞軸幅系統” or ”軸幅式系統”. Or some may say “軸幅網路系統”.
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Dec 5, 2008:
A vivid description of such a traffic junction "Hub and spoke" is a vivid description of such a traffic junction not only in air traffic. We can imagine a wheel and see the hub and the rods radiating from it. There are terms for both hub and spoke in Chinese: 枢纽 and 辐辏 respectively. However, when translating "hub and spoke" into Chinese we have to reverse the positions of these to terms and make it to "spoke and hub" and add the term "traffic" in front of them to indicate what is exactly meant: 交通辐辏枢纽.

Proposed translations



軸輻式網路(hub-and-spoko network)具有集貨之功能,可降低航空公司的單位運輸成本,因此經常被業者採用。- 台灣電子期刊服務網 > 運輸計劃季刊 33 卷 4 期
Definition from 民航資源網:
轴辐(hub and spoke)运作方式:所谓轴辐方式是指航空公司建立一个空运中心,以便转运或衔接其它航线。
Example sentences:
軸輻式( Hub - and - Spoke )網路運營計畫的另一個重要職能是定義連接模式。航空業中一個最普遍的連接模式是「軸輻式」網路運營。 (運輸系統導論)
西南航空採取增加班次、縮短折返準備時間(Turn-Around)、以及直飛(Point-To-Point)的策略,成功避免掉軸輻式(Hub-And-Spoke)網路系統共同運作的誤點問題,故能維持低價銷售之策略。 (Air Shop (飛機館))
而建立〞隔夜就送達〞系統的關鍵,是使用航空手段,建立一個所謂的〞軸輻系統〞。軸輻系統的軸心是全國地理中心曼菲斯,各地的卡車先花一天的時間在各地收集包裹,傍晚時全部集中到機場,滿載包裹的飛機再飛到曼菲斯 (聯邦快遞公司分析報告)
Note from asker:
Yes, I am with you, Shirley. It can be followed by a few words and it has been used in other business areas recently.
Peer comment(s):

agree Zhengyu Fry : 轴辐(运作方式)
Zhengyu, thank you very much for your suggestion. :) (I didn't put anything after "軸輻" because "hub and spoke" can be followed by several words, such as: operation, service, system...etc.)
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