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原文文本 - Spanish西班牙语 Poder Judicial de la Nación
La Plata, 23 de noviembre de 2004.-
Por recibida, tomese razón en los libros de Secretaría y hágase saber a las partes que en estas actuaciones intervendrá el Tribunal Oral en lo Criminal Federal Nº 2 de esta ciudad, integrado por el Dr. Horacio Alfredo Isaurralde como Presidente y los Dres. Jorge Aníbal Michelli y Nelson Javier Jarazo como vocales. Actuará como Fiscal General ante este Tribunal el Dr. Rodolfo Marcelo Molina.
Intervenga por el encausado Ifeanyi Chika IFEACHO, el Dr. Eduardo Gonzales Campos.
Certifique la Actuaria si se han recepcionado efectos secuestrados.
Cítese a las partes por el término de quince (15) días, a los fines previctos en el art. 354 del Código Procesal Penal de la Nación.
Finalmente líbrense oficios al Registro Nacional de Reincidencia, la Policía Federal Argentina y a la Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires a efectos de que informen al respecto de las condenas anteriores o procesos en trámite que pudiera registrar el encargado Ifeany Chika IFEACHO.
A tales efectos, nitifíquese y librense oficios.
翻译文本 - English英语 National Judicial Power
La Plata 23rd November of the year 2004.-
Having been received, register in the Books of Secretary's Office and let the parties know that in the proceedings will intervene the Oral Federal Tribunal on criminal matters Nº2 of this city, integrated by Jugde Horacio Alfredo Isaurralde as the President and the judges Jorge Aníbal Michelli and Nelson Javier Jarazo as members. As General Prosecutor will proceed before this Tribunal Judge Rodolfo Marcelo Molina.
Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez Ocantos will intervene by the accused Ifeanyi Chica IFEACHO,
The Clerk of Court certifies if the sequestered property has been recieved.
Parties will be summoned for the period of fifteen (15) days, to the aim forseen in section 354 of the Penal National Code of Procedure.
Lastly, it will be issued an official letter addressed to Recidivism National Registry Office, the Argentine Federal Police and the Policy of the Province of Buenos Aires in order to inform with respect to the previous sentences or pending procedures that the summoned Ifeany Chica IFEACHO could register.
With this respect, to be notified and to be written documents issued.
Sigened: illegible.-
English英语译成Spanish西班牙语: Duties of judge and jury Detailed field: 法律(总称)
原文文本 - English英语 It now becames mu duty to instruct you concerning the law that applies to this case.
It is your exclusive duty to consider and weigh the evidence and to decide all questions of fact submitted to you.
Under the oath wich took as jurors, you have sworn to decide the case solely on the evidence received in this trial and the law as stated in these instructions.
In deciding this case, you must not be sawyed by any sentiment, simpathy, passion or prejudice for or against the defendant, or by any guesswork as to the facts.
Furthermore, you must not be biased against the defendant because he has been arrested, or because a complaint has been filed agaisnt him or because he is here on trial. None of these facts is evidence of his guilt of the offence charged against him.
翻译文本 - Spanish西班牙语 Deberes del juez y del jurado.
Es mi deber ahora instruirlos con respecto a la ley que procede en este caso. Es su deber exclusivo considerar y pesar las pruebas y decidir todas las cuestiones de hecho presentadas a ustedes.
Bajo el juramento que presentaron como miembros del jurado, han jurado decidir el caso basandose solamente en las pruebas presentadas en este juicio y en la ley tal como consta en estas instrucciones.
Al decidir este caso, no han de dejarse llevar por ningún sentimiento, compasión, pasión, o prejuicio en pro o contra del acusado, ni por ninguna conjetura con respecto a los hechos.
Además, no deben estar predispuestos en contra del acusado porque ha sido arrestado, o porque se ha entablado una demanda en su contra, o porque está aquí, sometido a juicio. Ninguno de estos hechos es prueba de su culpabilidad del delito del que se le acusa.
1998 I worked for the Family Court in California translating and interpreting Jury Process.
1999/2001 as a translator of Spanish into Englich for BAL (Bar of American Lawyer) where I translate all the codes and manuals of ethics for the Judicial Process into Spanish
2002 As a conference interpreter I worked for the Italian Court translating civil and legal proceedings
2003 I worked with a team of translators in th University of Paris giving the translators to be an overall view of the leal proceedings carried out at Court.
2004 I gave my support as a translator and interpreter to the American Judicial System. I collaborate at the Family and Penal Tribunals as translator and interpreter
2005 I'm working for the Italian Embassy in USA as a translator and as a simultaneous and consecutive interpreter as well.