Competition in this pair is now closed, and the winning entry has been announced. Discussion and feedback about the competition in this language pair may now be provided by visiting the "Discussion & feedback" page for this pair. Entries may also be individually discussed by clicking the "Discuss" link next to any listed entry. Source text in Romanian Era o casă veche, cu etaj şi mansardă, gata să cadă pe ea. Zidurile erau ştirbe, cărămizile se arătau obscene, tencuiala se topea văzând cu ochii. Nu-ş-cum dracu’ rezista şandramaua asta, m-inchipuiam că dacă trece vreun tramvai tropăind o dărâmă la primu’ ţignal. Dar tramvaiul nu mai trecea de 15 ani pe acolo. Căţaua Leşinată locuia la parterul clădirii – acum, după atâta timp am o oarecare indulgenţă faţă de ea, nu a căzut, nu a rănit pe nimeni, acolo doar alcoolul ucide – de fapt trăia într-un parter adâncit cu un metru sub pământ – eh, soarta ironică, îi obişnuia din vreme pe beţivi cu glodul – Căţaua asta era o bodegă dată naibii…
Era în preajma Crăciunului, afară era aşa şi aşa, încă se mai putea bea o ladă de bere fără să faci ţurţuri la naretă. Am pătruns în templul pierzaniei şi soarta mea a fost bătută în cuie. Înăuntru se ascultau chansonete franţuzeşti, aproape în surdină, oricum părea că toată lumea e de acord cu Edith care nu regretă nimic.
Erau circa 10 persoane înăuntru, douăzeci de ochi tulburi – aşa am crezut prima dată, mai târziu am aflat că mă înşelam cu aproape 3 – şi fiecare îşi vedea de treaba lui cu o migală sfântă. Nu vorbea nimeni, însă era o splendoare să-i vezi, ca la un semnal ridicau toţi paharele şi sorbeau două înghiţituri mici, după care le aşezau pe masă, se auzea un singur gâl şi un singur clap… şi totuşi exista o comunicare, o simţeam, plutea în aer.
Ştiam că e un moment solemn, însă mi se uscase al naibii gâtlejul, amiba mea din stomac cerea să fie stropită, stropită tot mai tare pe măsură ce creştea. Fără să mai aştept, m-am insinuat ca o vorbă dulce lângă bar, cu suficient tupeu şi ceva biştari să iau două beri, mie şi tovarăşului meu. Barmanul, un tip scund şi gras, cu barbă şi musteţi încărunţite, hâtru la muie şi cu un defect la ochiu’ drept, o pată albă, mi-a făcut semn să tac.
„Stimaţi comesenii mei! E aproape sărbătorile Crăciunului, aţ’ muncit cu drag anu’ ăsta, fiecare cum aţ’ putut, şi la noi ca la orce firmă de respect dăm prima. Uite tenc’şoru ăsta dă cocardei e pentru voi, treceţi pe la bar la nea Gelu să vă facă porţie. Io nu poci sta că am de produs, da’ sărbăutori fericite!”  | The winning entry has been announced in this pair.There were 33 entries submitted in this pair during the submission phase, 3 of which were selected by peers to advance to the finals round. The winning entry was determined based on finals round voting by peers.
Competition in this pair is now closed. | It was an old two-storey with an attic, about to fall on itself. Its walls were tattered, its bricks obscenely on display, and the plaster crumbled away even as you looked at it. How the dump was holding itself together boggled me; I reckoned if a tram came clattering by, it’d take but a gong to bring it down. Except no tram had come that way in 15 years. The Swooning Bitch dwelt on the ground floor – now, after all this time, I afford it some leniency, she did not fall down after all, she did not hurt anyone, alcohol had been the only killer there. Strictly speaking, it occupied a low ground floor, sunk by a metre below ground – eh, the irony of fate acquainting drunkards with the dust early on. This Bitch was one mean joint… It was around Christmas time, the weather was fairish, you could still drink a case of beer and not end up with icicles dangling from your hooter. I went into the temple of perdition and my fate was sealed. Inside they were listening to French chansonettes at a well-nigh muffled level, but it still looked like everybody agreed with Edith who was regretting nothing. There were about ten people inside, a score of bleary eyes – or so I thought at first, I later found that I’d been wrong by nearly three – and each one was going about their business with glorified intent. Nobody spoke, yet they were a grand sight, they’d all lift their glasses at once, as if on cue, take two small sips, put the glasses back down; then one single glug came out, and one smack… yet there was communication, I could feel it, it was hanging in the air. I knew this was a solemn moment, but my throat was seriously dry, and the amoeba in my gut demanded to be flushed, flushed the harder the more it grew. So I wasted no time and insinuated myself like sweet sin to the bar, armed with enough gall and a few shekels, to grab a couple of beers for myself and my mate. The barman, a stubby fat fellow, with grizzled beard and moustache, a waggish mug and a white spot in the right eye, gestured me to shut up. “Esteemed feller revelers! Christmastide’s at hand, ya’ve been at it heartily this yea’, each with what you have in ya’, so, like any self-respecting business, we’ll give out yer’ bonuses now. Look, this here wad of smackers is for ya', go down to the bar and good ol’ Gelu’ll cut ya' a helpin'. I can’t stick around, someone’s got to rack up, but sousin’ greetings nonetheless!”  | Entry #21547 — Discuss 1 — Variant: Britishbritish
 Winner Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
90 | 22 x4 | 1 x2 | 0 |
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 4.55 | 4.67 (21 ratings) | 4.42 (19 ratings) |
- 5 users entered 22 "like" tags
- 11 users agreed with "likes" (29 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
its bricks obscenely on display | Flows well | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
the plaster crumbled away even as you looked at it | Flows well | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
How the dump was holding itself together boggled me; I reckoned if a tram came clattering by, it’d take but a gong to bring it down | Flows well | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
| Good term selection In our group of translators, this choice of words is one of a kind. | Serban Oprescu | |
the irony of fate acquainting drunkards with the dust early on | Flows well | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
This Bitch was one mean joint | Flows well | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
you could still drink a case of beer and not end up with icicles dangling from your hooter | Flows well | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
| Good term selection enhances humorous effect | k33pwalkin | |
+3 they were listening to French chansonettes at a well-nigh muffled level, but it still looked like everybody agreed with Edith who was regretting nothing | Flows well | Serban Oprescu | |
+3 Nobody spoke, yet they were a grand sight, they’d all lift their glasses at once, as if on cue, take two small sips, put the glasses back down; then one single glug came out, and one smack | Flows well Exceptionally fluid, almost as visual and expressive as the original. Or, perhaps, 'just as'... | Serban Oprescu | |
seriously | Good term selection | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
the amoeba in my gut demanded to be flushed, flushed the harder the more it grew | Flows well | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
insinuated myself like sweet sin to the bar | Flows well Liked the alliteration:) | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
enough gall and a few shekels | Good term selection Nice zeugma! | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
+4  1 Esteemed feller revelers | Good term selection Chapeau! | k33pwalkin | |
each with what you have in ya’ | Flows well | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
this here wad of smackers is for ya' | Flows well | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 I can’t stick around, someone’s got to rack up, but sousin’ greetings nonetheless!” | Good term selection | Vlad Olteanu | |
nonetheless | Flows well Well done, nice touch. | k33pwalkin No agrees/disagrees | |
- 6 users entered 10 "dislike" tags
- 2 users agreed with "dislikes" (2 total agrees)
- 6 users disagreed with "dislikes" (22 total disagrees)
-1  1 dwelt | Mistranslations Only people can dwell; this should be "occupied" | Sheila Wilson | |
-1  1 she | Syntax You just referred to this SB, correctly, as "it". | Sheila Wilson | |
-2 +1  2 all down | Other It is a pleonasm, or at least linguists consider it to be one (they call it "phatic pleonasm"). Your translation is (almost) flawless, congrats! :) (it's just nice "to pick holes in your coat" - even if just small ones). I could not edit my previous comment, but I'll delete this one in 24 hours) | Claudia Coja | |
-2  1 chansonettes | Other English speakers wouldn't be familiar with the term "chansonettes". It would be confusing. I would use "songs" | Sinéad Moore | |
-1  1 at a well-nigh muffled level | Other I'm sorry, but YUK! "With the sound down low". | Sinéad Moore | |
-4 +1  2 who was regretting nothing | Grammar errors I suggest "had no regrets" instead. | Gabriela Nistor | |
-1  1 gestured me | Grammar errors One can absolutely not "gesture someone", only "at, to towards etc." someone, which is also why a construction using a different verb would have been a better choice here. | k33pwalkin | |
| It was an old two-story house with a mansard roof, all but ready to collapse upon itself. The walls were chipped, the bricks were obscenely peering out, the plaster was thinning away by the day. I've no idea how the hell this wreck was still standing, I figured if a tram were to pass rattling by it would go crumbling down at the first whistle. But the tram hadn't been by in 15 years. The Limp Bitch dwelt on the ground floor - now, after all this time, I've gained a certain sufferance for it, it hasn't collapsed, it hasn't hurt anybody, only alcohol kills down there - it was in fact a semi-basement, sunken by three feet underground - oh, well, the ironic fate, getting the drunks accustomed to the gutter in good time - this Bitch was a hell of a dive... It was around Christmas time, the weather was so-so, one could still have a case of beer without growing icicles from the sniffer. I entered the temple of doom and my fate was sealed right up. Inside, French chansonettes were playing rather softly, at any rate, it seemed that everyone agreed with Edith who had no regrets. There were about 10 people inside, twenty bleary eyes - this is what I thought at first, I later found I was off by almost 3 - and they were each fastidiously engrossed in the task at hand. No one was talking, yet they were such a splendid sight, as if on cue they would all raise their glasses and down two small sips, then place them down on the table, you could hear but one gulp and one thump...and yet there was a communication of sorts, I could feel it, it was in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was freaking dry, the amoeba in my stomach needed watering, more and more watering the larger it grew. Without further delay, I slithered by the bar like a honeyed whisper, with enough cheek and some fold-ups to buy a couple of beers for me and my pal. The bartender, a short fat fellow with a grey beard and mustache, a sly mug and a defect in one eye, a white patch, waved me silent. "Honored mine guests! The Christmas holidays is upon us, you been working heartily this past year, each as best you could, and we, as any befitting establishment, are giving you your bonus. This here little wad of duckies is for you, so why don't you go over by the bar and let ol' Gelu over there give you your rations. I can't stick around cause I gotta bring home the bacon, but sloshy holidays!"  | Entry #20432 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Finalist Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
24 | 1 x4 | 8 x2 | 4 x1 |
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 3.25 | 3.20 (10 ratings) | 3.30 (10 ratings) |
- 3 users entered 6 "like" tags
- 2 users agreed with "likes" (3 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
sniffer | Good term selection | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  1 fastidiously engrossed in the task at hand | Flows well Excellent! | adami | |
splendid sight | Flows well alliterative | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
hy don't you | Flows well Nice, colloquial | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
- 8 users entered 35 "dislike" tags
- 8 users agreed with "dislikes" (44 total agrees)
- 6 users disagreed with "dislikes" (32 total disagrees)
-1 +2  1 mansard | Mistranslations A mansard roof is a heavy and luxurious (expensive) structure, unlikely to be used in such a shaky lowly building. A ”mansard” is one of the three types of attics, and the least likely to be found here. | adami | |
-3 +1  2 all but ready | Other A house cannot be ready to do anything, unless personified, but that's not the case. | adami | |
-1 +1  1 obscenely peering out | Mistranslations thye bricks showed themselves (which they shouldn't have), which creates the impression of something obscene; all is lost when you use "peer out", because you cannot peer obscenely, maybe only lewdly. | adami | |
thinning away | Mistranslations Plaster can only by thinned during its mixing. Later, it flakes off, crumbles... | Sheila Wilson No agrees/disagrees | |
how the hell | Other Inappropriate register - how on earth would have been better | Sheila Wilson No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 the hell | Other Redundant | DianaIon (X) | |
-1 +3  1 Limp Bitch | Mistranslations why "limp"? pretty far from the source text | Alina Simina Nesu | |
| Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami | |
| Grammar errors Normally without def. art., except when modified: "the ironic fate of that man"... | adami | |
-1 +1  1 the | Grammar errors No def. art. | adami | |
-2 +1  2 the gutter | Mistranslations It's true that drunks have a special relation with the gutter, but the ground floor of a bulding has none... | adami | |
-1 +2  1 in good time | Mistranslations Not working. "in good time" = in a reasonable amount of time. A misunderstanding or just trying too hard? | adami | |
the sniffer | Syntax Not sure I like the noun, but it absolutely has to have a possessive adjective | Sheila Wilson No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  2 right up | Other redundant | DianaIon (X) | |
-1 +2  1 rather softly | Other Far from the original. | adami | |
+1  1 , | Punctuation There should be no comma here, it changes the meaning entirely. | adami | |
| Grammar errors "that" is used with antecedents, not "this". | DianaIon (X) | |
-1 +2  1 was | Grammar errors had been (anteriority) | adami | |
-2 +1  1 as if on cue they would all raise their glasses | Other Strange inversion (word order). | adami | |
-1 +2  2 them | Other Confusing. What's the reference? "sips"? That's the expected reference, syntactically speaking, but it's obviously somewhere else... | adami | |
-1  1 but one | Mistranslations That means there was only one -- not possible, the actions were repeated. | DianaIon (X) | |
.a | Punctuation Missing space. | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 it, it | Syntax Such asyndetic constructions are too colloquial (hence odd) for the narrator of a story. | DianaIon (X) | |
+2  1 by | Grammar errors Wrong preposition (correct: to). | adami | |
-1 +3  3 Honored mine guests | Grammar errors Does not work gramatically - one thing: even if you are illiterate, the possessive comes before any adjectives. | adami | |
-1 +2  1 is | Grammar errors Su/pred disagreement. | adami | |
-1 +2  1 u | Grammar errors Tense (you've...). | adami | |
-2 +2  2 befitting | Grammar errors Meaningless. When used adjectivally, befitting has the meaning of "appropriate (to sth. else).". | adami | |
by | Grammar errors Wrong preposition (to with verbs of movement). | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +3  1 bring home the bacon | Spelling Not here: the expression refers to providing for one's family, cannot apply to a character who's striving to attract consideration from the others. | adami | |
-1 +2  1 sloshy holidays | Other I personally think it's very odd, the jocular effect fails. | adami | |
| It was an old house, one and a half storey, almost collapsing on itself. The walls were nicked, and the bricks were shamelessly showing themselves through the visibly decaying plaster. No idea how the hell did this hovel still stood. I actually thought that any trotting tram passing nearby would take it down on a first holler. But the tram stopped passing by there ‘bout 15 years ago. The Conked Bratch was laying on the ground floor - now, after all this time, I can grant her some indulgence, there was no crash nor got anyone hurt, the only one killing in there was the alcohol – she was, in fact, living on a low first storey one metre sunken into the ground - yeah, the ironical fate, it got the bibbers early used to the mud – that Bratch was a hell of a pub... It was around Christmas time, the weather was betwixt and between, so one could still drink a case of beer without getting nose-cicles. I have entered that temple of perdition and my fate was sealed. Inside the pub, nearly muted, they were playing some French chansonettes, and somehow everyone seemed to agree with Edith, who had no regrets. There were about 10 people inside, twenty turbid eyes – that’s what I thought in the beginning, just to find out later that I was wrong by about 3 - and everyone minded his own business with a holy carefulness. Nobody talked, but it was a beauty to see how, as at a sign, they were all lifting their glasses, having two tiny sips, then placing the glasses back on the table, so one could hear a single glug and a single pock ... and still there was some sort of communication, I could feel it, it was in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was bloody dry, the amoeba in my stomach needed to be sprinkled, increasingly as it grew. With no further waiting, I have insinuated myself next to the bar just like a sweet word, with enough guts and some readies for two beers, for me and my companion. The bartender, a short, fat guy with a witty pan and a white spot flaw in the right eye, wearing grey beard and moustaches, waved me silent. "My dear messmates! It's almost Christmas 'olidays, and yer worked with joy this year, as each of yer could, right, so ‘ere, like in any respectable ‘ouse, we give yer a prize. This little dough pile is for yer, go to unc’ Gelu at the bar to make yer portions. I can’t stay, cus right, I 'ave to produce, but ‘appy holidrinks!"  | Entry #18955 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Finalist Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
20 | 1 x4 | 4 x2 | 8 x1 |
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 3.04 | 3.00 (14 ratings) | 3.07 (14 ratings) |
- 7 users entered 9 "like" tags
- 9 users agreed with "likes" (16 total agrees)
- 4 users disagreed with "likes" (5 total disagrees)
-1 +3  3 the bricks were shamelessly showing themselves through the visibly decaying plaster. | Flows well - very "visual" | Dan Miclea | |
-4 +2  4 Conked Bratch | Good term selection Really good selection! | Dan Miclea | |
| Flows well Nice, alliterative. | adami | |
readies | Good term selection | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
+4  1 like in any respectable ‘ouse, we give yer a prize. This little dough pile is for yer, go to unc’ Gelu at the bar to make yer portions. I can’t stay, cus right, I 'ave to produce, but ‘appy holidrinks | Other Interesting cockney adaptation. | Dan Miclea | |
- 6 users entered 43 "dislike" tags
- 10 users agreed with "dislikes" (61 total agrees)
- 5 users disagreed with "dislikes" (12 total disagrees)
one and a half storey | Mistranslations One story + attic? The wrong register notwithstanding (”+half” is only used by real estate agents), the problem is that there are TWO stories... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
almost collapsing | Inconsistencies | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
themselves | Inconsistencies Bricks are inanimate objects. The verb on its own would have been OK | Sheila Wilson No agrees/disagrees | |
+4 how the hell did this hovel still stood. | Grammar errors not a question, no "did" | Alina Simina Nesu | |
-1  1 did | Grammar errors Not a question. Beginner level mistake... | adami | |
| Mistranslations Trams don't TROT! | adami | |
on a first | Grammar errors Wrong phrasal verb | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors ”Had stopped” (anteriority). | adami | |
| Grammar errors earlier/before - a moment that is anterior to another past moment. | adami | |
| Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami | |
her | Other Why her? It's a building, not a person | Sheila Wilson No agrees/disagrees | |
-2 +2  2 indulgence | Mistranslations Indulgence is a false friend with Romanian "indulgență" - a beginner's mistake. | adami | |
only one killing in there | Syntax | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
living | Other Odd personification | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Correct: sunk(en) BY one metre. Syntactic mistakes all through the text... | adami | |
the ironical | Syntax THE fate?; comma between subject and predicate? | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Syntax: "used to... early"... | adami | |
, nearly muted, | Syntax Wrong place in the sentence | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations Nu se stie cum, toti erau de acord...? Misinterpretation. | adami | |
-4  4 had no regrets | Other In the original text Edith's lyrics were not rephrased, but translated word for word in reported speech (je ne regrette rien - nu regret nimic - I don't regret anything). So the translation should be "doesn't regret anything" | Alina Simina Nesu | |
| Grammar errors Tense: had been. | adami | |
+2  1 holy carefulness | Mistranslations No such thing. | adami | |
-1 +2  2 were all lifting their glasses, having two tiny sips, then placing | Other This is something that they did all the time, not only during that moment when the narrator was watching them. Therefore, I would go for "they would all lift their glasses, have two tiny sips, then place..." | Alina Simina Nesu | |
| Grammar errors No past cont. here (the actions are short and repeated, cannot be seen as in progress) - elementary... | adami | |
+4  1 bloody dry | Other Needlessly vulgar. | adami | |
| Grammar errors Incorrect syntax (the more... the more...). | adami | |
+1 With no further waiting | Grammar errors Awkward phrasing. | adami | |
next to the bar | Syntax Why Next to...? | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
just like a sweet word | Syntax "like a sweet..." is a awkward comparison in English, "just like..." verges on the ridiculous. | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
, | Punctuation Wrong comma | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
a witty pan | Mistranslations "Witty" refers mainly to a manner of speaking, a face cannot be "witty", let alone a "pan" (relatively rare slang...) | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
yer | Grammar errors yer means "you're/your" | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
with joy | Other Odd | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
dough pile | Syntax "pile of dough", perhaps. | DianaIon (X) No agrees/disagrees | |
| Non-finalist entries The following entries were not selected by peers to advance to finals-round voting. It was an old house, floor and attic, ready to collapse any time. Under its peeled walls the bricks peeped out obscenely, while the mortar was conspicuously melting. I didn’t know how the fuck this shack could still stand; I thought it could collapse at the first holler of any pounding tram. But it had been 15 years since the tram ceased to pass by there. The weakling bitch was at the ground floor – now, after all this time, I feel a certain leniency towards her, she did not fall, did not hurt anyone, it was just alcohol that killed in that place - actually she lived on, at the same ground floor, one meter deep under the ground- eh, fate is ironic, by timely getting drunkards used with mud. This bitch was a hell of a tavern. It was around Christmas, the weather was so and so, and one could still drink a case of beer without making nostrils icicles. We entered the temple of doom and my fate was nailed. They were listening to the soft music of French chansonettes, while everyone seemed to agree with Edith not regretting anything. There were about 10 people inside, twenty blurred eyes – that’s what I thought for the first time, but I later found out that I had been wrong by about 3 - and every one seemed to mind one's own business with a holy carefulness. Nobody was talking, but it as marvelous to see how as at a signal they all lifted their glasses and drank two sips, then placed them on the table, once could hear a single sip and a clatter ... and yet there was communication, I could feel it, it was in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was dry as hell, the amoeba of my stomach needed to be heavily sprayed and sprinkled as it grew. Without waiting, I made my way and hinted by the bar, with a sweet word, enough guts and some bucks to get two beers for me and my companion. The bartender, a short, fat guy with grey beard and mustaches on his witty mug and a white spot flaw in his right eye, waved me to shut up. ”Dear fellow guests! It is the holidays of Christmas, each of you gladly busted your asses this yea’, as you could, so we, as any company of respeck are now giving you the bonuses. Here is this small pile of pretty polly for you. So, come and pass by the bar at master Gelu for your piece of dough. I for one, can’t stay, I am the big cheese round here, so happy holidays.”  | Entry #18646 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.82 | 2.82 (11 ratings) | 2.82 (11 ratings) |
- 3 users entered 4 "like" tags
- 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
| Flows well Liked the alliteration. | adami | |
respeck | Good term selection | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- 4 users entered 52 "dislike" tags
- 4 users agreed with "dislikes" (21 total agrees)
- 5 users disagreed with "dislikes" (10 total disagrees)
-1  1 ready to | Other A house is not exactly "ready to" do anything, unless you personify it... | adami | |
peeled | Grammar errors peeling... (not completely, as when you are repainting, but in the process. Besides, it's very far from the original... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  1 the bricks peeped out obscenely, while the mortar was conspicuously | Inconsistencies tense consistency | Claudia Coja | |
conspicuously | Mistranslations "vazand cu ochii" means quite fast, not "cospicuously"... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-2  1 melting | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
fuck | Other WRONG register... Street language is not the same thing as obscene talk... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
holler | Mistranslations A tram cannot holler... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
by there | Other Awkward. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
at | Grammar errors ON the ground floor. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+3  1 actually she lived on, at the same ground floor, | Other incorrect word order, and it definitely doesn't read well | Claudia Coja | |
| Mistranslations it reads as if it were buried under the ground/located in a basement, which is not the case | Alina Simina Nesu | |
fate is ironic, by | Grammar errors Awkward phrasing, what is the preposition doing there? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
timely | Mistranslations "timely" does not mean "din vreme", but "at exactly the right time", which is a ludicrous thing to say... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
mud | Mistranslations The dirt, not the mud (there's no MUD on the ground floor)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-3  2 bitch | Other IMHO -"bitch" is not a proper translation for the archaism "Căţa" | Dan Miclea | |
nostrils icicles | Grammar errors Such coumpounds are only warranted in scientific styles, here it's totally ludicrous... Plus, they are formed with the non-base word in the singular (”nostril icicles”). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
We | Mistranslations why the plural? "WE entered the temple of doom and MY fate was nailed." ? | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
soft music of French chansonettes | Other redundant | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
Edith | Grammar errors Edith'S (gerunds take GENITIVES)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
blurred | Mistranslations Eyes can only be BLURRY. Vision can be blurred, or eyes that you paint in a blurry fashion... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
every one | Grammar errors Either "everyone" or "every one of them"... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
one's | Grammar errors his/their (one is generic)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
a holy carefulness | Mistranslations No such thing. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
as | Grammar errors As if? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
, | Grammar errors Asyntactic (makes no sense)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
spot flaw | Grammar errors meaningless... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
waved | Grammar errors Very unusual choice fo verb for this action. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
Dear fellow guests | Other Extremely formal, it has nothing of the original style, which is that of a person with little education, trying to sound better than he is... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
the holidays of Christmas | Other Awkward phrase. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
you gladly busted | Grammar errors Wrong tense (correct: Present Perfect). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
as you could | Mistranslations Not a correct rendition of "fiecare cum aț...” | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
k | Punctuation Missing comma. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
the | Grammar errors your OR zero article... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
pretty polly | Other That's a very unusual word for "money". It comes from the Clockwork Orange, so it is a LITERATE word, that uneducated persons do not know/regularly use. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
at | Grammar errors Preposition: TO (as with any motion verb)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
dough | Other British (pretty polly, fellow, master, etc.) OR American (bust your ass, dough, big cheese)??? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
I am the big cheese round here | Mistranslations Definitely not an accurate translation of "am de produs". Besides, it does not justify why he has to leave... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
happy holidays | Mistranslations Missing pun. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| It was an old house with two stories and a French roof, ready to collapse under its own weight. The walls were chipped, the bricks obscenely naked, the plastering melted under one’s very eyes. How the hell was this shack still standing I haven’t got the faintest; I figure, if a thumping streetcar rode by it would flatten it with the first tootle. But the streetcar stopped running by 15 years ago. The Woozy Bitch occupied the ground floor – now, after all this time I am somewhat softer on her, she didn’t collapse, she didn’t hurt anyone – the only deadly thing over there was the alcohol – in fact she inhabited a ground floor sunk one yard into the ground – well, the fate’s irony, from the get-go she got the winos used to the dirt – this Bitch was a devil’s own watering hole.. It was just before Christmas; the weather was so-so. One still could dispose of a pack of beer with no icicles hanging from one’s snout. I stepped into this temple of perdition and my fate was sealed. Inside one could hear French popular songs, somewhat muted; at any rate it looked like everybody was of one mind with Edith Piaf who had no regrets. Inside there were about 10 people – 20 eyes misted-over – that’s what I first figured, later I learned I was wrong by about 3 – and everyone minded his business with a religious attention to detail. No one was talking, but it was beautiful to behold: as if on clue, they would all lift their glasses, take two small sips, then plunk the glasses on the table; one could hear a single gulp and a single thud… still, there was some kind of communication, I could feel it floating through the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my gullet was bone-dry, the amoeba in my gut demanded to be watered more and more abundantly as it was expanding. Without further ado, sleek like sweet-talk, I eeled my way to the bar, with plenty of nerve and a few bucks to last me two beers for myself and my pal. The barman, a short fat guy with graying beard and moustache, a sly mug and a blemish - a white spot - on his right eye, gestured for me to keep quiet. “Honored mates, it’s almost Chriss’mas, y’all been workin’ hard dis year, everone as dey could, an’ dis place, like evry right business, we gives a bonus. Here’s dis pile o’ tokens for y’all, walk to de bar, Uncle Gee here’ will gives you shots. Meeh i cant, gotta work, but y’all - Happy Holibooze!”  | Entry #18643 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.77 | 2.80 (15 ratings) | 2.73 (15 ratings) |
- 4 users entered 7 "like" tags
- 5 users agreed with "likes" (7 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "likes" (4 total disagrees)
-1  1 haven’t | Flows well If you read carefully, it goes like this: "how the hell (...) I haven't got the faintest". | k33pwalkin | |
bone-dry | Flows well | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 eeled my way to the bar | Flows well | adami | |
- 5 users entered 41 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (30 total agrees)
- 5 users disagreed with "dislikes" (7 total disagrees)
| Mistranslations no such information in the original text | Claudia Coja | |
-1  1 melted | Grammar errors 1. Wring tense (was melting); 2. wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar. | adami | |
+3 was this shack still standing | Grammar errors Word order: "this shack was still standing"... (Not a question!) | adami | |
| Grammar errors Tense (Past reference). | adami | |
| Grammar errors Tense (past perf.). | adami | |
| Grammar errors earlier/before - a moment that is anterior to another past moment. | adami | |
| Punctuation Missing comma. | adami | |
| Grammar errors sunk by... | adami | |
+2  1 the fate’s irony | Grammar errors "FATE's irony" - zero article, generic. | adami | |
a | Grammar errors the devil. There is only one! | Sinéad Moore No agrees/disagrees | |
-2  1 One still could dispose of a pack of beer with no icicles hanging from one’s snout. | Other One still could ... from one's snout... (repetition) | Dan Miclea | |
dispose | Mistranslations you don't just get rid of the beer, you drink or gulp it down | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 snout | Other Snout is not just slang, it is OFFENSIVE. Doubt the narrator is being self-deprecating here (in fact, he is clearly anything but...). | adami | |
| Mistranslations Chansonettes are no "popular songs". It's not even a hypernym, since they were not always "popular"... | adami | |
| Grammar errors Syntactically, this should be an adverb, not an adjective. | adami | |
e | Punctuation Missing comma. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
like | Grammar errors AS IF! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Inconsistencies not consistent with the original text | Claudia Coja | |
-1  1 had no regrets | Inconsistencies In the original text Edith's lyrics were not rephrased, but translated word for word in reported speech (je ne regrette rien - nu regret nimic - I don't regret anything). So the translation should be "doesn't regret anything" | Alina Simina Nesu | |
eyes misted-over | Grammar errors Wrong word order. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations This adjective (which is NOT an adjective...) makes absolutely no sense not only syntactically, but also semantically: are they crying? | adami | |
| Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami | |
+1 everyone minded his business | Other everyone minded their business, not "his" | Alina Simina Nesu | |
a | Grammar errors There should be no article here (zero article). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
attention to detail | Mistranslations How on earth can you drink with "attention to detail"? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
to behold | Grammar errors It was beautiful to behold WHAT??? (Behold takes an obligatory object...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
sweet-talk | Punctuation No hyphen here (only when this expression functions as a VERB it gets hyphenated). A weakness for hyphens?? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 a few bucks to last me two beers | Syntax The phrase does not work: the second part, ”to last me...” requires an antecedent of this kind ”enough...”. OR: ”a few bucks, enough to...” | adami | |
| Mistranslations "hatru" is nowhere near "sly"... | adami | |
- | Punctuation That's a hyphen (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
on | Mistranslations A blemish ON the eye? On the upper lid??? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 gestured for me | Grammar errors gestured ME to...; to gesture FOR sb = to call sb using non-verbal means... | adami | |
| Inconsistencies Some Americanisms were used earlier, and now British English??? | adami | |
dis | Other That's trying way too hard. "dis" is only used to typify black people's speech. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
evry | Punctuation ev'ry | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
gotta work | Mistranslations "Am de produs", NOT "trebuie sa muncesc"... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| It was an old house, with one story and a French attic, nearly falling apart. The walls were dented; bricks in obscene exposure, plaster melting like snow in summer. I have no idea how this joint was still holding, in my mind the first tramcar trotting nearby would have torn it apart at first horn blow. But tramcars did not pass by for 15 years, there. The Fainted Bitch lived at the ground floor – now, after all this time, I was feeling kind of merciful about it, it did not fall, did not hurt anyone, only alcohol was killing there – in fact, it lived at a ground floor sunk one meter underground – yeap, fate’s mockery, it was making drunk people get used to dirt, in advance – this Bitch was one hell of a joint … It was nearing Christmas, weather was between and betwixt, a man could still drink a case of beers without getting icicles in the nostrils. I entered the temple of doom, and my fate was nailed to the wall. There were French ditties floating through the air, almost muted, in any case it looked like everyone inside felt in line with Edith, who wasn’t regretting a thing. There were some 10 people inside, twenty pairs of murky eyes – or so I thought at the time, later I found I was wrong by almost 3 – and each minded his own business with almost sacred trouble. No one talked, yet it was a splendor to watch them, as if cued they all raised their glasses and sipped two small gulps, then laid them back on the table, there was one single ‘gulp’, one single ‘clap’ … and yet they were communicating, I could feel it, floating in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment; yet my throat was getting nastily dry, the amoeba in my belly demanded sprinkling, ever more so as it grew. Without further linger, I slithered like a smooth-talk towards the bar, with enough nerve and some doe to grab two beers, for both my buddy and me. The bartender, a short, chubby fellow, with grizzled beard and mustache, waggish face and a bad right eye - a white spot - shushed me down. „Fellow diners of mine! It’s almost Christmas times, ya’d worked cheerily this year, each as ya’ could, and us, like any prime company, are giving bonuses. Here’ this mound of greenbacks, it is for you, go by old Gelu there, at the bar, and he’d cut you a share. I can’t stay ‘cause I gotta knock up some money, but Happy Holydrinks!”  | Entry #19417 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.62 | 2.67 (9 ratings) | 2.56 (9 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 2 "like" tags
short, chubby fellow, with grizzled beard | Flows well | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
prime company | Flows well | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- 5 users entered 35 "dislike" tags
- 4 users agreed with "dislikes" (16 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (19 total disagrees)
-1 +2  2 one story | Mistranslations TWO stories/storeys! | adami | |
-1 +1  1 a French attic | Mistranslations why French? The original text does not mention any French attic.. | Dan Miclea | |
-1 +1  1 melting | Mistranslations Has there been an atomic explosion? Only an event of that kind would explain the use of the verb "to melt"... | Dan Miclea | |
-1  1 trotting | Mistranslations Trams DO NOT trot. | adami | |
-1 +1  1 did | Grammar errors tense... | adami | |
for | Grammar errors Correct: in (you cannot NOT do something FOR years...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+2  1 , there | Other Pleonasm: ”by” has already conveyed the (same) information about place. | adami | |
Fainted Bitch | Mistranslations Fainted is passive. You would have to say "The Bitch who had fainted", which clearly doesn't work. | Sinéad Moore No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 at | Grammar errors Preposition: ON | adami | |
-1  1 about | Grammar errors Definitely not ABOUT... | adami | |
-1  1 , | Punctuation Redundant comma. | adami | |
-1  1 to the wall | Other Wordy, unnecessary, quite odd. | adami | |
-1  1 wasn’t regretting a thing | Spelling In the original text Edith's lyrics were not rephrased, but translated word for word in reported speech (je ne regrette rien - nu regret nimic - I don't regret anything). So the translation should be "doesn't regret anything" | Alina Simina Nesu | |
+2  1 10 people inside, twenty pairs | Mistranslations 10 people = 10 pairs :) | Claudia Coja | |
+4  1 twenty pairs of murky eyes | Mistranslations twenty pairs = 40 eyes | Dan Miclea | |
-1 +1  1 was | Grammar errors Tense: had been | adami | |
-1 +1  1 sacred trouble | Mistranslations Totally meaningless. | adami | |
-1  1 , | Punctuation Definitely no comma, in this form. | adami | |
-1  1 ever more so as it grew | Mistranslations Where is the gradation? | adami | |
linger | Grammar errors "Linger" cannot be a noun. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
a smooth-talk | Grammar errors Zero article (set phrase). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation There shoul be no hyphen here. This expression gets hyphenated only as a VERB! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
doe | Mistranslations Dough, not DOE! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
bad right eye - a white spot - | Grammar errors Asyntactic. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation That's a hyphen (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
shushed | Mistranslations That's not a sush, it's a gesture. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
„ | Punctuation Romanian quote marks??? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
’d | Grammar errors Wrong tense (stands for either "had" or "would", but neither is correct). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
d | Grammar errors Wrong tense. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 gotta knock up some money | Mistranslations That's not the meaning here. | adami | |
-1  1 knock up | Mistranslations "am de produs" does not mean "trebuie să adun niște bani”... He's talking about his company, it's not personal. | adami | |
| It was an old house, with 2 floors and an attic, almost falling down on it. The walls were nicked, the bricks obscene, and the coating was quickly vanishing. I had no bloody clue how this hovel was still standing, I imagined that if a tram were to pass tramping around, it would crumble at the first blow of the horn. But the tram stopped passing by 15 years ago. The Senseless Bitch occupied the ground floor - now, after all this time, I have a certain leniency towards her, she didn't fall, didn't hurt anyone, alcohol was the only killer there - she was in fact situated on a floor one meter down into the ground - oh, the irony of alcoholics getting used to the dirt early - this Bitch was one hell of a pub... It was around Christmas, the weather was fair to middling, you could still drink a case of beer without icicles forming on your beak. I entered the temple of perdition and my fate was settled. Some French chansonettes were playing inside, almost muffled, and it anyway seemed that everyone agreed with never regretful Edith. There were around 10 people inside, twenty clouded eyes - that's what I thought at first, later I found out that I was wrong by about 3 - and everyone minded their own business with holy carefulness. Nobody spoke, but they were a splendour to behold, all holding their glasses up at an imaginary signal, taking two small sips, and then setting them on the table; you could hear only one gulp and one clap... and yet there was communication, you could feel it floating in the air. I knew that this was a solemn moment, but my throat was bloody sore, my stomach amoeba demanded to be sprinkled, irrigated more and more as it grew. Without further ado, I slithered like sweet talk to the bar, with enough nerve and dough for two beers, one for me and one for my mate. The barkeep, a stocky fellow, sporting a beard and grizzled moustaches, ugly as a busted arse and with a white spot on his right eye, beckoned me to shut up. "Esteemed messmates! Christmas holidays are nearly 'ere, you've worked hard this 'ere year, each such as he could, and we, as every respected company, offer you a bonus. Look, this 'ere pile o' brass is for you, pass uncle Gelu by the bar and he will give you yours. I can't stay 'cause I need to bring home the bacon, but I wish you Happy Holidays to all!"  | Entry #18473 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Britishbritish
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.55 | 2.60 (10 ratings) | 2.50 (10 ratings) |
- 4 users entered 5 "like" tags
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (4 total disagrees)
-1  1 occupied the ground floor | Good term selection Everyone else seems to have chosen a term like "was living in". A pub cannot do this. This is the only term that I think fits! | Sinéad Moore | |
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
- 5 users entered 33 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (17 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (2 total disagrees)
it | Mistranslations The house is falling on ITSELF...) | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
coating | Mistranslations Coating? That's what you use for nails, not for houses... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 I imagined that if a tram were to pass tramping around, it would crumble at the first blow of the horn. | Other ambiguous construction: it (who) would crumble? The tram? | Dan Miclea | |
tramping around | Mistranslations It is ot possible to imagine a tram "tramping around". After all, it has a fixed route... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors ”Had stopped” (anteriority). | adami | |
| Grammar errors earlier/before - a moment that is anterior to another past moment. | adami | |
Senseless Bitch | Mistranslations It is possible to tweak the meaning of each word so much as to get something like this; in back translation, though, that would mean "Ticăloasa nesimțită”, and that's WAY too far from everything... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 meter | Spelling British spelling- Metre | Dan Miclea | |
+3  1 irony of alcoholics | Mistranslations soarta ironică = irony of alcoholics? | Dan Miclea | |
without icicles forming | Grammar errors Gerundial constructions are highly formal... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
muffled | Grammar errors Here should be an ADVERB, not an adjective! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
was | Grammar errors Tense: had been. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
holy carefulness | Other Does not work and not faithful to the source to boot... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  1 to behold, all holding their glasses up | Other somehow redundant... "to behold, all holding.. " | Dan Miclea | |
at an imaginary signal | Mistranslations A face ceva CA LA un semnal nu e acelasi lucru cu a face la un semnal imaginar (in primul caz coordonarea e inconstienta, in al doilea nu)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 you could hear only one gulp and one clap... and yet there was communication, you could feel it floating in the air. | Other "you could hear (...) you could feel..." - somehow redundant | Claudia Coja | |
+2  1 my throat was bloody sore | Mistranslations "a se usca" and "to be sore" - have different meanings | Claudia Coja | |
stomach amoeba | Mistranslations The metaphor does not work when the word order is reversed in that way. You can only understand it literally, as a real amoeba in his stomach :) | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
sprinkled, irrigated more and more as it grew | Grammar errors This syntax does not work; where is the gradation? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
mate | Other Mixture of American words (dough, beers) with British ones (nerve, mate, fellow, sporting)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
ugly as a busted arse | MistranslationsHÂTRU adj. v. ager, deștept, dibaci, glumeț, hazliu, inteligent, iscusit, isteț, îndemînatic, poznaș, priceput, șiret, șmecher, vesel, viclean. - The translation really changes the physical traits of the character.Link: http:// | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
on | Grammar errors The spot is IN the eye, not ON the eye (that is, on the lid)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
beckoned | Mistranslations Beckoning is an INVITING gesture... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
offer | Grammar errors Tense? Present continuous, perhaps? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| This was an old 2 story house with an attic, on the verge of falling right onto itself. The walls had holes in them, the bricks uncovered themselves obscenely, the plaster was practically melting right in front of your eyes. To hell if I know how this ramshackle building was still holding up. I imagined that if a tram would go by clunking, it would tear it down with just a whistle. But the tram hadn't been running through there for fifteen years. The Senseless Bitch occupied the ground floor of the building - now, after so long, I am somewhat lenient toward it, it didn't fall, it didn't hurt anyone, back there the alcohol is the only killer - in fact it occupied a ground floor that was half a meter lower than ground level - oh, the irony of fate, it got the drunks used to the muck from early on - the Bitch was one hell of a pub... It was around Christmas, the weather was so-and-so, enough so you could still drink a crate of beer without getting icicles all around your snout. I entered the temple of perdition and my fate was sealed. Inside they were playing French songs softly in the background, but anyway, it seemed like everyone agreed with Edith who doesn't regret a thing. There were about 10 people inside, 20 cloudy eyes - that's what I thought at first, but later I found out I was off by almost 3 - and everyone was minding their own business with holy meticulousness. No one was talking, but it was just brilliant seeing them lift their glasses all at once, as if on a cue and sip two small sips, after which they set them on the table, so you could hear a single glug and a single clap... and yet there was a certain communication, I could sense it, it was floating in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was terribly dry, the amoeba in my stomach demanded that it would be watered, watered more and more as it grew. Without further delay I insinuated myself near the bar as smoothly as fine words, with enough nerve and some dough to buy two beers, for me and my mate. The bartender, a short stubby guy, with a grey mustache and beard, an ugly mug and a defect at his right eye, a white mark, gestured at me to shut up. "My fellow guests! The Christmas Holidays are near, all y'all worked fondly this year, each as y'all could, and like any self-respecting business, we're giving out bonuses. This here pile of greens is for you, come by the bar so old' Gelu can give you your cut. I can't stay cuz I gotta work, but Sippy Holidays to you!"  | Entry #20174 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.55 | 2.60 (10 ratings) | 2.50 (10 ratings) |
- 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
- 6 users entered 36 "dislike" tags
- 4 users agreed with "dislikes" (15 total agrees)
- 5 users disagreed with "dislikes" (12 total disagrees)
+1 falling right onto itself | Mistranslations Meaningless | adami | |
-3  3 practically melting right in front of your eyes. | Mistranslations Has there been an atomic explosion? Only an event of that kind would explain the use of the verb "to melt"... | Dan Miclea | |
-1 +1  2 To hell | Mistranslations Makes no sense in this context. | adami | |
+2  1 would | Grammar errors No would in conditional clauses (see the conditional, in any grammar)... | adami | |
for | Grammar errors IN (you cannot NOT do something FOR years...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations ''Senseless''? Not even close to the original. | Serban Oprescu | |
- | Punctuation That's a hyphen (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
the alcohol | Grammar errors no article | Sinéad Moore No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 half a meter lower than | Other Unnatural. That's not how you say that in English. | adami | |
half a meter lower than ground level | Mistranslations | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  2 the | Grammar errors Zero article (generic; it does not refer to "those" drunkards I know and no one else... | adami | |
| Grammar errors Correct: "early on". | adami | |
+1  1 so-and-so, enough so | Grammar errors Enough so-so? Enough "so" (1) but not enough "so" (2)? Ludicrous... | adami | |
all around | Other An intensifier that is not in the original (which is already hyperbolic). Hyperbolising a hyperbole creates a ludicrous effect. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 snout | Mistranslations Snout is not just slang, it is OFFENSIVE. Doubt the narrator is being self-deprecating here (in fact, he is clearly anything but...). | adami | |
softly | Omission Softly is much vaguer than the original, and not only that, but you miss the connection between this (aproape in surdina, si totusi...) and the next sentence. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
but anyway | Mistranslations The "but" doesn't make sense, and that's because of how the pervious sentence was translated. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 doesn't | Grammar errors wasn't - elementary mistake | adami | |
cloudy eyes | Mistranslations Can eyes be cloudy? | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
was | Grammar errors had been - elementary mistake | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Spelling Lifting. The author's choice describes an action carried out repeatedly, in time, as a habit. The 'ing' ending implies that it was something done right then. | Serban Oprescu | |
all at once | Mistranslations at the same time | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
on a | Grammar errors Zero article "on cue" (set phrase). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
e | Punctuation Missing comma. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
so | Mistranslations So??? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations They "clap" they glases against the table??? | adami | |
that it would | Spelling To be watered. The request is for immediate actions or measures, not hypothetical ones. | Serban Oprescu No agrees/disagrees | |
mate | Other British (mate) or American (dough, beers)? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +2  1 an ugly mug | MistranslationsNope, not ugly! HÂTRU adj. v. ager, deștept, dibaci, glumeț, hazliu, inteligent, iscusit, isteț, îndemînatic, poznaș, priceput, șiret, șmecher, vesel, viclean.Link: http:// | Dan Miclea | |
-1 +1  1 all y'all | Grammar errors "all you all"??? | adami | |
work | Mistranslations That is not what the original says. | Serban Oprescu No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 Sippy | Mistranslations No: the only thing this is pointing to is a sippy cup... | adami | |
| It was an old, one-story house with a garret, ready to crumble on itself. Its walls were toothless, the bricks exposed themselves obscenely, the plaster was melting away. I don’t know how the hell that damn shack managed to keep standing, I imagined that if a tram went pounding by, it would come crashing down at the first signal. But no tram had passed by for 15 years. The Fainted Bitch lived in the ground floor of the building – now, after all this time, I feel rather lenient towards it, it didn’t fall, it didn’t hurt anyone, there it’s only alcohol that kills – in fact it lived in a recessed ground floor, one meter below the earth – what an ironic fate, it accustomed drunkards early on with the dust– this Bitch was one hell of a tavern… It was around Christmas, outside it was so and so, you could still drink a whole crate of beer without icicles growing from your nostrils. I entered the temple of perdition and my fate was sealed. Inside you could barely hear some French chansonettes playing, but it didn’t matter, because everyone seemed to agree with Edith, who didn’t regret a thing. There were about 10 people inside, twenty murky eyes– or so I thought at first, but later I found out I was wrong by almost 3 – and each minded his own business with saintly diligence. No one was talking, but it was a splendor seeing them lift their glasses, as if a signal had been given, and sip two small drops, after which they laid them back upon the table, and you could only hear one gulp and one clack… and still there was communication, I could feel it, it was floating in the air. I knew this was a solemn moment, but my throat was dry as hell, the amoeba in my stomach kept asking to be sprinkled, sprinkled more and more as it grew. Without waiting any further, I insinuated myself like a whisper at the bar, with enough audacity and some dough, to take two beers, one for me and one for my companion. The bartender, a short fat guy, with grizzled beard and moustache, a fucking wag with a white stain in his right eye, gestured at me to shut up. “Mah fellow guests! It’s almost Christmas, you been working hard this year, to the best that you could, and we, like any company that respects itself, will give you a bonus. See that lil’ pile of cockades is for you, Mr. Gelu here at the bar will make you a portion. I can’t stay cuz I got stuff to do, but merry drinksmas y’all!”  | Entry #18494 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.54 | 2.58 (12 ratings) | 2.50 (10 ratings) |
- 3 users entered 3 "like" tags
- 5 users agreed with "likes" (5 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
+1  1 melting away | Good term selection | adami | |
- 4 users entered 32 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (18 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (3 total disagrees)
-1 +1  1 , | Punctuation Comma does not belong (not a non-defining, but a defining modifier). | adami | |
-1 +1  1 ready to | Other A house is not "ready to" do anything (except in fairy tales); it just "stands to"... | adami | |
| Other Redundant (two synonymous expressions one after the other). | adami | |
| Mistranslations Different meaning: this means that somebody/the tram (?) gives the signal for the house to collapse. | adami | |
| Grammar errors Correct: in (you cannot NOT do something FOR years...). | adami | |
| Grammar errors Wrong preposition (ON a floor). | adami | |
| Mistranslations "recessed" means receeding on the horizontal level, not going down on the vertical one. | adami | |
what an ironic fate | Syntax An exclamation without an exclamation mark. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
whole | Other Not necessary and not in the original (slight change of meaning and emphasis). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  2 without icicles growing | Syntax | adami | |
+2  1 barely | Omission Not an accurate translation; it could be because of the noise, not because it was soft... | adami | |
– | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash - and a SPACE)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
was | Grammar errors Tense (anteriority). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
saintly | Other Not working... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations You cannot sip "a drop"... | adami | |
kept asking | Other Why "kept"? When in the text did it "ask" before? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 sprinkled, sprinkled more and more | Grammar errors Awkward syntax... | adami | |
at | Grammar errors Preposition with motion verb: TO. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
one for me and one for | Other Redundant. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
with grizzled beard | Grammar errors with a grizzled beard. Does someone have beard? No. He has A beard. | Sinéad Moore No agrees/disagrees | |
fucking wag | Mistranslations What happened to "funny face"? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
fellow guests | Mistranslations That means "I am a guest exactly like you". From the context it's clearly not the case. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
you | Grammar errors you've | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
to the best that you could | Grammar errors "work to the best"? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
that respects itself | Other Too wordy. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations Cannot possibly mean "money". | adami | |
| Mistranslations "stuff to do" is far removed from "am de produs". | adami | |
s | Other Missing preposition (TO y'all). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| It was a multi-storey mansard-roofed old house on the verge of collapsing. The walls were blunt, the bricks emerged obscene, the plasterwork was wasting away. Dunno how the heck this shack held out, I imagined that should some tram pass by stamping it’d shatter at its first signal. But the tram hadn’t passed by for 15 years. The Faint Bitch Hound dwelt on the ground floor of the building – now, after all this time, I entertain some sort of leniency toward her; she didn’t fall, she hurt no one, it is but the alcohol that kills there – as a matter of fact she dwelt on a floor sunk by one meter beneath ground – meh, the irony of fate, she would get the drunkards acquaint themselves to mud early. This Bitch Hound was a hell of a boozer. It was around Christmas, the weather was betwixt and between, you could still drink a crate of beer without icicles forming ‘round your nostril. I broke into the temple of ruination and my fate was sealed. Inside one could listen to dimly sung French chansonnettes, anyway it seemed that everyone went along with Edith who regrets nothing. There were about 10 people inside, twenty turbid eyes – so I thought at first, later on I found out I was mistaken by almost 3 – and each of them was minding their own business with saintly scrupulosity. No one spoke, but it was a splendor to behold them. As if at a signal, they would all raise their glasses and sip two little gulps, then they would place them on the table. One could hear one single gurgle and one single clap…and yet there was some sort of communication, I felt it, it was floating in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, albeit my throat had gone damn dry, the amoeba in my stomach called for watering, more and more watering as it grew. Without further ado, I brought myself forward like sweet talk to the bar with enough guts and some bucks, to get two beers for myself and my pal. The bartender, a grizzled bearded and mustached short and fat guy, with a cunning mug and a white stain on his faulty right eye, beckoned me to be quiet. “Honorable commensals of mine! ‘Tis nearly Christmas, you’ve worked dearly this year, each as he could, and we, like any respectable company, give away the gratuity. Have a look at this pile of greenbacks. Pass by the bar so uncle Gelu make you a portion. I can’t stay cuz I gotta make some money, but merry Boozemas to y’all.”  | Entry #21758 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.50 | 2.50 (10 ratings) | 2.50 (10 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
wasting away | Good term selection | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- 6 users entered 31 "dislike" tags
- 3 users agreed with "dislikes" (16 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (3 total disagrees)
| Mistranslations just two, the original text doesn't mention anything about "multi" | Claudia Coja | |
mansard | Mistranslations A mansard roof is a heavy and luxurious (expensive) structure, unlikely to be used in such a shaky lowly building. A ”mansard” is one of the three types of attics, and the least likely to be found here. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations Walls cannot be "blunt"; possibly an extrapolation from "a blunt blade", but it obviously does not work. | adami | |
obscene | Grammar errors obscenely | Sinéad Moore No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 Dunno | Mistranslations 'dunno' stands for an illiterate individual with difficulties in expressing himself through words. It does not stand for a casual conversation. | Serban Oprescu | |
+1  1 should | Grammar errors Should ... (cond.) is for when you don't believe that something might happen. When this form is used, it makes the next sentence meaningless (if you already know that a tram could not pass by, why say that again?)... | adami | |
| Mistranslations Only something that HAS FEET can stamp... | adami | |
for 15 | Grammar errors Correct: in (you cannot NOT do something FOR years...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
Bitch Hound | Spelling Why Hound (group of dog breeds)? Why not German Shepherd? Or Great Dane? | Serban Oprescu No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 would get the drunkards acquaint themselves to mud early | Other word order? | Claudia Coja | |
the drunkards | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
anyway | Other why "anyway" ? I don't see any opposition between the two clauses... | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
regrets | Inconsistencies tense consistency | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
was | Grammar errors Tense: had been. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
r | Punctuation Missing comma (changes the meaning completely)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
d | Punctuation Missing hyphen. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
short and fat guy | Other Awkward. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations " hâtru" might - as well - mean "funny". | Dan Miclea | |
on | Grammar errors IN the eye, not ON the eye (that means ON the lid). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
beckoned | Mistranslations Beckoning is an INVITING gesture... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
give | Grammar errors Tense: present continuous or a phrase to that effect... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
give away the gratuity | Grammar errors Tautology: can you NOT give away a gratuity? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Spelling Why exactly "Have a look"? This is not what the original says. | Serban Oprescu | |
-1  1 make some money | Mistranslations Hețs not making money for himself, hețs taking care that his ”company” should make a profit... | adami | |
| It was an old house, with an extra floor and an attic ready to fall in at any moment. The walls were crumbling, the bricks looked obscene, the plaster was melting right in front of your eyes. I don't know how the hell that shack was still standing, I was sure that any tram passing by would demolish it just by honking. But the tram doesn't pass by there for almost 15 years now. The Swooning Bitch was on the building's ground floor - now, after all this time, I developed a certain sort of leniency towards it, it didn't fall in, didn't injure anybody, there, only the alcohol was doing the killing - in fact it was on a ground floor that was caved in for about a meter underground - ah, the ironic fate, making sure that the drunks are used to the mud - that Bitch was a hell of a tavern... It was around Christmas, the weather was average, which meant that you could drink a case of beer without growing icicles around the nasal area. I entered the temple of doom and my fate was sealed. Inside they were listening to French chansonettes, almost as a background, it seemed that everyone was agreeing with Edith who regretted nothing. There were around 10 people inside, twenty muddled eyes - that's what I thought at first, later I realized that I was off by at least 3 - and everyone was minding their own business with sacred meticulousness. Nobody was talking, but it was wonderful to see them all pick up their drink in unison, as if on command, taking two small sips, and putting it back on the table, you could hear one single gulp and on single clack... and still, there existed a certain kind of communication, I was feeling it, it was in the air. I knew that it was a solemn moment, but my throat was dry, the amoeba in my stomach was begging to be sprinkled, sprinkled even more abundantly, the more it grew. Without waiting any further, I slicked my way to the bar, with sufficient nerve and a few bucks, to get two beers, one for me and one for my buddy. The barman, a short and fat individual, with a grey beard and mustache, and a defect on his right eye, a white spot, motioned for me to shut up. "My dear guests! The Christmas holidays are almost upon's, y'all worked very hard this year, each doing the best you could, and 'ere, as in any other respectable firm, we give bonus. Look at this 'ere little pile of cockades, it's for you, come to the bar to uncle Gelu, and he'll give you your share. I can't stay 'cos I have to produce, but I wish you happy holidays!"  | Entry #18725 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.49 | 2.42 (12 ratings) | 2.55 (11 ratings) |
- 3 users entered 3 "like" tags
- 3 users disagreed with "likes" (3 total disagrees)
-2  1 Swooning Bitch | Flows well Works well. | adami | |
begging | Good term selection interesting choice | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
- 7 users entered 28 "dislike" tags
- 7 users agreed with "dislikes" (17 total agrees)
- 4 users disagreed with "dislikes" (5 total disagrees)
, | Punctuation Comma splices. Three separate independent clauses. | yashia No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 melting | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
now | Spelling it had already been 15 yeard when the narrator first saw the house... so "now" has no place here | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
was | Mistranslations 'Caved in' is an action, not a state. Ex.: The mine caved in yesterday. | Serban Oprescu No agrees/disagrees | |
caved in | Other it didn't cave in, it was built that way | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
fate, making sure | Grammar errors Is there a comma between subject and predicate, or is the subject missing? Who can tell where faulty syntax comes from? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 making sure that the drunks are used to the mud | Omission îi obişnuia DIN VREME | Alina Simina Nesu | |
the drunk | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other it just doesn't fit with the style (sounds like a medical translation) | Dan Miclea | |
as a background | Mistranslations Very strange. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
it seemed that everyone was agreeing with Edith who regretted nothing. | Grammar errors tense consistency? | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
was | Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been off). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
sacred meticulousness | Other it doesn't flow well | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 to see them all pick up their drink in unison, | Other it doesn't flow well | Dan Miclea | |
their drink | Grammar errors they all had a single drink? | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 I was feeling it | Other tense - it should be "I could feel it". "I was feeling it" can be interpreted as "I liked it" | Alina Simina Nesu | |
-1 +1  1 The barman, a short and fat individual, with a grey beard and mustache, and a defect on his right eye, a white spot, motioned for me to shut up. | Omission I don't see the translation of the expression "hâtru la muie" | Claudia Coja | |
a short and fat individual | Other Awkward: adjectives are normally juxtaposed in English. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
give | Grammar errors Tense: continuous or a structure to that effect. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations "come to the bar " is not the proper translation of " treceţi pe la bar" | Claudia Coja | |
+1  1 happy holidays | Other the meaning might be the same, but the translation lacks the humourous style. | Claudia Coja | |
| It was an old house, with a story and attic ready to implode. The walls were chipped off, the bricks were obscenely displayed, the plaster was quickly melting. I don't know how the hell this ramshackle joint was still holding together, I figured if a tram would trot by, it would make it collapse as soon as you could hear it. But the tram hadn't passed by there for 15 years. The Fainted Bitch resided on the ground floor of the building—now, after such a long time I feel a certain lenience towards it, it hasn't fallen, it hasn't hurt anyone, alcohol is the only killer there—actually, she was living on a ground floor one meter under ground—oh, the irony, she was helping the drunks get used to the dirt ahead of time—this Bitch was one damned bar... It was around Christmas, outside was so and so, you could still drink a crate of beer without getting icicles around your snout. I went inside the temple of doom and my fate was cast. Inside they were listening to French chansonnettes, nearly muted, it seemed anyway that everybody agreed with Edith who had no regrets. There were about ten people inside, twenty blurry eyes—or so I thought the first time, later I found out I was off by three—and each was minding their business with a sacred meticulosity. No one was talking, but it was so splendid to watch them, as if given a sign, they would all raise their glasses and take two sips, after which they would put them on the table, there would be a single gulp and a single clap... and yet there was communication, I could feel it floating in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my gozzle was bloody dry, the amoeba in my stomach was demanding to be sprinkled, even harder sprinkled as it was growing. Without waiting, I slid like sweet talk towards the bar, with plenty of nerve and some dough to buy two beers for my buddy and me. The bartender, a short and chubby fella, with a beard and grizzled mustache, sly-mouthed and with a flaw on his right eye, a white stain, pointed out to keep quiet. "Esteemed brothers in tables! It's almost Christmas, y'worked gladly this year, each to 'er own ability, and just like any otha' respectful business, we also give the bonus. Here, this little heap of cake is for you, go by the bar by uncle Gelu so he can cut you your slice. I can't stay 'cause I have work, but happy holiboozedays!"  | Entry #18436 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.46 | 2.36 (11 ratings) | 2.55 (11 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
brothers in tables | Good term selection Nice choice, definitely the style of the text. | diamondo No agrees/disagrees | |
- 6 users entered 30 "dislike" tags
- 8 users agreed with "dislikes" (28 total agrees)
- 6 users disagreed with "dislikes" (12 total disagrees)
-1 +1  1 were obscenely displayed | Mistranslations No, they weren't displayed, they showed themselves, big difference... | adami | |
-3  2 melting | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
| Grammar errors would in the conditional clause? | adami | |
trot | Mistranslations In English, trams cannot trot. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+3  1 as soon as you could hear it | Other Not sure that "as soon as you could hear it" has the same - or at least a similar meaning with "la primu’ ţignal". | Dan Miclea | |
| Grammar errors Passed by. Redundancy with ''There''. Just one sentence before, you used the correct version! | Serban Oprescu | |
| Grammar errors Correct: in (you cannot NOT do something FOR years...). | adami | |
| Punctuation missing comma | adami | |
-1  1 irony | Omission 'She' indicates an identity, but the entity to whom it belongs is missing. Where is 'fate'? | Serban Oprescu | |
-1  1 the drunks | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami | |
+2  1 ahead of time | Other This makes me think there's a deadline for the drunks to get used to the dirt, which is not the case. Maybe "early on" would be more suitable in this context | Alina Simina Nesu | |
-1 +2  1 snout | Other Snout is not just slang, it is OFFENSIVE. Doubt the narrator is being self-deprecating here (in fact, he is clearly anything but...). | adami | |
muted | Grammar errors Adverb: should be "mutedly" (perhaps...) | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
seemed anyway | Other odd... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
had | Grammar errors Tense: "was having" | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Inconsistencies "aproape 3" (important)... | adami | |
-2 +1  1 and each was minding their business | Grammar errors and each (EYE) was minding their business (?) | Claudia Coja | |
so splendid | Mistranslations so splendid?what about "such a delight"?... | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
as if given a sign, | Grammar errors word order | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 two sips | Mistranslations What about "a couple", instead of "two", showing some approximation, rather than an exact number of? | Gabriela Nistor | |
fella | Other Too colloquial a regionalism for the context. | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations "sly-mouthed" is not the best translation of "hâtru la muie". | Claudia Coja | |
pointed out to keep quiet | Mistranslations Not the best choice of words | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations Obviously different in meaning than the original. | Gabriela Nistor | |
| Mistranslations it has a very different meaning | Claudia Coja | |
| There was an old one-storey house with attic ready to fall on it. The walls were crooked, the bricks looked smutty, the plastering was wasting. I do not know how on earth this hovel was still resisting, I thought that if a tramping tram was passing by it would demolish it at first sound. But the tram hadn't passed by there for fifteen years. Căţaua Leşinată functioned at the ground floor - now after all this time, I feel sorry for it, it did not fall down, it did not hurt anybody, only alcohol kills there - in fact it functioned in a one meter deep ground floor - eh, what irony, it accustomed the drunkards with the sludge - this Căţea was one heck of a beer house... It was around Christmas, outside the weather was so and so, therefore one could still drink a crate of beer without getting a frozen nose. I entered the temple of doom and my fate was sealed. Inside French chansonnettes were heard almost in a damper, anyway everybody seemed to agree with Edith who did not regret a thing. There were approximately ten people inside, twenty pairs of injected eyes - this was my first thought, but later I have found out that I was wrong with almost three - and everyone minded their own holy business. Nobody talked, but it was delightful to see that at a signal they all lifted their glasses and sipped two small rouses, after which they put them on the table, a spout and a clap were heard... but still there was communication, I felt it floating in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was dry as dust, my stomach amoeba was demanding to be watered as it was growing. Without waiting I went to the bar like a sweet word, with enough nerves and some chink to buy two beers, one for me and one for my friend. The bartender, a short fat guy, with grey beard and mustaches, small balls and a problem at his right eye, a white spot, signaled me to shut up. 'My dear messmates! The Christmas holidays are near, you've worked dearly this year, each one as he could, and we, like any honorable company, we give your bonuses. This wad of banknotes is for you, go to the bar at mister Gelu to make your shares. I can't stay because I have to produce, but happy drinking holidays!'  | Entry #18485 — Discuss 0 — Variant: USuseng
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.45 | 2.40 (10 ratings) | 2.50 (10 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
- 5 users entered 30 "dislike" tags
- 4 users agreed with "dislikes" (19 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (2 total disagrees)
one | Mistranslations two-storey! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
it | Grammar errors itself | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
looked smutty | Mistranslations "se aratau"? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+2  1 wasting | Other Doesnțt work this way -- perhaps wasting away... | adami | |
+2  1 I do not know how on earth this hovel was still resisting, I thought that if a tramping tram was passing by it would demolish it at first sound. | Inconsistencies Tense consistency | Claudia Coja | |
for | Grammar errors IN (you cannot NOT do something FOR years...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other Translation/adaptation was definitely preferable. | Dan Miclea | |
at | Grammar errors ON the ground floor. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations two different things: to be sorry / a fi indulgent | Claudia Coja | |
one meter deep ground floor | Other it doesn't read well | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  1 the drunkards | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami | |
e | Omission Missing adverbial ("din vreme"). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other It should have been translated - and anyway, the name was "Căţaua" (which is an archaism)and not "Căţeaua". | Dan Miclea | |
therefore | Other What's formal language doing in this context? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Omission (țurțuri la naretă) - the meaning might be the same, but the style is definitely not. | Claudia Coja | |
almost in a damper | Mistranslations Totally meaningless in this context. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 anyway | Grammar errors "anyway" has an adversative value - so the two clauses should be in an adversative relation. | Claudia Coja | |
| Mistranslations "injected" is not a proper translation of "tulburi" | Claudia Coja | |
was | Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 everyone minded their own holy business. | Mistranslations their businesses were not "holy" | Claudia Coja | |
| Omission "CA la un semnal" - there was actually no signal | Claudia Coja | |
after which they put them on the table, a spout and a clap were heard | Grammar errors tense consistency? | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
small balls | Mistranslations "hâtru la muie" does not mean "small ballls" | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
| It was an old, one-store, lofted house, ready to collapse on top of her. The walls were nicked, the bricks revealed themselves obscenely, the plastering was melting away in front of your eyes. I couldn’t figure out how that hovel could hold, I would imagine that if some tram had clattered it would have immediately destroyed it. But the tram stopped passing by fifteen years before. The Cold Barker lived at the ground floor of the building – right, after such a long time, I have somewhat of an indulgence to her, she didn’t fall, she didn’t hurt anyone, only alcohol kills over there – she actually lived on a ground floor buried one meter under the ground – well, ironic fate would beforehand accustom drunks with dirt – this Barker was a hell of a pub… It was around Christmas, the weather was so and so, you could still drink a case of beer without having icicles at the nostrils. I went into the temple of perdition and my fate was sealed. Inside, French chansonettes were playing, almost muted, and in any case everyone agreed with Edith who didn’t regret anything. Some ten people were inside, twenty cloudy eyes – or so I thought at first, later on I found out I was wrong by almost three – and each of them would mind their own business very carefully. No one spoke, but it was a sight watching them, how at a signal they’d hold up their glasses and sip two thimblefuls, then they’d place them on the table, one single gulp a one single clap… and yet there was communication, I could feel it, it was in the air. I knew it was a solemn occasion, but my throat was very dry, the amoeba in my stomach was demanding to be washed, washed heavier as it grew. Without waiting any longer, I insinuated myself like a sweet talk near the bar, with enough nerve and little money, to buy a couple of beers, to me and my buddy. The bartender, a short, fat fellow, with a grizzled beard and moustache, smart-mouthed and with a deficiency in his right eye, a white blur, beckoned me to shut up. “Esteemed messmates! Christmas is near, you’ve worked hard this year, each of you in their own capacity, and here, as in any other well-respected firm, we offer bonuses. This here small wad is for you, pass by the bar to poppy Gelu to prepare you a serving. I can’t stay ‘cause I have to produce, but happy holidays!”  | Entry #18449 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.35 | 2.40 (10 ratings) | 2.30 (10 ratings) |
- 3 users entered 3 "like" tags
Barker | Other Interesting choice. | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
Some ten people were inside | Good term selection | k33pwalkin No agrees/disagrees | |
- 4 users entered 34 "dislike" tags
- 4 users agreed with "dislikes" (14 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (2 total disagrees)
, | | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors 1. BE storey/AE story (never "store", that's sth else); 2. it's a two-storey house. | adami | |
+2  1 lofted | Syntax "lofted house" is very rare and strange; one-storey lofted house is even stranger, for syntactic/semantic reasons (modifiers in a chain cannot be in the same class). | adami | |
| Other A house is not "ready to", unless personified, but that's not the case. | adami | |
| Mistranslations Misunderstanding, probably. There is no "her"; the referent is the house (ITSELF). | adami | |
hold | Grammar errors That means "would be able to hold in the future". That is not the meaning in the original. Correct (just the verb form, not the rest of the sentence...): could have held. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
have immediately destroyed it | Mistranslations Completely different, even absurd (it's not the tram itself that DESTROYS the house)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors ”Had stopped” (anteriority). | adami | |
Barker | Mistranslations I have never encountered this equivalence in English language. | Serban Oprescu No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 lived at the ground floor | Inconsistencies lived at the ground floor (and 3 lines further) lived on the ground floor | Claudia Coja | |
at | Grammar errors ON is the only correct choice. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 indulgence | Grammar errors Indulgence/indulgenta = false friends! | adami | |
to | Grammar errors Wrong preposition. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
would beforehand accustom | Grammar errors Wrong word order. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
muted | Grammar errors There should be an adverb, not an ADJECTIVE! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
was wrong | Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations nu, nu cred ca e vorba despre o eventuala atentie deosebita pentru ceea ce faceau, ci mai degraba despre faptul ca erau foarte concentrati in timp ce faceau "nimic" | Claudia Coja | |
it was a sight watching them | Grammar errors Asyntactic and tautological. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
thimblefuls | Mistranslations "inghititura mica"... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
heavier | Grammar errors Asyntactic: heavier than...? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
near | Grammar errors Motion verb (requires TO). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
t, | Punctuation Misplaced comma. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
smart-mouthed | Mistranslations He has a funny-looking face, not a sharp tongue... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations a little too "academic" for this text | Claudia Coja | |
+1  1 in their own capacity | Other too academic - very far from the original | Claudia Coja | |
in their own capacity | Mistranslations In one's capacity = "In calitate de" - Therefore, each one worked in his own specialty. This is not what the original says. | Serban Oprescu No agrees/disagrees | |
holidays | Mistranslations No pun... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| The house was ragged, bearing a floor and an attic ready to crumble upon it. Walls were looking shabby, with decrepit bricks and poor plastering. I was having no idea about how this shack was still standing; any moment, a roaring tram would go by and it would fall to pieces. There had been, however, no trams going by for the past fifteen years. The Sloppy Bitch was living at the ground floor - after all this time, I had a certain indulgence towards it; it didn't crumble, it didn't hurt anyone, the only life-claimer on that side was alcohol - she was actually living 5 feet underground - so that drunkards would get used to the mud sooner than expected, the irony - this Bitch was a hell of a shanty. It was around Christmas, the weather wasn't too bad, you could still have a pint without freezing your nostrils off. As soon as I entered the temple of undoing, my fate was sealed. Sounds of French chansonettes sparkling in the background were defining the mood, as everyone seemed to agree with Edith about not regretting anything. There were about ten people inside, twenty troubled eyes - or at least that was my initial thought only to find out later that I was almost three people off - and everyone was inadvertently minding their own business. No one was making a sound, but it was marvellous watching them as they were raising their glasses and having a sip upon the signal, there was just one mouthful and one clap ... and still, there was communication, I felt it, it was invisible, floating in the air. I knew it was a silent moment, but my throat had gone exceedingly dry, the plant in my stomach asking to be sprinked, more and more as it was growing. Without any hesitation, I've snooked up to the bar table like a snake, with enough dough and gut to have two beers, for me and my comrade. The bartender, a short and fat fella with grizzled beard and mustache, hideous and stained for one eye, shushed me. "My fellow colleagues! Christmas is upon us, you've worked dearly this year, each at your own strength and, as so, you shall receive a bonus for that. This little pile of smackaroos is for ya, get down to the bar so mister Gelu can hand you your share. I can't be staying as time is money, but I still wish you a Merry Little Christmas!"  | Entry #18419 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.32 | 2.38 (8 ratings) | 2.25 (8 ratings) |
- 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
life-claimer | Good term selection | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
smackaroos | Good term selection | k33pwalkin No agrees/disagrees | |
- 4 users entered 27 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (16 total agrees)
| Mistranslations Actually two floors... But bearing...? | adami | |
+1 attic ready to crumble upon it | Mistranslations It's not the attic, but the house itself that stands to crumble... | adami | |
| Mistranslations it lacks the meaning and metaphor of the original text | Alina Simina Nesu | |
| Mistranslations Poor plasterwork and old plasterwork are two very different things. | adami | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+2  1 5 feet | Mistranslations interesting choice - to transform the meters into feet - but sort of innacurate... | Dan Miclea | |
sooner than expected | Other nothing about "expectation" in the original text | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
a pint | Mistranslations "a pint" is not really "o ladă de bere" | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 I was almost three people off | Mistranslations mă înşelam cu aproape 3 (ochi) - it's not about the people, but about their eyes | Dan Miclea | |
t | Omission omission of "după care le aşezau pe masă" | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
invisible | Mistranslations no such information int he original text | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
silent | Mistranslations why "silent"? | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 the plant in my stomach | Mistranslations the amoeba has a different semnification here (it's a joke about that specific parasite), so I don't think it could be replaced with "plant" | Dan Miclea | |
I've snooked up to the bar table like a snake | Mistranslations far from the original text | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
hideous | Mistranslations don't confuse "hâtru"with "hâd" | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
"My fellow colleagues! Christmas is upon us, you've worked dearly this year, each at your own strength and, as so, you shall receive a bonus for that. | Inconsistencies far from the register of the original text | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
pile | Mistranslations not consistent with the fact that he was holding money in his hand | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other the register does not match the source text + it misses the pun about the "sar-bautori" | Alina Simina Nesu | |
| There was an old house, with a floor and garret, ready to fall on it. The walls were hacked, the bricks were obscenely showing themselves, the back coat was visibly melting. I don't know how the hell this hovel was hanging on, I was thinking that if a tram goes clatter, at the first signal it will fall into pieces. But the tram was not passing by anymore for 15 years. The Queer Bitch was living at the ground floor of the building - now, after all this time I have some kind of indulgence towards it, it didn't fall, it didn't hurt anybody, there only alcohol kills - in fact, it was living in a ground floor deepened one meeter under the ground - eh, the ironic faith was early getting the drunks into the sludge - this Bitch was a bally boozer... It was near upon Christmas, outside it was so-and-so, a rack of beer it could still be drunk without making icicles at your schnozz. I went into the temple of the bad and my faith was sealed. Inside there were french chansonnettes listened, almost hummed, anyhow it seemed that everyone is agreeing Edith who regrets nothing. There were about 10 persons inside, twenty cloudy eyes - so I thought the first time, later I found out that I was mistaking almost 3 - and everybody was minding its own business with a saint carefulness. No one was talking, but it was a splendour to see them, like at a signal they all lifted their glasses up and sipped two small draughts, afterwards sat them on the table, there was only one slurp and one clap heard...and yet there was a communication, I was feeling it, it was in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat has dried as hell, my stomach amoeba was asking to be doused, doused more and more as it was growing. Without waiting, I got in like a soft whisper near the bar, with enough nerve and some dough to get two beers for me and my companion. The bartender, a short and fat guy, with grey beard and moustache, sly at the mug and with a flaw at the right eye, a white spot, signed me to shut up. "Honourable table companion! It's almost Christmas holiday, you've worked hard this year, everyone as you could, and we, like any worthy firm, give bonus. Look this pile of silver is for you, pass by the bar at uncle Gelu to dole. I can't stay 'cause I have to produce, but happy holiday!"  | Entry #18815 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Britishbritish
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.30 | 1.92 (13 ratings) | 2.67 (12 ratings) |
- 7 users entered 36 "dislike" tags
- 8 users agreed with "dislikes" (35 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (3 total disagrees)
to fall on it | Mistranslations Fall on what? | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations "văzând cu ochii” does not mean ”visibly” (in a way that can be seen), but, for a process that is normally slow, when it happens faster than expected. | adami | |
-2 +1  1 melting | Mistranslations Has there been an atomic explosion? Only an event of that kind would explain the use of the verb "to melt"... | Dan Miclea | |
| Other strange combination, it doesn't flow well | Claudia Coja | |
for 15 | Grammar errors Correct: in (you cannot NOT do something FOR years...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
under the ground | Mistranslations below the ground | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 early getting the drunks into the sludge | Mistranslations why "into"? what happened to " îi obişnuia"? | Claudia Coja | |
the drunks | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
so-and-so | Mistranslations a so-and-so is a euphamistic person for a not very nice person. Weather is "so-so" | Sinéad Moore No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 there were french chansonnettes listened | Other wrong word order | Claudia Coja | |
there were french chansonnettes listened | Mistranslations Awkward translation grammatically and logically considered. "Listened" misses its obligatory preposition (to). "There" is a misfortunate choice for the subject here. | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations is agreeing?! is agreeing Edith?!?! | Claudia Coja | |
cloudy | Mistranslations Inappropriate in context. | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
there was only one slurp and one clap heard | Other word order | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
with a flaw at the right eye | Grammar errors Whose eye? | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
+2  1 Honourable table companion! It's almost Christmas holiday, you've worked hard this year, everyone as you could, and we, like any worthy firm, give bonus. | Other The character is actually "created" through his speech. The English translation does not reflect the character's traits. | Dan Miclea | |
+1 Look this pile of silver is for you, pass by the bar at uncle Gelu to dole. I can't stay 'cause I have to produce, but happy holiday!" | Other same observation: the original register is very different | Claudia Coja | |
| There was an old house, with a floor and an attic , which was on the brink of falling apart. Its walls were worn out, the bricks were looking obscene, its plaster was melting as you looked at them. I don`t know how the hell was this poor house resisting, I was imagining that if a tram were to pass by it would tramp out the house at the sound of the first horn blow. But the tram was not passing by that place by more than 15 years. That Fainting Bitch was living at the ground floor now, after quite a while I have some indulgence for her, she did not fall, she did not hurt anyone, in there only the alcohol kills- actually she was living at a level one meter lower than the ground floor- eh, ironic fate, it helped the drunk people get used to the dirt- This bitch was a hell of a cottage... It was around Christmas, the weather was fine, you could still drink half a dozen of beers without getting cold. I went in the temple of perdition and my fate was sealed. In there you could hear french songs, in a quiet manner, anyway it looked as if everyone was agreeing with Edith who did not regret anything. There were around 10 persons inside, twenty troubled eyes- as I believed first time, later i found out that i was wrong with nearly 3 of them- and everyone was minding his own business with a holy fervor. Nobody was speaking, but it was a delight to look at them, at a signal everyone was raising their glasses and were taking two little sips, after they would place them on the tables, you could hear a single pouring sound and a single clap...and yet there was a communication, i could feel it, it was floating in the air. I knew that it was a solemn moment, but my throat had dried out, my amoeba which was in my stomach was asking to be wet, wet the more it was growing. Without waiting, I got at the bar like a golden tongue, with enough boldness and some money to get two more beers, one for me and one for my companion. The innkeeper, a short and fat man, with both the beard and the hair whitened, a hideous face and with a flaw at the right eye, a white stain, made me shut up. "My honored guests!It is almost Christmas, you have gladly worked this year, everyone as you could, and here at us like at any other respected firm we offer the first one. Look, this pile of insignias are for you, come to the bar to be served by mister Gelu. I can`t stay because i have to produce, but i wish you happy holidays!"  | Entry #18424 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.17 | 2.33 (6 ratings) | 2.00 (6 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
- 4 users entered 37 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (33 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (2 total disagrees)
-1 +1  1 melting | Mistranslations Has there been an atomic explosion? Only an event of that kind would explain the use of the verb "to melt"... | Dan Miclea | |
them | Grammar errors at IT | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
was not passing | Grammar errors "hadn't been running by" would be better considering that the tram ceasing to take that route is an event that took place before the narrator arrived at the location | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
the drunk | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
was wrong | Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
everyone was minding his own business | Spelling everyone was minding THEIR business, not "his" | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations there was actually no signal... | Dan Miclea | |
+2 my amoeba which was in my stomach | Other redundant... | Dan Miclea | |
+1 I got at the bar like a golden tongue | Other like a golden tongue ?! | Dan Miclea | |
+1 with both the beard and the hair whitened | Inconsistencies awkward phrasing + there's no mention of his hair, only the beard and moustache (cu barbă şi musteţi încărunţite) | Alina Simina Nesu | |
| MistranslationsNo, not hideous! HÂTRU adj. v. ager, deștept, dibaci, glumeț, hazliu, inteligent, iscusit, isteț, îndemînatic, poznaș, priceput, șiret, șmecher, vesel, viclean.Link: http:// | Dan Miclea | |
| Other not the best choice of words - and the meaning is sort of different | Dan Miclea | |
+2 "My honored guests!It is almost Christmas, you have gladly worked this year, everyone as you could, and here at us like at any other respected firm we offer the first one. | Other very different register | Claudia Coja | |
+1 Look, this pile of insignias are for you, come to the bar to be served by mister Gelu. I can`t stay because i have to produce, but i wish you happy holidays!" | Other what happened to the comic register? | Claudia Coja | |
| An old house it was, with one floor and attic ready to crumble over. Walls were broken and bricks rose naked and the coating was melting under your eyes. Dunno how the hell this rookery kept standing, one trolley should trot near and there it would fall down at its first horn, I thought. But there were 15 years since any tram ceased passing by. The "Hungry Bitch" dwelt downstairs - nowadays, after all this time I keep it some kind of mercy, it didn't crumble, killed no one, only booze kills inside- as a matter of fact its floor was already drowned one meter underground - eww, as a mark of fate, the boozers got used early with the mud down there. It was about Christmas, outside the cold was so and so, one could still drink up a crate of beer without growing icicles under the precious nose. I entered this temple of perdition and my fate got nailed. Inside they were playin' french chansonettes, almost low, anyway it seemed that everyone agreed with Edith who had no regrets. There were around 10 souls inside, 20 troubled eyes - so I thought at first, latter I found out I missed 3 more, and each of them was performing his task with sacred care. No one spoke and yet what a wonder it was to glimpse them raising their cups, all at once as if signaled, sipping twice and cups were laid down again, one swig, one bang against the table .... though, there was a communion between them, I could sense it wandering in the air. I knew, it was a sacred time, but my throat was too damn fried and the amoeba in my belly was crying for getting more and more wet as it raised up. In an instant, with a sweet word, I brought myself near the bar, having enough guts and pence to grab two beers for me and my fellow. The tapster, a short fat guy, wearing gray beard and whiskers, witty faced and with a blank eye, silenced me in the spot. " My honored fellows at this table! The feasts of Christmas is almost here, you've all worked hardly, each upon his power, and we, as all respected houses, we give the first shot. There you have, this pile of bills goes for you, come by the counter to have old pa Gelu cut you a share. I can't be more late, cause I've money to make, but merry drinks everyone!  | Entry #18388 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.14 | 2.00 (11 ratings) | 2.27 (11 ratings) |
- 2 users entered 3 "like" tags
- 3 users agreed with "likes" (3 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
-1 +3  2 An old house it was | Flows well | crocox | |
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
bang against the table | Flows well | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- 4 users entered 42 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (42 total agrees)
- 4 users disagreed with "dislikes" (5 total disagrees)
-1 +1  1 and bricks rose naked and the coating was melting | Other One "and" too much (repetition) | Dan Miclea | |
-2  1 melting | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
| Mistranslations Definitely not a word that can fit here. | adami | |
trot | Mistranslations Trams don't trot. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors near it OR nearby... | adami | |
there | Grammar errors a lot of cumbersome expletives. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors had been | adami | |
+3  1 Hungry Bitch" | Mistranslations Definitely not "hungry". (Maybe "starved" was a better choice)) | Dan Miclea | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
e | Punctuation Comma missing. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+3 as a matter of fact its floor was already drowned one meter underground | Mistranslations very far from the original text | Claudia Coja | |
w, as a mark of fate, | Grammar errors Bogus syntax... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
the | Grammar errors Zero article. Not a particular bunch, but in general... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
low | Grammar errors That's an adjective, in the place of an adverb... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
troubled | Mistranslations Troubled would mean suffering with sth. Here should have been something else... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
missed | Grammar errors Tense... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
each of them | Grammar errors Phrased this way, it means that every EYE was doing something else :)) | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
what a wonder it was to glimpse them | | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
though, | Grammar errors though can only be placed at the end of a sentence - elementary... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+3 In an instant, with a sweet word, | Mistranslations that's far from the original text | Claudia Coja | |
pence | Grammar errors pennies, perhaps (provided there were no Americanisms in the text...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
g | Grammar errors A gray... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Such compounds need to be hyphenated. | adami | |
silenced me in the spot | Mistranslations Something's missing (the GESTURE he made). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other Very awkward, who says that? | adami | |
| Mistranslations That means: I am already as late as I can be. Obviously a mistranslation. | adami | |
| The house was old, several stories high with an attic atop, barely keeping from collapsing over it. The walls were gap-toothed, the bricks maintained an indecent allure, the plastering was melting before your eyes. I'll be damned if I know how this dump was still holding out, I figured that a tram tramping by would put it down at its very first hissin’. But the tram stopped passin’ for more than 15 years. The Lazy Bitch was living at the ground-floor of the building – now, with so much time gone by, I feel a sort of indulgence for it, it didn't fall down, it didn't hurt anybody, booze alone is the murderer there - actually, it was living at a ground-floor dug almost 3 ft under – well, the irony of it was that it made drunks used to the clod before their time. This Bitch was a hell of a joint... The Christmas was near, the weather outside was so-so, you could still drink a whole case of beers and not grow icicles under your snout. As soon as I set foot in this temple of perdition, my fate was sealed. French chansons were being played inside almost quietly in the background and, anyways, everybody seemed to agree with Edith qui ne regrettait rien. There were about 10 people in there, twenty bleary eyes – or so I thought first time I caught sight of them, only to find out later that I had been wrong by nearly 3 – and everyone was minding their own business with sacrosanct carefulness. Nobody was breathing a word and, still, it was just splendid to watch them all, as if at a sign, raise their glasses and have two sips, then put them back on the table. No more than one gulp and one thump were heard...and, yet, there was a communication of sorts, I could feel it, it was hanging in the air. I sensed the solemnity of the moment, but I could feel a damn burn down my goozle as the amoeba in my stomach was in desperate need for a swim, an ever growing need as it got bigger and bigger. With no waste of time, I cozied up by the bar, armed with sufficient guts and enough clams to buy me and my pal a couple of pints. The bartender, a chunky fellow, with grizzle beard and moustache, a joker face with a white stain marring the right eye, beckoned me into silence. "My dear chaps! The Christmas holidays is upon us, you worked your buns off this year, each with your might and, as a respectable company that we are, we give bonuses. Look, this wad of dough is for you, you go to the bar and ask ol' Gelu to set your cut. Me ain't stayin' 'cause I've got to clean up, but merry drinksmas to you all!"  | Entry #20366 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.10 | 2.20 (5 ratings) | 2.00 (5 ratings) |
- 3 users entered 4 "like" tags
- 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 a communication of sorts, I could feel it | Flows well | adami | |
With no waste of time | Flows well | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other A good coinage in the context, very close to the original Romanian term. | Gabriela Nistor | |
- 3 users entered 40 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (27 total agrees)
- 4 users disagreed with "dislikes" (7 total disagrees)
| Mistranslations That's not what it says, it says 2 floors (ground floor + 1). | adami | |
barely keeping from collapsing over it | Mistranslations The house is on the verge of collapsing, not the attic... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 maintained an indecent allure | Mistranslations Not a phrase you could use for bricks and far from the meaning of the original (that of bricks showing through the plaster and making you think of indecent nakedness). | adami | |
-2  1 plastering was melting before your eyes | Mistranslations Plaster doesn't "melt"; the process is not so fast as the expression suggests. | adami | |
| Mistranslations A tramp cannot possibly "tramp" because 1. it doesn't stray and 2. it doesn't have feet. | adami | |
| Grammar errors A tram does not "hiss". | adami | |
| Grammar errors Sequence of tenses (anteriority)... | adami | |
passin’ | Punctuation This is the narrator, so phonetic notations are not warranted. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
for | Grammar errors The verb is non-durative (to stop), so you cannot have an adverbial phrase denoting a period (you cannot STOP doing something FOR years). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other Too far from the original. | adami | |
at | Grammar errors Wrong preposition; correct ON. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Punctuation Not hyphenated. | adami | |
| Grammar errors False friends: "indulgence" & "indulgență” | adami | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
at | Grammar errors | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other It's a house with an attic, presumably it has a foundation, so the floor isn't "dug" in the earth. | adami | |
| Mistranslations Very far from the original... | adami | |
the clod | Mistranslations The clod? "bulgărele”? Fail to see the rhyme or reason... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations Misunderstanding: the idea is not that they die early (that'spretty sinister), is that they get drunk and fall to the floor. | adami | |
snout | Other Unnecessarily offensive. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
almost quietly in the background | Mistranslations "almost quiet" music... almost oxymoronic... Where did "in the background" come from? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
and, anyways, | Syntax ? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+4  1 qui ne regrettait rien | Mistranslations Is it in French in the original? Then it's not warranted. | adami | |
first time | Grammar errors "the first time" (which is also semantically inaccurate, implying that the narrator sees them on several OCCASIONS). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
carefulness | Mistranslations "carefulness" not a correct rendition of "migală”, at least not here. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
, | Punctuation Extra comma. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
just | Other Not just unecessary: it turns the sentence into a huff, which is not at all the meaning here. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 cozied up | Mistranslations ”m-am insinuat” refers to the action of going to the bar surreptitiously, not to making oneself comfortable. | adami | |
+3  1 pints | Inconsistencies Just an example of the complete jumble of British & American words/expressions going on here. This one's British, earlier it was American (guts, clam), then'll be British again (chap)... | adami | |
joker face | Grammar errors a joker'S face | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-2 +1  1 is | Grammar errors are | adami | |
worked | Grammar errors Tense (Present Perfect) | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations Definitely not the equivalent of "a munci cu drag". | adami | |
with your might | Other just wrong, nobody says that, just like you don't say in Romanian "fiecare muncește cu puterea lui" | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
as a respectable company that we are | Syntax incorrect phrasing. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
give | Grammar errors Tense (definitely not a repeated, regular action). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +2  3 Me ain't | Syntax No one says that (except Jar Jar Binks perhaps). | adami | |
clean up | Other Clean up what? To work in this sense, this phrasal would need a specific context. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  1 clean up | Mistranslations The original says otherwise: "am de produs", nu "de spălat". | Serban Oprescu | |
| It was an old house, with one storey and a garret, ready to crumble under its own weight. The walls were cracked, the bricks were obscenely showing off, the plaster was literally melting off. I don't know how the hell this shack was still standing; I imagined that it would be shattered by the mere whistle of a tram passing by. But the tram had not made an appearance in the last 15 years. The Wasted Bitch was living downstairs - now, after all this time, I have become quite lenient towards her; she did not hurt or fall on anyone, only booze can kill you in there - in fact, she was living in a pit one meter underground - oh, the irony... she was getting the drunks accustomed to the ground with time to spare - This Bitch was one hell of a pub... Christmas was around the corner and winter was still undecided, so you could drink a crate of beer without your nose freezing and falling off. I stepped inside the temple of doom and my faith was sealed. They were playing French chansons, which you could barely hear; otherwise, it seemed that everyone agreed with No-Regrets Edith. Around ten people were inside, twenty cloudy eyes - that was my first guess, later I discovered I was off by almost 3 - each going about their business with sacred diligence. No one was talking but it was brilliant just to watch how they all would raise their glasses on signal and have two small sips, after which they would set the glasses on the table, you could hear a uniform gulp and a single clap... and yet, there was communication between them, I could feel it, it was hovering in the air. I knew this was a ceremonial moment, but my throat was damn dry, the amoeba in my stomach demanded to be sprinkled, watered down longer as it was growing. Without hesitation, I crept in near the bar like an accolade, mustering enough nerve and some bucks to get two beers, one for me and one for my companion. The bartender, a short, fat guy with a grizzled beard and moustache, with a sly expression and a faulty right eye, a white spot, shut me up with a signal. "My honourable guests! The Christmas holidays is round the corner, you been working fondly this year, each in his own way, and in here, as in any respectable company, the first round is on us. Lookey here, this pile of cockades is for you, see don Gelu at the bar, he'll give you a piece. I can't stay, I have to provide, but Happy Groggydays!"  | Entry #20338 — Discuss 0 — Variant: UKukeng
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.09 | 2.17 (6 ratings) | 2.00 (6 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
was literally melting off | Flows well Except for the other "off" just a few words before... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- 4 users entered 40 "dislike" tags
- 4 users agreed with "dislikes" (36 total agrees)
- 4 users disagreed with "dislikes" (7 total disagrees)
-1 +1  1 ready to | Grammar errors a house is not ”ready” for anything, it just ”stands to...” | adami | |
| Grammar errors ”showing” yes, ”showing off” no... | adami | |
-2 +1  1 melting off | Mistranslations Has there been an atomic explosion? Only an event of that kind would explain the use of the verb "to melt"... | Dan Miclea | |
+1  1 would be shattered | Grammar errors This structure is an unreal conditional (when you imagine what would happen if...); phrased this this way, what comes next makes no sense (not to mention that the original says something else). | adami | |
-1  1 the tram | Grammar errors There isn't only ONE tram. | adami | |
+1 had not made an appearance | Other Unnecessary pretentious equivalent of "pass by" (doesn't go well at all with "what the hell"). | adami | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors "drunks" (with no "the") - generic use. | adami | |
+2  1 with time to spare | Mistranslations Makes no sense at all to me... | adami | |
winter | Mistranslations There is no such word in the original text. | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 freezing and falling off | Other Very far from the original. | adami | |
| Mistranslations FATE, noth faith. | adami | |
+2 which you could barely hea | Mistranslations That's not what the original says; you can barely hear a piece of music also because of the noise, not because it is played softly... | adami | |
+1  1 otherwise, | Mistranslations ? | adami | |
+1  1 No-Regrets Edith | Mistranslations ... agreed with Edith on what? (says something else than the original). | adami | |
+2  1 was | Grammar errors Tense (anteriority). | adami | |
sacred diligence | Mistranslations Does not work, nor is it close to the original. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors would all... | adami | |
| Grammar errors AS IF on A sth. ... | adami | |
| Omission missing connector (and/then) | adami | |
uniform gulp | Other Does not work, nor is it anywhere near the original. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other SO damn dry... ? | adami | |
watered down longer as it was growing | Syntax Means something rather ludicrous: it demands to be watered for a longer time BECAUSE it is growing. Very far off... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
I crept in | Mistranslations "crept INSIDE the bar" (the piece of furniture)? No... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other Makes no sense... | adami | |
+1 mustering enough nerve and some bucks | Grammar errors You can muster some nerve, but cannot muster ”some bucks”. Where do they come from, the sky? | adami | |
| Inconsistencies USA, not UK. | adami | |
one for me and one for | Syntax wordy, redundant | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
, | Punctuation no comma | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other ”muie” rendered as ”expression”? What happened to keeping the same register... | adami | |
| Grammar errors No such thing as a ”faulty eye”. | adami | |
+1 shut me up with a signal | Grammar errors no such thing | adami | |
-1 +2  1 holidays is | Grammar errors Agreement: holidays ARE | adami | |
working fondly | Spelling no such thing | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 in here, as in any respectable company, the first round is on us | Mistranslations Are we to understand that a respectable company pays for the first round? The first round of what??? A complete misunderstanding... | adami | |
| Mistranslations That word can never mean ”money”, by any stretch of the imagination... | adami | |
| Mistranslations What's a reference to Spanish culture doing there? It is not warranted. | adami | |
| Mistranslations That means "I have to provide for my family" - obviously not the case here. | adami | |
| It was an old house, with one story and an attic ready to fall over. The walls were encroached upon, the bricks appeared as being obscene, the wallpaint was melting before his eyes. 'Don't fucking know how this jerrybuilt house was even whitstanding, I was imagining that if another streetcar was clumping its way by, it would have fallen at its first sound. But the streetcar hadn't been passing by by there since 15 years ago. The Fainted Bitch was living at the ground floor of the building- now, after so many years have passed by I have somewhat of an acceptance for it, it didn't fall, it didn't hurt anybody, there only the alcohool kills- in fact it was living in the one meter deep ground floor- oh, the ironic fate, this way it grew the drunks accustomed to the mud- this Bitch was a hell of a pub... It was near Christmas, it was so and so outside, you could've drank another case of beer without getting icecles hanging from your nostrils. I entered the temple of perdition and my fate got set in stone. Inside it was playing French ''chansons''(songs) in the background, however everyone seemed to agree with Edith who had no regrets. There were almost 10 people inside, 20 bleared eyes- as I thought the first time, later I found out that I was wrong by 3- and everyone was minding its own business with holy scrupulosity. No one was talking, but there was a pleasure in seeing them, as if by a signal they all raised up their glasses and they took two small sips, after they put them back on the table, you could hear a single gurgle and a single clap...and even so a conversation still existed, I could feel it, it was floating in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat got dry as hell, my amoeba from my stomach was asking to be watered, watered even more as it was growing. Without even waiting, I hinted myself as a sweet word near the bar, with enough gut and some money to order two beers for me and my fellow. The Bartender, a short and fat guy, with a beard and some grizzled moustaches, with a waggish blow face and with a faulty right eye, a white stain, motioned me to shut up. "Esteemed table companions! The Christmas holidays it's near, you've worked dearly this year, each at his own pace and us the same as any respectable company offer a bonus. Here this lil' pile of money it's for you, go by the bar to see uncle Gelu to prepare for you a serving. I can't stay because I have to deliver, but happy drunkdays!''  | Entry #18722 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.07 | 2.14 (7 ratings) | 2.00 (7 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
- 5 users entered 41 "dislike" tags
- 4 users agreed with "dislikes" (24 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (2 total disagrees)
with one story | Mistranslations A story is different from a storey and the grammatical construction is awkward. A participial phrase is more appropriate in the context. | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  1 ready to | Other to quote a colleague - "A house cannot be "ready to" anything, except personified" | Claudia Coja | |
appeared as being obscene | Mistranslations The focus should not be on "being obscene". The main thing is to mention that the bricks showed/revealed themselves, as they were no longer covered in plaster. This only leads one to think of women with little clothing on. | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
wallpaint | Other questionable choice | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 melting | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
| Grammar errors earlier/before - a moment that is anterior to another past moment. | adami | |
at | Grammar errors Only ON is correct. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation That's not a dash, that's a HYPHEN! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
in the one meter deep ground floor | Grammar errors Completely meaningless (asyntactic). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash AND a space)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
grew the drunks accustomed | Grammar errors "grow accustomed" is an intransitive expression; you cannot grow STH/SB accustomed to sth... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
the | Grammar errors Zero article (generic drunks, not those drunks)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
the drunk | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
mud- | Mistranslations Something missing (din vreme)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations no such information in the original text | Claudia Coja | |
| Other I don't think that the words "chansons" needs an explanation... | Dan Miclea | |
r | Punctuation Comma missing. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
was | Grammar errors Had been - elementary SOT mistake. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations Extremely funny. Have you checked the meaning of scrupulosity? | adami | |
there was a pleasure in seeing them | Mistranslations Gordd mistranslation. It wasn't a pleasure to see THEM, it was pleasant (a sight) to see them do this and that... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
after they put them back | Grammar errors Syntax??? After THAT they... (perhaps...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
clap | Mistranslations You cannot "clap" a glass on the table... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 my amoeba from my stomach | Other redundant "my... from my..) | Claudia Coja | |
hinted myself | Grammar errors I hinted myself??? Hillarious... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
as | Grammar errors LIKE! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
near | Grammar errors TO (even if the verb is wrong, it is still an ACTION)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 Christmas holidays it's | Grammar errors 1. double subject 2. agreement: holidays ARE | Alina Simina Nesu | |
us the same as any respectable company offer a bonus. | Grammar errors us... offer a bonus. wrong case | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 Here this lil' pile of money it's for you, go by the bar to see uncle Gelu to prepare for you a serving. | Other to see uncle Gelu to prepare for you.. -it doesn't flow well at all | Claudia Coja | |
| That was an old house, with 2 stories and an attic, ready to collapse. The walls were crumbly, the bricks were indecently showing through the rapidly vanishing plaster. I´ve no idea how the hack that shack was holding on, I figured any tram trotting bye would put it to the ground at the first horn. But the tram would not pass bye, not did it for the past 15 years. The Fainted Bitch lived on the ground floor – now, after all this time I feel a certain indulgence towards her, she did not fall, did not injure anybody, only alcohol was killing in there – in fact she was living on a ground floor which was one metre below the ground – well, the irony of fate trying to get the drunkards accustomed to the mud – this Bitch was a really darnt joint… It was around Christmas, the weather was so-so, you could still have a whole case of beer without getting your nose frozen off. I entered the temple of perdition and my destiny was thereafter cast in stone. Inside you could hear French chansonnettes, almost muted, and everybody seemed to agree with Edith who does not regret anything. There were about 10 people inside, twenty blurry eyes – so I thought in the beginning, then I realized I was wrong by about 3 – and everybody was minding their own business with religious meticulousness. Nobody would talk, but they were a sight to behold: as on a cue, they all lifted their glasses at a time and took two small sips, then put them back on the table, one could hear a single nip and a single clap… and yet there was a communication, I could feel it, it was floating into the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was dry as hell, the amoeba in my stomach required to be sprinkled, sprayed more and more as it grew. Not waiting any further, I insinuated myself like a sweet word next to the bar, with enough guts and some bucks to get two beers, for me and my mate. The bartender, a short, fat guy with grey beard and moustache, waggish face with a defect in his right eye, a white spot, waved me silent. “Dear fellow guests of mine! It's almost Christmas holidays, al' of you have been working heartily this year, each of you as ´e could, and us as any respectable company we give bonus. See this small heap of doe, it´s all for ye´, go to the bar and uncle Gelu will give you your share. I can´t stay ´cause I have to boss, but happy holydrinks everyone!”  | Entry #18481 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.01 | 1.91 (11 ratings) | 2.10 (10 ratings) |
- 4 users entered 5 "like" tags
- 4 users agreed with "likes" (4 total agrees)
through the rapidly vanishing plaster | Flows well | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 religious meticulousness | Flows well One of the few translations of this phrase that actually works... | adami | |
waved me silent | Good term selection | k33pwalkin No agrees/disagrees | |
- 2 users entered 31 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (17 total agrees)
- 4 users disagreed with "dislikes" (8 total disagrees)
-2  2 ready to | Other A house cannot be "ready to" anything, except personified (as in fairy tales). | adami | |
-1  1 rapidly | Other The meaning in the original is not related to a speedy process (one that can be measured in time), but to a feeling of decay. | Serban Oprescu | |
+2  1 hack | Other Heck (typo or something else?) | adami | |
-1 +1  1 trotting | Inconsistencies A tram cannot trot. | adami | |
+1 But the tram would not pass | Other Wordy, there's no need (stylistically or otherwise) to make two sentences out of one. | adami | |
| Grammar errors HAD IT (tense, anteriority). | adami | |
+2  1 e | Punctuation missing comma | adami | |
-1  1 indulgence | Mistranslations Indulgence/indulgenta=false friends (not the same meaning)! | adami | |
+1  1 was killing | Grammar errors Tense (anteriority= had been). | adami | |
the | Grammar errors Below ground (zero article). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
trying to get | Grammar errors Incomplete sentence (missing predicate). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 the | Grammar errors Zero article (not particular, but generic drunks). | adami | |
mud | Mistranslations There really cannot be any MUD inside. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Spelling TYpo? Correct: "darn". | adami | |
whole | Other Unnecessary addition, changes the accent in the sentence ("a case of..." is not meant to be understood LITERALLY...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
getting your nose frozen off | Grammar errors Non-grammatical (perhaps without "off, but even so...) | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Redundant (the meaning of this adverb is already contained in "and" :) ). | adami | |
-1  1 muted | Grammar errors That's an ADVERB, not an ADJECTIVE. | adami | |
and | Other Definitely not "and". | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Serious tense sequence mistake. | adami | |
s | Grammar errors Someting's missing... perhaps "OR so I thought...". | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Serious tense sequence mistake. | adami | |
| Grammar errors at once | adami | |
, | Grammar errors Missing connective. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
nip | Mistranslations Not a correct rendition of "GÂL” | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
more and more as it grew | Grammar errors What happened with the correlative in the original? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 next to | Grammar errors Just "to" (direction). | adami | |
doe | Spelling dough, not doe... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 boss | Mistranslations Mistranslation of "am de produs"... | adami | |
| It was an old-fashioned house with storey and loft, on the point of falling over. Part of its walls were broken, bricks were looking bad, the plaster was melting very quickly. I just don't understand how the hell its roof could still be so resistant, I was thinking if only a tram was passing nearby, it will be demolished at first alarm. But fortunately, tram stopped coming over here for 15 years now. "Cataua Lesinata" was living at the ground floor of the building- nowadays, after so much time, I display a certain kindness towards her, didn't fall over nor did she hurt anyone, alcohol is the only killer there- and she was living downstairs, wrapped in a deep underground- well, the merciless fate I guess, being an early muddy introduction for the drunkards- "Cataua" was a hellish boozer, It was near Christmas, weather was unsettled, you could still be allowed to drink a beer crate without freezing up your nose. I was stepping into the temple of perdition and my fate was decided. Inside, they were listening french chansons, quietly, however, it seemed that everyone agreed with Edith, who had no regrets. There were 10 people, 20 watery eyes- at least that's what I thought at the beginning, only later I discovered that I was wrong about 3 of them but all were working with a sacred diligence. No one was talking but it was pure delight in watching them, at one signal they were raising their glasses, taking only 2 small sips, after that the glasses were put back on the table and you could only hear one gulp and one clap......and yet, there was communication, I could just feel it, hovering in the air. I knew it is a serious moment, but my throat was running dry because of the damn thirst, my gastric amoeba was begging to be drenched more and even more as it was getting bigger.Without being hesitant, I projected myself like a sweet whisper, straight to the bar, with enough guts and some money to buy 2 beers for me and my mate. The bartender, a stocky fella, with beard and greyish whiskers, a cunning expression and a right eye imperfection, a right patch, beckoned me to shut up. My dear fellas! We are near Christmas holidays, you've worked with your whole heart and soul this year, each one of you, according to his ability, and, therefore,us, like any respected company, we offer a gratification. Take this pile of banknotes, it is for you, and please drop over Mr.Gelu for a booze. I can't join you because I have to work, but I wish you all, Happy Hollydrinking!  | Entry #21505 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Britishbritish
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 2.00 | 1.78 (9 ratings) | 2.22 (9 ratings) |
- 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
freezing up your nose | Flows well | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
- 3 users entered 38 "dislike" tags
- 2 users agreed with "dislikes" (20 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (1 total disagree)
| Other House with storey and house without storey? That's what happens when you translated word-for word, oblivious to the logic of the target language... | adami | |
| Mistranslations 1. "to look bad" has a completely different meaning. 2. omission of the word "obscene". | adami | |
-1  1 melting very quickly | Mistranslations That could only happen in case of an atomic explosion. Plaster does not normally "melt", let alone quickly... | adami | |
its roof could still be so resistant | Mistranslations far from the source text | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
could | Grammar errors could have been, maybe (the original has past reference). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Horrible mistake: IF ONLY... = I wish a tram would pass and bring it down...! | adami | |
| Grammar errors "was to pass", perhaps... | adami | |
it | Grammar errors The referent of "it" is the closest in the context; in this context, it means the tram is demolished... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors would (past conditional), elementary... | adami | |
t | Punctuation missing comma | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations What on earth does that extra word add to the sentence? Beside making it silly... | adami | |
| Grammar errors had stopped (anteriority) | adami | |
| Grammar errors You tram, come over here!!! Funny... | adami | |
| Grammar errors Because of the verb STOP (not in the original), the only possibility here is "15 years BEFORE/EARLIER"!!! | adami | |
" | Punctuation You will not ever find a pub's name in between quote marks. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other The pub's name should be adapted, as well. | Dan Miclea | |
| Grammar errors Wrong preposition. Correct: ON. | adami | |
- | Punctuation Please learn about the difference between a hyphen and a dash, that's elementary! (And about spacing, too.) | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations What does that mean: I "display" (for others), but I don't feel? There are no clues in the original that warrant such an interpretation... | adami | |
| Mistranslations ”indulgență” is NOT ” kindness”. | adami | |
| Grammar errors Missing subject (serious mistake)! | adami | |
- | Punctuation | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 wrapped in a deep underground | Mistranslations Very... original rendition of ”trăia într-un parter adâncit cu un metru sub pământ”... | adami | |
- | Punctuation | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
the drunkards | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
, | Punctuation | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations This addition seriously changes the meaning of the sentence. | adami | |
+1 I was wrong about 3 of them | Mistranslations your opinion about them as individuals was not wrong, only your guess regarding the number of people in there | Alina Simina Nesu | |
was wrong | Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
gastric | Mistranslations the source text does not use such a medical term | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
you've worked with your whole heart and soul this year, each one of you, according to his ability, and, therefore,us, like any respected company, we offer a gratification. | Inconsistencies tone and register very different from source text | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
banknotes, | Inconsistencies again, wrong register, not the jargon used in the source text | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
| It was an old house, with floor and attic, ready to fall on it. The walls were toothless, the bricks looked dirty, and the plaster was visibly melting. I have no fucking clue how this rookery was still standing up, as I imagined that if a tram would pass by pounding it would be collapsing at its first holler. But trams stopped passing by 15 years ago. The Fainting Bitch lived on the ground floor – as now, after so long, I have some indulgence towards it, it did not fall, it did not hurt anyone, inside there just alcohol kills - in fact it lived in a ground floor one meter deeper in the ground - well, an ironic fate as drunks were getting used ahead of time drunks with mud – this Bitch represented a hell of a tavern... It was around Christmas, weather was middling, so much so that one could still drink a case of beer without making icicles around his nostrils. We entered the temple of doom and my destiny was set in stone. Inside, they were listening to French chansonettes almost muted, however everyone seemed to agree with Edith who does not regret anything. There were about 10 people inside, twenty troubled pairs of eyes - so I thought the first time as I later learned that I was wrong by about 3 - and every one minded his own business with a holy carefulness. Nobody talked as splendor was there however to see them as a sign lifted all glasses and drank two sips, then place them on the table, he heard a single gurgling and a single clap ... and yet there was some communication as I felt it floating up in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was dry as hell, my stomach amoeba required to be sprinkled, sprayed louder as he grew. Without waiting, I infiltrated like sweet talking next to the bar with enough guts and some bucks to get two beers, me and my companion. The bartender, a short, fat guy with gray beard and mustache, witty face and a right eye defect similar to a white spot, waved at me to be silent. "Dear my fellow guests! It's almost Christmas holidays, you have all worked hard this past year and the best you could individually, and we do respect hard work now is the time for bonuses. Look at this stack of money, you should all stop by the bar and get your pile from Uncle Gelu. I can stay no longer since I have to make money, but for all of you a 'Happy Boozing Holidays!'  | Entry #18415 — Discuss 0 — Variant: USuseng
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 1.92 | 2.00 (6 ratings) | 1.83 (6 ratings) |
- 5 users entered 40 "dislike" tags
- 4 users agreed with "dislikes" (27 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (4 total disagrees)
| Mistranslations House with floor/house without floor? | Claudia Coja | |
looked | Mistranslations "se aratau" - adica transpareau prin tencuiala... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations they were "obscene" in the sense that they were uncovered, visible, not dirty | Alina Simina Nesu | |
| Mistranslations "văzând cu ochii” does not mean ”visibly” (in a way that can be seen), but, for a process that is normally slow, when it happens faster than expected. | adami | |
-2  1 melting | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
fucking | Other Style is offensive, and that has no justification in the original. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
would | Grammar errors Correct: had passed... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
it would be collapsing | Other Ambiguity: what is collapsing, the tram? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
holler | Mistranslations A tram cannot holler. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors ”Had stopped” (anteriority). | adami | |
| Grammar errors earlier/before - a moment that is anterior to another past moment. | adami | |
as | Grammar errors ayntactic: as... requires another sentence serving as the main one, but there is none here. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
indulgence | Mistranslations Indulgence is a false friend for the Romanian word. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other "In there" fine, "inside there" - no way... | adami | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
one meter deeper | Other Strange: deeper than...? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
e | Punctuation A missing comma (at the very least)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 drunks were getting used ahead of time drunks | Spelling drunks...drunks (repetition) | Dan Miclea | |
+3  1 represented | Other not the best choice for a literary text | Dan Miclea | |
so much so | Grammar errors A mistake of logic: "so much so" can only refer to a quantity that is in a very high degree/amount. "Middling" cannot be so (by definition...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
making | Grammar errors One cannot MAKE icicles yourself, unless you're a man of ice or something :) | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
muted | Grammar errors Here should be an ADVERB, not an ADJECTIVE... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
however | Mistranslations "oricum" is not "however" (totusi). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 10 people inside, twenty troubled pairs of eyes | Mistranslations twenty pairs = 40 eyes :) | Dan Miclea | |
was wrong | Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
holy carefulness | Mistranslations Not working, to drink "carefully" is nonsensical. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 Nobody talked as splendor was there however to see them as a sign lifted all glasses and drank two sips, | Other tense, word order, strange choice of words | Claudia Coja | |
louder | Spelling cannot spray "louder | Jenica3 No agrees/disagrees | |
I infiltrated like sweet talking next to the bar with enough guts and | Spelling poor choice of words and even structure of the whole phrase. | Jenica3 No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other it was a white spot, not something similar to a white spot | Claudia Coja | |
have | Other Even educated people (most often) use short forms in speech; "have" is both educated/formal and emphatic, this context warrants neither. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
we do respect hard work now is the time for bonuses | Grammar errors This is NOT a sentence, it's asyntactic. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 Look at this stack of money, you should all stop by the bar and get your pile from Uncle Gelu. I can stay no longer since I have to make money, but for all of you a 'Happy Boozing Holidays!' | Other the style is definitely different | Dan Miclea | |
| It was an old house, with floor and attic, ready to fall in. The walls were hags, the bricks looked obscene, plaster visibly melted. I don’t know how in the hell stood up this shack, I imagined that if a streetcar would pass by pounding it will collapse at it first holler. But streetcars stopped passing by 15 years ago. The “Fainted Bitch” was on the ground floor - now, after so long I have some indulgence towards her, it did not fall, did not hurt anyone, there just alcohol kills - in fact it was underground one meter deeper in the ground - eh, ironic fate, it was timely adapting the drunken men with the dirt – this “Bitch” was a heck of an old tavern. It was around Christmas, outside was so and so, but one could still drink a case of beer without making icicles around schnozzle. Once I entered the temple of doom my fate was set in stone. The French chansonettes were listened almost muted inside, however everyone seemed to agree with Edith who did not regret anything. There were about 10 people inside, twenty eyes troubled - so I first thought, I later found that I was wrong by about 3 - and every one was minding his own business with a holy carefulness. No one spoke, but it was a splendor to see them all, as though there was a sign, rising glasses and drinking two sips, then placing them on the table, you could hear a single gulp and a single clap ... and yet there was a communication, I felt it, floating in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was dry as hell, my stomach amoeba required to be sprinkled, sprayed harder as it grew. Without waiting anymore, I insinuated myself as a sweet word next to the bar with enough guts and some bucks to get two beers, for me and my companion. The bartender, a short, fat guy with a gray beard and mustache, witty talk and a defect in his right eye - a white spot, waved me silent. “My dear fellow guests! It's almost Christmas, you’ve worked dearly this year, each one as you could, and we, as a respectful firm, will give you bonus. Look, this pile of greens is for you, so come to the bar and Uncle Gelu will give you your part. I cannot stay ‘coz I got to work, but happy holidays!"  | Entry #18412 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 1.90 | 1.80 (5 ratings) | 2.00 (5 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
- 1 user agreed with "likes" (1 total agree)
+1 Once I entered the temple of doom my fate was set in stone | Flows well | adami | |
- 1 user entered 46 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (46 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (10 total disagrees)
| Other House with floor and house without floor??? | adami | |
+1  1 ready to | Other Wrong collocation: a house is not "ready" to do anything. | adami | |
-1 +2  1 hags | Mistranslations The walls were old women? Had there been ”haggard”, it would have been quite nice... | adami | |
-1 +2  3 bricks looked obscene | Mistranslations "the bricks looked obscene" means "the bricks had an obscene appearance". | adami | |
visibl | Mistranslations "văzând cu ochii” does not mean ”visibly” (in a way that can be seen), but, for a process that is normally slow, when it happens faster than expected. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-2  2 melted | Grammar errors 1. Tense? Was the plaster completely ”melted” (not in the origial...)? Is that an action that is part of the narrative and simultaneous with it (that's what the Past TS is used for)... Has there been an atomic explosion? Only an event of that kind would explain the use of the verb "to melt"... | adami | |
| Grammar errors "in hell", never "in the hell" | adami | |
| Spelling Word order in English??? | adami | |
| Grammar errors "if... would"? No knowledge of the English conditional? | adami | |
-1  1 pass by pounding | Grammar errors 1. Word order (pass ...-ing by"); 2. to pound is to hit with one's fists or to go foward by hitting people around, not something a tram can conceivably do... | adami | |
| Grammar errors The conditional! | adami | |
-1 +1  1 holler | Mistranslations The tram cannot possibly "holler" because it does not have a mouth! | adami | |
-1 +2  2 stopped | Grammar errors Tense (anteriority)... | adami | |
-1 +2  2 ago | Grammar errors "earlier/before" - a moment anterior to another past moment... | adami | |
-1 +1  2 ” | Punctuation Names of pubs are not written between quote marks. | adami | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
g | Punctuation missing comma | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  1 indulgence | Mistranslations "indulgence" and "indulgență” are false friends... | adami | |
+1 underground one meter deeper in the ground | Grammar errors Meaningless. | adami | |
ironic fate | Syntax As it is, this phrase is meaningless, because it is not integrated in the sentence. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 timely adapting the drunken men with the dirt | Grammar errors Totally meaningless! ”Timely” is only positive (=opportune). | adami | |
old | Other It has no place here. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Outside is not a subject (like "the outside of a house")... where is the subject then? Word-for-word thoughless translation... | adami | |
making | Grammar errors You'll have to be an ice machine to MAKE icicles... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors No article? | adami | |
The | Grammar errors Generic chansonettes, not "those that we were talking about earlier...". Therefore no article... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors were listened? Where is the preposition "to" (at the very least)... | adami | |
| Spelling In this position there should be an adverb (ex. mutedly), not an adjective. | adami | |
however | Punctuation Missing comma after "however". | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Word order. There are very few exceptions to the rule that adjectives should be BEFORE the noun. | adami | |
+2  1 so I first thought | Grammar errors Wrong wrod order, wrng connector. | adami | |
| Grammar errors Tense (anteriority). | adami | |
a holy carefulness | Mistranslations Just ludicrous. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 as though there was a sign | Mistranslations That means: "as if there was a sign (from heaven)"; that's not what the original says. | adami | |
you | Omission Missing indicator of succession. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
, | Punctuation No comma here. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Spelling The pre-determiner kills the metaphor (fake scientific style). | adami | |
| Mistranslations Missing gradation (pe măsură ce...). | adami | |
| Grammar errors In this context (noun phrases): LIKE | adami | |
| Mistranslations He's never said anything yet, it's just his appearance... | adami | |
, | Punctuation Parenthetical dashes always come in pairs. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations "respectful" is not a correct rendition of "de respect". | adami | |
| Grammar errors 1. Missing time reference (obligatory with "will"); 2. Mising article. | adami | |
pile | Mistranslations A "pile" is not something you hold in one hand... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations "pile of greens" means, more or less, a pile of vegetables. | adami | |
| Omission Missing pun. | adami | |
| It was an old house, with floor and attic, ready to fall. The walls were crooked, the bricks were coming out dirty, the plaster melted visibly. I don’t know how the hell that hovel resisted, I imagined that if a tromping tram passed by, broke it down. But the tram stopped passing by for over 15 years. The Cold Bitch was living on the ground floor of the building – now, after such a long time, I have some indulgence towards her, she didn’t fall, she didn’t hurt anyone, there only the alcohol kills – actually she was living in a ground deepened by one meter below – eh, ironic fate, accustomed early the drunks with mud. This bitch was a hell of pub. It was around Christmas, outside was so and so, you could still drink a case of beer without freezing your nose. I entered into the temple of doom and my fate was sealed. Inside you could listed to French songs, almost throwaway, anyway everyone seemed to agree with Edith who doesn’t regret anything. There were about 10 persons inside, twenty cloudy eyes – that’s what I thought the first time, later I found out what I was wrong with almost 3 – and everyone minded his own business with a saint almond. Nobody was talking, but it was a splendor to see them, at one sign, rising their glasses and drinking with small sips, and afterwards putting them on the table, you could hear only one gurgle and a single clap … and yet there was a communication, I could feel it, it hovered in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was dry like hell, my stomach amoeba asked to be showered, showered louder as it was growing. Without waiting, I got in with a sweet talk near the bar, with enough guts and some money to take two beers, for me and my pal. The bartender, a short fat guy, with grey beard and mustaches, with a mischievous face and with a defect on the right eye, a white spot, he waved at me to shut up. “My dear fellow guests! The Christmas holidays are close, this year you have worked with pleasure, each as you could and at us, like at every respectful firm, we give you bonus. Here, this stack of bills is for you, go to the bar to Mr. Gelu to give each a cut. I can’t because I have to perform, but happy holidays.  | Entry #18452 — Discuss 0 — Variant: UKukeng
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 1.90 | 1.80 (5 ratings) | 2.00 (5 ratings) |
- 4 users entered 33 "dislike" tags
- 3 users agreed with "dislikes" (12 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (3 total disagrees)
| Mistranslations house with floor/house without floor? | Claudia Coja | |
| Mistranslations A house cannot be "ready to" anything, except personified (as in fairy tales). | Claudia Coja | |
| Mistranslations no such idea in the original text | Claudia Coja | |
-1  1 melted | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
-1  1 visibl | Mistranslations "văzând cu ochii” does not mean ”visibly” (in a way that can be seen), but, for a process that is normally slow, when it happens faster than expected. | adami | |
+1  1 I imagined that if a tromping tram passed by, broke it down. | Grammar errors tense consistency (IF clause) | Claudia Coja | |
| Grammar errors ”Had stopped” (anteriority). | adami | |
| Grammar errors ”STOP” is non-durative, so you cannot stop doing something for (any period of time)... | adami | |
| Mistranslations Cold Bitch? Thi swould normally mean something like ”heartless bitch”. I see no connection... | adami | |
actually she was living | Other word order? | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
living in a ground | Other lived on a floor, not in a ground | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
fate, ac | Grammar errors Totally asyntactic. Where's the subject??? | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
the drunk | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
could listed | Mistranslations typo? | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
anyway everyone | Other it doesn't flow well | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
was wrong | Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
wrong with almost 3 | Other unfortunate phrasing. maybe "wrong by almost 3" | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
splendor | Spelling splendour (UK) | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations "ca la un semnal"- that doesn't mean there was a sign | Dan Miclea | |
+1 drinking with small sips | Omission sorbeau două înghiţituri mici | Claudia Coja | |
with | Mistranslations I don't think this is the idea. | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
mustaches | Spelling moustache (UK) | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
My dear fellow guests! The Christmas holidays are close, this year you have worked with pleasure, each as you could and at us, like at every respectful firm | Other wrong register | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
we give you bonus | Grammar errors wrong tense + "A bonus"/"bonuses" | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
Mr. Gelu | Other the style (for the whole passage) is quite different. | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
| It was an old house with an upper floor and an attic about to fall down on it. The walls were holey, the bricks displayed themselves obscenely, the plaster was melting down before your eyes. I’ve no fuckin’ idea how this hovel held on, I imagined that if a tram passed by trampling it would fuckin’ take it down at the first signal. But the tram had not passed by there for 15 years. The Groggy Bitch dwelled at the ground floor of the building – now, after so long a time I am more or less lenient towards it, it hasn’t fallen down, hasn’t hurt anyone; in there only the alcohol kills – in fact, the ground floor was one meter lower in the ground – well, what an ironic fate, it accustomed its drunkards to the sludge aforetime – this Bitch was a bloody pub. It was around Christmas, the weather was in between, you could still drink a boxful of beer without forming icicles under your nose. I went in the temple of doom and my fate was sealed. Inside they were listening to French chansons, kept very low, and anyway everybody seemed to agree with Edith who regrets nothing. There were around 10 persons inside, twenty turbid eyes – that’s what I thought at first, but I found out later that I was wrong by almost 3 – and each of them was minding his own business with saintly carefulness. No one was speaking, but it was splendid to watch them; as if at a signal they would all raise their glasses and take two small sips, then putting them down on the table; a single gurgle and a single chug would be heard… and nevertheless a kind of communication existed, I felt it in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was damn dry, the amoeba in my stomach requested watering, abundant and more abundant watering as it grew bigger. Without waiting any longer, I slipped in like a sweet word by the bar, with enough guts and money to get myself and my mate two beers. The barman, a short fat guy with grizzled beard and moustache, with a witty word hole and a flaw in the right eye, a white spot, shushed me with a sign. Esteemed fellow attendants! Is almost Christmas holidays, ye’ worked merrily this year, devil take the hin’most, and we too, like any other respectable firm, give a bonus. See, this pile of dough is for you, come over the bar to mister Gelu to get your share. Me can’t stay, ‘cause I’ve got to produce, but happy holidays!  | Entry #19555 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 1.90 | 1.80 (5 ratings) | 2.00 (5 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
- 2 users agreed with "likes" (2 total agrees)
+2  1 twenty turbid | Flows well Alliterative | adami | |
- 1 user entered 36 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (43 total agrees)
- 3 users disagreed with "dislikes" (3 total disagrees)
-1 +2  1 an attic about to fall down | Mistranslations It's not the attic that's about to fall down, but the house. | adami | |
it | Mistranslations The house stands to fall on ITSELF. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  1 was melting down before your eyes | Other Inaccuracy: the expression "was melting down before your eyes" can only refer to a fast process, not one that takes months, even years). | adami | |
+3  1 fuckin’ | Other Gratuitous use of stronger language than in the original. | adami | |
| Grammar errors Wrong phrasal: "to hold on" has no meaning remotely similar to what is needed in this context. | adami | |
+3  1 fuckin’ | Other No strong language in this context in the original... | adami | |
| Other Odd choice; one can easily think the tram gives the signal for (somebody...) to bring down the house (it's the only logical interpretation, albeit surreal, because a "signal" cannot really bring anything down by itself...). | adami | |
| Grammar errors Correct: on | adami | |
| Other No tthe same: ”oarecare” is a positive description, ”more or less” is a relativizer, an ambiguous expression (could be ironical, that is, could mean ”not so lenient”). | adami | |
the ground floor was one meter lower in the ground | Syntax | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Punctuation This exclamation (not in the original) requires an exclamation mark! | adami | |
+3  1 sludge | Mistranslations "Glod" is a dry cloddy earth, not wet; hard to imagine "sludge" inside a pub. | adami | |
| Mistranslations The archaic adverb "aforetime" means "once upon a time/formerly"; the meaning in the original is "giving (them) an EARLY taste of what is to come (soon)". | adami | |
| Other Very unusual choice (NOBODY says that); there is no reason not to use a usual expression, so as not to deflect the attention to insignificant details... | adami | |
in | Grammar errors into | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+3  1 regrets | Grammar errors serious senquence-of-tense mistake | adami | |
| Grammar errors sequence of tenses | adami | |
| Other meaningless... | adami | |
| Syntax and and nevertheless are mutually exclusive | adami | |
-1  1 damn | Mistranslations literal translation that means something else than the original - "al naibii" means simply "terribly". | adami | |
+1  1 abundant and more abundant watering | Syntax | adami | |
in | Grammar errors wrong preposition with a motion verb | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
by | Grammar errors Proposition: TO (with motion verbs). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Omission "ceva biștari” is not ”(sufficient) money”. No slang? | adami | |
| Other ”word hole” can only refer to the physical mouth; it cannot be used figuratively and it cannot be ”witty”. Besides, it's USA slang, when there were some BE words earlier. | adami | |
flaw in the right eye | Mistranslations ”a flaw in the right eye” means an AESTHETIC flaw that mars this publican's beauty :)... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Other sush is an onomatopoeic verb, you cannot "shush" except with your voice. | adami | |
attendants | Mistranslations A servant? A clerk? Neither work with "fellow..." and neither obey the original. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Missing subject | adami | |
ye’ | Grammar errors wrong tense | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 devil take the hin’most | Mistranslations In what way is this expression, which is used for a competition where everything is allowed, similar to the original, which means ”you all did what you could, as best you could”? | adami | |
| Mistranslations Jump over the bar? That's what it means... | adami | |
| Other A native speaker won't say that, even when uneducated - only a foreigner with bad English, perhaps (or Jar Jar Binks), but that's obviously not the case. | adami | |
| Mistranslations No pun whatsoever! | adami | |
| It was an old house, with storey and mansard, ready to collapse. The walls were gappy, the bricks were showing obscene, pargeting were melting under your eyes. I don' know how on earth resisted this rookery, I imagined, when a tram passing by it ruins her at the first ringing. But the tram hasn't passed there since 15 years. The Vertigo Bitch was on the ground floor - and now, after so many years, I have a kind of lenity for her, she didn't ruin, didn't hurt anyone, alcohol kills only there - in fact, she was on a low-pitched ground floor - the ironical side of her being was that she put to use the drunks with mud - this bitch was a hell of tavern... It was around Christmas, the weather was so and so, it was still possible to drink a crate of beer without icicles in mouth. I entered the sanctuary of perdition and my destiny was decided. French chansonettes were listening to, almost in sordino, anyway it seemed that everyone agreed Edith, who did not regret anything. There were about 10 persons inside, twenty turbid eyes- that I was thought at first, later I found that 3 of them were delusive - and all of them cared about their business with a holy scrupulosity. None has talking, but it was a splendor to see that everybody lifted the glasses at the same time and sipping small quantities, then placing them back on the table, there was a single noise and clap... in spite of this there was a communication, I felt it floating in the athmosphere. I knew it was an exalted moment, but I felt hell thirsty, my amoeba from the reticulum urged to be wet, more and more as growed. Without waiting, I insinuated near the bar as a sweet word, with some nerve and money, to buy two beers , one for myself and the other for my mate. The barkeeper, a small and fat man with grayish bear and mustache, ugly face and an eye-imperfection, a white stain, waved me to shut my mouth. "My dear messmates! It's almost Christmas time, you worked affectionately this year, everyone up to its ability, and we give the bonus, as every other reputable company. Here you have this pile of cockades, come to Gelu barman to give you your parts. I can't remain, because I must product, but merry drinkmas to all of you!"  | Entry #20509 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 1.60 | 1.60 (5 ratings) | 1.60 (5 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
drinkmas | Good term selection interesting term selection | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
- 4 users entered 36 "dislike" tags
- 3 users agreed with "dislikes" (17 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (1 total disagree)
| Mistranslations House with storey and house without storey? That's what happens when you translated word-for word, oblivious to the logic of the target language... | adami | |
| Mistranslations A mansard roof is a heavy and luxurious (expensive) structure, unlikely to be used in such a shaky lowly building. A ”mansard” is one of the three types of attics, and the least likely to be found here. | adami | |
showing obscene | Grammar errors verb + adverb, not adj. | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
-1 +1  1 melting | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
+1 when a tram passing by it ruins her | Inconsistencies 1. it and her - used for the same reference? 2. tense salad? | Claudia Coja | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
didn't ruin | Mistranslations ruin = v.intr. To fall into ruin. It did "ruin" (hence the plaster peeling off and all that), it just didn't actually collapse on anyone | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
alcohol kills only there | Mistranslations alcohol kills everywhere, not only in this pub ( word order) | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
kill | Grammar errors tense... | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 ironical side of her being was | Mistranslations not sure what this is supposed to mean due to poor word choice | Alina Simina Nesu | |
| Mistranslations "to put someone/something to use" is not the same as "to get someone used to something" | Alina Simina Nesu | |
the drunks | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
d | Omission "din vreme" is missing. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
this bitch was a hell of tavern... | Other it doesn't flow well - and "Cățaua" is a proper noun! | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations no such information in the original text | Claudia Coja | |
French chansonettes were listening to | Other either there is no subject and the word order is wrong, or this is just a failed attempt at a passive voice | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
agreed Edith | Other you cannot "agree someone", but you can "agree WITH someone" | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
all of them cared about their business with a holy scrupulosity | Other very ambiguous - all of "them"? "Them" who? | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
has talking | Grammar errors has talking?! "was" talking? | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 lifted the glasses at the same time and sipping small quantities, | Mistranslations 1. far from the original 2. omission of "două înghițituri", 3. "at the same time"- no such information in the original text | Claudia Coja | |
a single noise and clap | Mistranslations meaningless | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
ugly face | Mistranslations "hâtru" does not mean "ugly" | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 My dear messmates! It's almost Christmas time, you worked affectionately this year, everyone up to its ability, and we give the bonus, as every other reputable company. | Other the register should be a comic one - just like in the original text | Claudia Coja | |
Gelu barman | Other "Gelu barman"? - it really does not read well.. | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
| It was an old house, with floor and attic, ready to fall on it. The walls were toothless, the bricks looked dirty, the plaster visibly was melting. I do not know how the hells withstand this dump, I figured if any tram clattering to pass, it will crumble it at the first signal. But the tram did not pass by from 15 years there. The fainted bitch lived on the ground floors of that building - now, after all this time I have some indulgence towards her, did not fall, did not hurt anyone, there just alcohol kills - actually she lived in a ground floor deepened by one meter below ground - eh, the ironic fate, it used the drunks from a while with the mud - this bitch was a hell of sideboard… It was around Christmas time, outside was so and so, still it could drink a case of beer without making icicles to the gig. We entered the temple of perdition and my destiny was set in stone. Inwards listened to French chansonettes , almost in a whisper, however everyone seemed to agree with Edith who does not regret anything. There were about 10 people inside, twenty troubled eyes - I thought so the first time later I found that I was wrong with almost 3 - and everyone sees their own business with the holy carefulness. Nobody talked, but it was a splendor to see them, that at a signal raised all glasses and drank two small sips, after which places them on the table, could hear just single clap sound… and still there was a communication, I felt it, it was floating in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat were dry as hell, my stomach amoeba required to be sprinkled, louder sprinkled as he grew. Without to wait, I insinuated myself as a sweet word next to the bar with enough guts, and some bucks to get two beers, for me and my companion. The bartender, a short, fat guy with beard and gray whisker, tricksy at blowjob with a defect to the right eye, a white spot, beckoned me to shut up. "Dear my fellow guests! It's almost Christmas holidays, 've worked with love this year, each as at 'could, to us too as any firm we give respect first. Look at this cocarde's pile is for you, go to the bar to Uncle Gelu to make you a portion. I cannot stand because I have to product, for Happy holidays! "  | Entry #18416 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 1.57 | 1.63 (8 ratings) | 1.50 (8 ratings) |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
- 5 users entered 44 "dislike" tags
- 4 users agreed with "dislikes" (35 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (1 total disagree)
| Other House with floor vs. house without a floor? | adami | |
| Mistranslations I agree with the observation that "A house cannot be "ready to" anything, except personified." | Claudia Coja | |
it | Grammar errors itself | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
toothless | Mistranslations there were no literal teeth missing from the walls | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
dirty | Mistranslations "obscene" just refers to the bricks being visible, uncovered, not dirty | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
+3  2 visibly was melting | Other words order? | Dan Miclea | |
| Mistranslations "văzând cu ochii” does not mean ”visibly” (in a way that can be seen), but, for a process that is normally slow, when it happens faster than expected. | adami | |
-1  1 melting | Mistranslations Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
+1 how the hells withstand this dump | Mistranslations word order and word choice | Alina Simina Nesu | |
+1 if any tram clattering to pass, it will crumble it at the first signal | Grammar errors doesn't really make sense | Alina Simina Nesu | |
did not pass by from 15 years | Grammar errors anteriority | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
indulgence | Mistranslations inappropriate term | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
did not fall, did not hurt anyone, | Syntax no subject | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation That's a hyphen (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
deepened by one meter below ground | Mistranslations 1. Clumsy choice of vocabulary; 2. use of article? | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
it used the drunks | Mistranslations using someone is not the same as getting someone used to something | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
the drunks | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
making | Mistranslations getting...perhaps? definitely not "making" | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
+2  1 Inwards listened to French chansonettes , almost in a whisper, however everyone seemed to agree with Edith who does not regret anything. | Inconsistencies tense? | Dan Miclea | |
Inwards listened to French chansonettes | Syntax Confusing construction, making no sense. | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami | |
+2 that at a signal raised | Mistranslations there was no signal.. | Dan Miclea | |
+1 after which places them | Grammar errors tense is wrong and there is no subject | Alina Simina Nesu | |
+1  1 could hear just single clap sound | Omission ambiguous | Dan Miclea | |
+2  1 tricksy at blowjob | Mistranslations no no no ... DEFINITELY not. | Dan Miclea | |
+2 've worked with love this year, each as at 'could, to us too as any firm we give respect first | Other an attempt at keeping the same register, but it does not make any sense and it does not read well at all | Alina Simina Nesu | |
| Mistranslations "for" means "because" - makes no sense here... | adami | |
| It was an old house, with an attic and a stratum, ready to fall on it's own. The walls were cracked, the bricks... obscene, the plaster was almost melting. How the heck did this hovel still stand? I imagined that if a tram would pass pounding the house would fall at the first sound. But the tram had not passed for 15 years there... The fainted b*tch was living at the bottom floor of the building - now, after all this time, I have some pitty toward her, she hadn't fall or injured anyone, over there, only the alcohol kills - actually she was living in a floor made under 1 meter underground - heh, sarcastic fate, she was hardening the drunken people with the mud - This b*tch was a good damn pub. It was around the Christmass, outside was this and that, you could still drink a boxful of beer without your nose to freeze completly. I entered in the temple of perish and my destiny was nailed. Inside, you could hear french chansonets, very queitly, anyway it seem that the whole worls agrees with Edith, whom doesn't regret a thing. There were around 10 persons inside, 20 troubled eyes - so I thought at first, later I found that I was wrong with almost 3 - each was minding his own bussines with a godly carefulnes. Noone was talking, but it was a beauty to observe them, just like at a signal everyone raised their glasses and drink 2 small sips, after that they put them down on the table and I could hear one glup and one clap... and still there was communication, I could feel it, floating in the air. I knew it was a serios moment, but my kneck was so damn dry, my amiba from my stomach was asking to be splashed. harder and harder as it grew. Without waiting anymore, I talked my way at the bar with sweet words, with enough courage and some bucks to get two beers for me and my pal. The bartender, a short and fat guy, with a beard and greyed moustaches, ugly at face and a defect at the right eye, a white stain on it, made me a sign to shut my mouth. "My dear table coleagues! It's almost Christmass celebrations, you put your soul into the work you did this year, each of you as you could and we, as every respectful company, we give first. Look, this pack of bucks is for you, go at the bar at mr. Gelu to give you a fill. I cannot stay because I have things to do, but happy holidays.  | Entry #18709 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 1.55 | 1.50 (6 ratings) | 1.60 (5 ratings) |
- 5 users entered 46 "dislike" tags
- 3 users agreed with "dislikes" (17 total agrees)
- 3 users disagreed with "dislikes" (4 total disagrees)
+1 with an attic and a stratum | Mistranslations a house with a "stratum"? | Claudia Coja | |
the bricks... obscene | Other "..." what would that suppose to mean? | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
-2  1 melting | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
+1 I imagined that if a tram would pass pounding the house would fall at the first sound. | Punctuation at least a missing comma | Claudia Coja | |
for 15 | Grammar errors Correct: in (you cannot NOT do something FOR years...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
- | Punctuation That's a HYPHEN (where there should be a dash)! | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+2  1 pitty | Spelling Did you mean "pity"? Even if, "pity" does not mean "indulgență". | Claudia Coja | |
actually she was living | Inconsistencies word order | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
made | Other It doesn't flow well. | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 under 1 meter underground | Other redundant "under/underground" | Claudia Coja | |
sarcastic | Mistranslations irony and sarcasm are 2 different things | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
hardening the drunken people with the mud | Mistranslations word choice | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
the drunk | Grammar errors Zero article (not a particular bunch of people, but generic drunks). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
| Mistranslations I've never seen "this and that" used to describe the weather | Claudia Coja | |
without your nose to freeze | Grammar errors without freezing your nose off/without your nose freezing | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
chansonets | Mistranslations Either translate the word, or leave it like it is. But "Chansonets" ? | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
queitly | Spelling typo for "quietly"? | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
was | Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 my amiba from my stomach was asking to be splashed. harder and harder as it grew. Without waiting anymore, I talked my way at the bar with sweet words, | Other it really doesn't read well. | Dan Miclea | |
table coleagues! | Spelling no such thing as "table coleagues" | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
first | Mistranslations "prima" is a noun here, and it means "bonus" | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
mr. | Mistranslations no (such) abbreviated forms in an oral discourse | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
| It was an old two story house with an attic on the point of falling on it. The walls were dull, the bricks looked obscene and the plaster was melting visibly. I don’t know how the hell this ramshackle was resisting, as I imagined if a tram was clattering around, it can be pulled down at the first whistle. But the tram did not passed over there for 15 years. The Fainted Bitch lived at ground floor – now, after such a long time, I have a certain indulgence towards it, as it did not fall and injured nobody, there only alcohol kills-in fact it lived on a ground floor deepen one meter under the ground – well, the ironic fate inured the boozers with the mud in time – the Bitch used to be a hell of a tavern… It was around Christmas, outside, so so, one can still drink a crate of beer with having icicles at nostrils. I got into the temple of perdition and my fate was nailed. People were listening French chansonettes inside, almost in the background, anyway it seemed that everybody agreed with Edith who did not regret anything. There were about 10 people inside, twenty dim eyes – that was what I thought first, but later on, I learned that I was wrong about three people- and each of them minded his own business sacred carefully. Nobody was talking, but it was splendid to see, how, like on a gesture of command, all raised their glasses and drank with small sips and then they put their glasses on the table, only one gurgle and one clap were heard… and though there was a communication, I felt it, it was floating in the air. I was aware about the solemnity of the moment, but my throat was a hell of a dry, my amoeba from the stomach asked to be soused, more and more, as it was growing.Without waiting, I creeped like a sweet word near the bar, having plenty of sauce and some brass to buy two beers for me and my companion. The bar tender, a short and fat guy, bearing grizzled beard and moustaches, waggish at his blowjob and with a defect ay his right eye, a white spot, made me a sign to shut up. „My dear table companions! There is almost Christmas holidays, you worked eagerly this year, each of you how you could, and at us, as in any respectful company, we offer a bonus. Look, here you are a small heap of brass, go to the bar to uncle Gelu to make you a portion. Me, I cannot stay that I have to produce, but happy holidays!”  | Entry #18565 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 1.39 | 1.33 (9 ratings) | 1.44 (9 ratings) |
- 2 users entered 2 "like" tags
- 1 user disagreed with "likes" (1 total disagree)
temple of perdition | Flows well | crocox No agrees/disagrees | |
- 5 users entered 30 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (25 total agrees)
- 2 users disagreed with "dislikes" (2 total disagrees)
two story | Spelling adjective, should be spelt "two-stor(e)y" | Tünde Lőrincz No agrees/disagrees | |
+2  1 looked obscene | Mistranslations You can personify the bricks, but even so, the main idea is not that they look obscene. The main point is to suggest that they were no longer covered in plaster, therefore "naked"/"uncovered", therefore similar to women who wear little clothing | Alina Simina Nesu | |
-2  1 melting | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
visibly | Mistranslations "văzând cu ochii” does not mean ”visibly” (in a way that can be seen), but, for a process that is normally slow, when it happens faster than expected. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+3  1 I don’t know how the hell this ramshackle was resisting, as I imagined if a tram was clattering around, it can be pulled down at the first whistle. | Grammar errors tense | Dan Miclea | |
for 15 | Grammar errors Correct: in (you cannot NOT do something FOR years...). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
deepen | Mistranslations wrong usage | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
in time | Mistranslationsin time = 1. Before a time limit expires. 2. Within an indefinite time; eventually: In time they came to accept the harsh facts. Since there is no time limit here, "din vreme" can be translated as "early on"Link: | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 with having icicles at nostrils | Mistranslations on the contrary?! | Claudia Coja | |
about three people | Mistranslations it was actually "about three eyes", not people... | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
and then they put their glasses | Other this is somehow redundant... | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
| Grammar errors Bogus grammar. | adami | |
+2  1 my amoeba from the stomach | Other it doesn't flow well | Claudia Coja | |
+3  2 waggish at his blowjob | Mistranslations Blowjob??? No way:)) | Dan Miclea | |
ay | Spelling typo? Even if so, "at" wouldn't fit in here. | Claudia Coja No agrees/disagrees | |
+1 and at us, as in any respectful company, we offer a bonus. | Other it doesn't read well - "and at us"? | Dan Miclea | |
+1 Look, here you are a small heap of brass, | Mistranslations Not sure what that means | Dan Miclea | |
+2 I cannot stay that I have to produce | Mistranslations that = because? | Dan Miclea | |
| It was an old house, with floor and attic, ready to fall on itself. The walls were toothless, the bricks looked obscene, plaster, visibly, melted. I dont know, how the hell, that resisted this tumbledown building, I imagined, that, if any trampling tram, passed, a collapsing would occur at it first signal. But, tram stoped, 15 years, ago, passed by. „Faint Lady-Dog” lived on the ground floor - now, after so long time, I have some indulgence towards it, it hasn’t falled, hasn’t hurt anyone - there, just alcohol kills - in fact, it lived on a ground floor, one meter deeper in the ground - eh, ironic fate, it used to familiarize drunks with mud – this Lady-Dog was a hell of a tavern… It was, around Christmas, except it was so and so, still, one could drink a case of beer, without making icicles in nose. We entered the temple of doom and my destiny was sealed. Inside, there were listened to French chansonettes, almost muted, however, everyone seemed to agree with Edith, who does not regret anything. There were about 10 people, inside, twenty troubled eyes - so I thought, the first time – later, I found out, that I was wrong by about 3 - and every one to his own business with a holy painstakingly. Nobody talked, but, it was a splendor to see them - as a sign, they all lifted glasses and drank two, small sips, then, placed them on the table, it was heard a single gurgling and a single bang ... but, still, there was a communication, I felt, it floated in the air. I knew, it was a solemn moment, but, my throat was dry, as hell, my stomach amoeba required to be sprinkled, sprayed all over, as it grew. Without waiting, I insinuated, as a sweet word, next to the bar, with enough cheek and some bucks, to get two beers, me and my companion. The barman, a short and fat guy, with gray beard and mustaches, a sly man with an infirmity in the right eye, as a white spot, waved me silent. "Dear my messmates! Christmas holidays are near, you have worked with heart and soul, this year, each, such has could, and, to us, as to any company, that respects, we pay bonus. Look, this small bundle of money is for you, go to the bar, where, uncle Gelu will make you shares. I can’t remain, having to produce, then, ‚happy holidays!’”  | Entry #18916 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 1.36 | 1.29 (7 ratings) | 1.43 (7 ratings) |
- 5 users entered 27 "dislike" tags
- 4 users agreed with "dislikes" (14 total agrees)
+2 It was an old house, with floor and attic, ready to fall on itself. The walls were toothless | Other The whole translation is COMPLETELY incompetent. | adami | |
toothless | Mistranslations the walls didn't have any literal teeth missing | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
+2  1 , the bricks looked obscene, plaster, visibly, melted. | Punctuation why so many commas? | Dan Miclea | |
visibl | Mistranslations "văzând cu ochii” does not mean ”visibly” (in a way that can be seen), but, for a process that is normally slow, when it happens faster than expected. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
melted | Other Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 I dont know, how the hell, that resisted this tumbledown building, I imagined, that, if any trampling tram, passed, a collapsing would occur at it first signal. | Mistranslations Not sure if this (the whole text) is just a very poor translation or if it's a very poor machine translation. | Claudia Coja | |
+1 But, tram stoped, 15 years, ago, passed by. | Mistranslations ?! | Claudia Coja | |
| Grammar errors earlier/before - a moment that is anterior to another past moment. | adami | |
- | Punctuation | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
so long time | Grammar errors such a long time, so long a time... | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
+2 It was, around Christmas, except it was so and so, | Punctuation I don't understand the punctuation here. Again, why so many commas? | Dan Miclea | |
except it was so and so | Mistranslations So far from the original meaning... | Gabriela Nistor No agrees/disagrees | |
there were listened to French chansonettes | Grammar errors wrong voice, wrong word choice, wrong... | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
was wrong | Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 holy painstakingly | Grammar errors adjective + adverb... no noun, no verb | Alina Simina Nesu | |
two, small sips, then, placed them on the table, it was heard a single gurgling and a single bang ... but, still, there was a communication, I felt, it floated in the air. | Punctuation too many commas | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
it was heard a single gurgling | Grammar errors double subject | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
I knew, it was a solemn moment, but, my throat was dry, as hell, my stomach amoeba required to be sprinkled, sprayed all over, as it grew. | Punctuation again, commas | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
make you shares | Mistranslations doesn't make sense | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
| It was an old house, with floor and attic, ready to fall on it. The walls were toothless, it looked dirty bricks, plaster visibly melted. I'm not-as fuck resist şandramaua this, I imagined that if goes any tram pounding a collapsing at it first holler. But tram stop 15 years passed by. CATA faint lived on the ground floor - now, after so long I have some indulgence towards her, did not fall, did not hurt anyone, there just alcohol kills - in fact he lived in a ground floor one meter deeper in the ground - eh , ironic fate, he used the time drunks with mud - it was a bodega Cata hell ... It was around Christmas, except it was so and so still could drink a case of beer without making icicles in Naret. We entered the temple of doom and my destiny was set in stone. Inside listened French chansonettes almost muted, however everyone seemed to agree with Edith who does not regret anything. There were about 10 people inside, twenty eyes troubled - so I thought the first time I later learned that I was wrong by about 3 - and every one to his own business with a holy carefulness. Nobody talked, but it was a splendor to see them as a sign lifted all glasses and drank two sips, then place them on the table, he heard a single gal and a single clap ... and yet there is a communication, a felt, was in the air. I knew it was a solemn moment, but my throat was dry as hell, my stomach amoeba required to be sprinkled, sprayed louder as he grew. Without waiting, I insinuated that a sweet word next to the bar with enough guts and some bucks to get two beers, me and my companion. The bartender, a short, fat guy with a beard and gray musteţi, witty blowjob and a defect in Ochiu 'as a white spot, waved me silent. "Dear my fellow guests! It's almost Christmas holidays, at 'worked with drag next year that each such at' could, and to us as we respect orce firm first. Look tenc'şoru badges that give it to you, go to the bar to make you nea Gelu portion. I do not stand cripple Io product, yes sărbăutori happy! "  | Entry #18628 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Rating type | Overall | Quality | Accuracy |
Entry | 1.14 | 1.14 (7 ratings) | 1.14 (7 ratings) |
- 3 users entered 29 "dislike" tags
- 5 users agreed with "dislikes" (17 total agrees)
- 1 user disagreed with "dislikes" (1 total disagree)
+3  2 It was an old house, with floor and attic, ready to fall on it. The walls were toothless, it looked dirty bricks, plaster visibly melted. | Other Everything. The whole translation is too horribly incompetent to bother! | adami | |
toothless | Mistranslations no actual teeth missing here | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
looked dirty bricks, | Spelling does not make any sense, plus the bricks were not dirty, they were simply uncovered | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
visib | Mistranslations "văzând cu ochii” does not mean ”visibly” (in a way that can be seen), but, for a process that is normally slow, when it happens faster than expected. | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
-1  1 melted | Grammar errors Wrong verb (for plaster to "melt" it would take an atomic explosion or similar). | adami | |
I'm not-as fuck resist | Mistranslations meaningless | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
if goes any tram pounding a collapsing at it first holler | Mistranslations horrible and meaningless | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 But tram stop 15 years passed by. | Mistranslations GOOGLE TRANSLATE?! | Dan Miclea | |
+1  1 CATA faint | Mistranslations "CATA faint" ?! | Dan Miclea | |
- | Punctuation | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
did not fall, did not hurt anyone | Syntax no subject | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
he used the time drunks with mud | Mistranslations meaningless | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 it was so and so still could drink a case of beer without making icicles in Naret. | Spelling this was not translated by a human being | Alina Simina Nesu | |
twenty eyes troubled | Syntax twenty troubled eyes - | Dan Miclea No agrees/disagrees | |
was wrong | Grammar errors Elementary sequence-of-tense mistake (had been wrong). | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
a felt, was in the air | Mistranslations does not make sense | Alina Simina Nesu No agrees/disagrees | |
+2  1 musteţi | Inconsistencies left untranslated, probably by google translate | Alina Simina Nesu | |
+2  1 witty blowjob and a defect in Ochiu 'as a white spot, waved me silent. | Other Is this for real? "Witty blowjob???" | Dan Miclea | |
Dear my | Grammar errors Word order: MY dear... | adami No agrees/disagrees | |
+1  1 Look tenc'şoru badges that give it to you, go to the bar to make you nea Gelu portion. I do not stand cripple Io product, yes sărbăutori happy! " | Spelling Is this google translate?! | Dan Miclea | |
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