Track this forum | 话题 | 张贴者 回帖数量 (阅读 次数) 张贴 日期 |  | Issues with Matcat in the last 24 hours - weird "Forbidden" message | 2 (1,662) |  | Matecat connection problem | 1 (1,427) |  | Can't create a project – Issues with the analysis of the project! | 2 (1,679) |  | Possible to confirm segment with missing tags? | 2 (1,244) |  | Work on doc.sdlxliff and xlsx.sdlxliff format with MateCat | 3 (1,856) |  | Free CAT tool | 6 (2,806) |  | Technical support - where is the green button?? | 0 (1,067) |  | Is there a way to export/upload a sdlxliff to MateCat as I translate? | 4 (2,638) |  | Matecat tool usage | 3 (2,917) |  | Export revisions to Excel | 0 (1,098) |  | Odd glossary behaviour in Matecat | 0 (1,355) |  | Working with Trados projects on MateCat | 6 (5,288) |  | MateCat tag changes | 0 (1,342) |  | Matecat issue ( 1... 2) | 17 (11,482) |  | *Need Help ASAP* - Matecat not providing TM recommendations, No Fuzzy Matches, Only MT prompts | 1 (1,836) |  | MateCAT virtualisation | 1 (1,949) |  | MateCat killed the tags | 2 (3,067) |  | MyMemory doesn't accept my TMX | 1 (2,410) |  | New: Google Drive integration and full support for right to left languages | 0 (1,848) |  | NEW:We offer support via Facebook | 4 (3,187) |  | New: A new trick to manage tags, a safer way to copy all segments to target and support for Burmese | 0 (1,679) |  | New Open Source MT connectors developed by Prompsit | 0 (1,968) |  | NEW: Translate 69 formats, including scanned PDF and JPG, with the new open source file filters | 0 (1,841) |  | Matecat: Translated Texts Suddenly Changed into a Different Language! | 1 (2,254) |  | your thoughts on Matecat ( 1... 2) | 29 (21,864) |  | NEW: support 59 file formats | 0 (2,007) |  | NEW: Adding comments to your translation jobs | 0 (1,735) | 张贴新话题 题外话: 已显示 字体大小: -/+ | | = 自您上次访问后张贴的新帖 ( = 自您上次访问后没有新帖子 ( = 超过15条帖子)
= 话题已锁住 (不可以在这里张贴新帖) | 翻译行业讨论论坛有关笔译、口译和本地化翻译等相关话题的公开讨论  Trados Studio 2022 Freelance | The leading translation software used by over 270,000 translators.
Designed with your feedback in mind, Trados Studio 2022 delivers an unrivalled, powerful desktop
and cloud solution, empowering you to work in the most efficient and cost-effective way.
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| Trados Business Manager Lite | Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio
Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.
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