translation contests » FAQ

  • 1 - 比赛:普通事项

  • 1.1 - 什么是 翻译比赛? 翻译竞赛是由 会员定期组织的竞赛,目的是供 会员消遣和练习。

  • 1.2 - 哪些人可以参加比赛?

    目前,只有完全资格的专业人士、公司(“自由译员/公司”帐户类型)、不完全资格的社区和学生 会员能够参加提交阶段。



  • 1.3 - 比赛采取何种机制?

    The contest is divided into three different phases: submission phase, qualification phase and final voting phase.

    During the submission phase, contestants propose their translations of any of the source texts provided into any language. There is a submission deadline for all language pairs and if a pair receives fewer than 3 entries, it does not go into final voting rounds and so no winner is selected. However, feedback is enabled for the benefit of the contestants and translators that work in the pair can tag the sections of the entries they like or dislike and provide a comment.

    Note that the submission deadline may be extended for some language pairs at the discretion of the contest organizer.

    For pairs with a large number of entries (more than 7), a qualification round is opened to ensure that an appropriate number of entries reaches the finals, and that the entries selected are the best and most accurate. Voters are asked to rate entries in two categories: "Quality of writing" and "Accuracy of translation" on an absolute scale of 1 ("poor") to 5 ("perfect"). During this phase, entries are removed from contention when it becomes clear that they have no reasonable chance of winning. Such assessment is made based on the average rating received from peers (relative to that assigned to other entries), after some minimum number of votes.

    Winnowing out entries in this way helps focus voter attention on the leading entries, increasing the likelihood that the best entries will be identified for inclusion in the final round. The 3-7 entries that receive the highest scores will pass into the final round.

    In final voting rounds, voters are asked to select the entry that they consider the best of the group. Second and third best entries may also be designated, with points being assigned to entries in amounts of four (4), two (2) and one (1), respectively. The entry that collects the most points in final round voting, wins.

  • 1.4 - 举办比赛采用的是什么语言?

    源文本选用 会员要求最多的语言。可以翻译成任何语言。收到至少三篇参赛作品的语言对视为有效竞赛语言对。

  • 1.5 - 翻译竞赛选择什么样的文本?


    注意:源文本内容所表达的观点并非得到网站工作人员或参赛者的首肯。 竞赛要求语言专业人士展示他们的翻译技巧,而与他们自己的观点无关。

  • 1.6 - 我能否为将来的竞赛推荐源文本?


  • 1.7 - 有新赛事的时候我如何才能知道?

    You can subscribe to contest-related announcements either by clicking on "Subscribe to news and announcements" in the contest page or by checking the "Check this box if you would like to receive translation contest related announcements." box in your email preferences page.

  • 1.8 - 确定优胜者的依据是什么?


    注意:不得公开质疑优胜作品或参赛者的合理性。如果您觉得不公平或想要报告违规问题,适当的渠道是通过 支持申请单报告此类情况,工作人员会全面追查该问题。

  • 1.9 - 是否有个特别的论坛讨论与比赛有关的事项吗?

    有的,所有与竞赛有关的问题都可以在 翻译竞赛论坛内讨论。

  • 1.10 - 我能否在论坛内评论参赛作品或源文本?


  • 1.11 - 会授予优胜者什么奖品吗?


  • 1.12 - 我能否提交比赛反馈?

    是的。如果您想对其他参赛者提出评论并将评论内容与大家分享,可以通过 online support system与比赛协调员联系。您的反馈内容将参与评估并被加入contest testimonials page

  • 1.13 - 从哪里能够查看之前的比赛信息?

    通过访问b>Past contests page可以查询自2007年以来举行的每场竞赛,包括获胜者以及反馈等信息。

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  • 2 - 向翻译比赛提交内容

  • 2.1 - 能否跟合作伙伴一起参赛?



  • 2.2 - 为什么我的源语言里没有源文本? translation contests depend on the collaboration of participants in many aspects-- voting, commenting, submitting entries, and also in finding suitable source texts in various languages (especially languages in which no member of the site team is native). You can help ensure source texts in a variety of languages for future contests by proposing a text in your native language. A feature has been created to allow the community to propose and comment on potential source texts for contests. Criteria for suitable contest source texts are also outlined.

    To propose a source text, or to discuss other proposed texts, just go to

  • 2.3 - 我能否提交我的个人档案中声明的任何语言组合的参赛作品?


  • 2.4 - 同一个人能否提交多个语言对的参赛作品?


  • 2.5 - 我能否编辑我已经提交的参赛作品?


  • 2.6 - 是否允许所有的参赛者在翻译过程中使用机器翻译?


  • 2.7 - 我看到有参赛作品,但我无法查看这些作品。为什么?


  • 2.8 - I had access to a colleague's translation of the source text into my language. What should I do?

    If you saw and read your colleague's translation of the source text into the language with which you want to enter the contest, it is advisable that you refrain from participating.

  • 2.9 - I found a published translation of the source text into my language. What should I do?

    If you found and read a published translation of the source text into the target language with which you want enter the contest, you are advised to avoid entering the contest in that pair.

  • 2.10 - 我的作品可能被取消参赛资格吗?


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  • 3 - Qualification round: rating, tagging, agreeing/disagreeing and providing feedback on entries

  • 3.1 - 如何对作品进行评分?

    Translators who work in a given language pair can judge entries in one or two categories: "Quality of writing" and "Accuracy of translation" on an absolute scale of of 1 ("poor") to 5 ("perfect").

    To rate an entry, simply click on a star . Your selection will automatically be saved.

    The entries that advance to the finals will be the 3-7 with the highest average ratings.

  • 3.2 - 我必须对所有参赛作品进行评分吗?

    No. You do not need to rate all entries for a given language pair in qualification phase. However, some participants enjoy rating as many entries as they can and help ensure an even contest result while earning 10 browniz points for each Quality of writing or Accuracy of translation rate they submit.

  • 3.3 - 我能否更改我的评级?


  • 3.4 - What is entry tagging?

    Entry tagging allows raters and voters to "like" or "dislike" segments of contest entries they they consider to be notable. Others may then "agree" or "disagree" with tags created by others. In any case, comments and links may be entered for justification. All tags, agrees, disagrees and comments will remain anonymous until the conclusion of the contest.

  • 3.5 - 做标记是可选的吗?


  • 3.6 - 如何为参赛内容加标签?

    To "tag" a section of a translation, highlight it first and then click on "Like" or "Dislike" . A window will pop up, allowing you to select a category for your tag and a comment and link for reference .

  • 3.7 - 我可以删除之前已经添加的标签吗?

    You can delete your own tags until they have received an agree or disagree. To remove a tag, mouse over it and click on the red "X" at the top right of the text that pops up. You will be asked to confirm deletion of the tag.

    Tags which have been deleted cannot be recovered, so be sure you want to delete a tag before doing so or asking staff to do so.

    If the tag has already received an agree or disagree and you wish to remove it, contact site staff via the support system for help.

  • 3.8 - 如果参赛内容标签有误该怎么办?


  • 3.9 - 标签里的评价会马上显示出来吗?

    No. Comments accompanying tags will be subject to vetting by site staff and only purely linguistic comments in line with Site rules will be approved.

  • 3.10 - Can I agree/disagree with tags?

    Yes. If an entry has already received tags, a tag box will be displayed and you will be able to agree or disagree with the tags entered.

    Note that if you mouseover an already tagged section of an entry you will be able to see which portions of the source text other voters refer to.

  • 3.11 - 标签旁边会显示我的名字吗?

    During the voting and qualification phases, tags will be anonymously visible to other raters who will in turn be able to agree or disagree with them. However, when the contest finishes, all taggers' identities will be shown.

  • 3.12 - Can I see what portions of my translation were tagged?

    Yes. You should be able to see tags in your entry. However, if no tag has been added, then no tags box will be shown next to your entry.

  • 3.13 - 我能否赞同/不赞同我自己的作品得到的标记?


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  • 4 - Finals round: determining winners

  • 4.1 - 谁能投票?


    每个语言对的最终投票 只对那些在本网站上注册至少已过一个月、以目标语言为母语并且所使用的语言对与所要投票的语言对相同的用户开放。

  • 4.2 - 如何为参赛内容投票?


  • 4.3 - 如果我已提交参赛作品,我能否投票?


  • 4.4 - Is voting for second best and third best entries optional?

    Yes. You may vote for the best entry in any language pair only, for the best and the second best entries or for best, second best and third best entries in each language pair.

    20 browniz points will be granted to participants for each vote they submit.

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