What are your experiences with Swordfish IV?
论题张贴者: CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
正式会员 (自2006)
Jul 23, 2020

https://maxprograms.com/products/swordfish.html says:

The source code for Swordfish IV, the next major version of Swordfish, is now available at Github.com.

What are your experiences with Swordfish IV? Any interesting new features?

Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
+ ...
Swordfish IV on Github Jul 23, 2020


This project covers Swordfish IV and is in early development stage. There are no binary releases of this version yet.

CafeTran Trainer
Rodolfo Raya
Rodolfo Raya  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:17
Preview video Aug 4, 2020

Swordfish IV is not ready yet, but it is usable as is. You can watch a video showing the translation of a short Word document at https://www.maxprograms.com/tutorials/TranslateFile.mp4.

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
正式会员 (自2006)
Interesting Aug 4, 2020

Rodolfo Raya wrote:

Swordfish IV is not ready yet, but it is usable as is. You can watch a video

Very nice. Looks promising. This will still need Java, right?

Rodolfo Raya
Rodolfo Raya  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:17
JavaScript app Aug 4, 2020

Swordfish IV is a JavaScript app that uses Java libraries in background.

The Java portion can be migrated to Node.js (JavaScript engine) at any time. Java was chosen to reuse existing libraries instead of rewriting them.

Local time: 23:17
正式会员 (自2007)
+ ...
Swordfish IV usable as is Aug 20, 2020

Rodolfo Raya wrote:

Swordfish IV is not ready yet, but it is usable as is. You can watch a video showing the translation of a short Word document at https://www.maxprograms.com/tutorials/TranslateFile.mp4.

That's good news, I took a look at the tutorial and SW IV looks very interesting.
You say that it's usable as is, but how? I have no idea whatsoever on what to download on Github. As I will have a little spare time I'd really like to take a deeper look into SW IV.

Rodolfo Raya
Rodolfo Raya  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:17
Code on GitHub Aug 20, 2020

Wolfgang Schoene wrote:
You say that it's usable as is, but how? I have no idea whatsoever on what to download on Github.

Code is changing so fast, that it does not make sense to prepare installers yet. Nevertheless, it is possible to download the code and compile it. Building instructions are included in the GitHub page at https://github.com/rmraya/Swordfish#building. If your computer meets the listed requirements, the 5 lines of instructions are really all you need to run the next version of Swordfish.

Some members of the Maxprograms Support group have already compiled the code. It's not that hard but requires preparation. Feel free to ask in the group.

Testing installers will be available in a month or two. Building the code is the only option for now.


Rodolfo Raya
Rodolfo Raya  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:17
Building instructions video Aug 20, 2020


There is a video at https://maxprograms.com/tutorials/TMXEditor_build.mp4 that shows how to build TMXEditor.

The procedure for building Swordfish is the same. Substitute the word "TMXEditor" for "Swordfish" and that's it.


Local time: 23:17
正式会员 (自2007)
+ ...
Experience with SW IV Aug 20, 2020

Rodolfo Raya wrote:


There is a video at https://maxprograms.com/tutorials/TMXEditor_build.mp4 that shows how to build TMXEditor.

The procedure for building Swordfish is the same. Substitute the word "TMXEditor" for "Swordfish" and that's it.


Thanks Rodolfo, but I don't feel fit for that. I'll be waiting patiently

Krzysztof Wierzbicki
Krzysztof Wierzbicki  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:17
+ ...
new user impressions/question Jun 22, 2022

Came to Proz to check exactly what the OP is asking about: info on user experience with Swordfish.

I'm a long-term memoQ and Trados user with (limited) OmegaT experience (but usually recommending it as a go-to free option). Never had the time/need to try Swordfish (also I've been somewhat discouraged by the low number of stars on github - 33 with mine from today, and Mr. Raya being a single author/contributor as far as I can tell).

That said the building process on Wind
... See more
Came to Proz to check exactly what the OP is asking about: info on user experience with Swordfish.

I'm a long-term memoQ and Trados user with (limited) OmegaT experience (but usually recommending it as a go-to free option). Never had the time/need to try Swordfish (also I've been somewhat discouraged by the low number of stars on github - 33 with mine from today, and Mr. Raya being a single author/contributor as far as I can tell).

That said the building process on Windows was a breeze and in the next couple of days I'm hoping to test it and come back here to share my impressions. Meanwhile, anything I should look out for - quirks I should be aware of? (I'm mostly going to deal with markdown, js, yaml, and html - sometimes actual code may contain comments/ strings that need to be translated and on the other hand sometimes I'll have code samples embedded in plain text... (memoQ's default HTML filter failed me here).

Source (and target) will (ideally) be the files in git repositories (so I'd need to overwrite them - or maybe have a source and target branches? Does Swordfish support some kind of git integration?)

My source language is Polish and target is EN but somewhere down the line there may be German and couple other EU languages - all the files should be UTF-8 but may come from Windows, Mac or Linux users - should I be aware of any possible issues with encoding of language-specific characters?

I'd appreciate any info from existing Swordfish users (also I've just signed up for the groups.io community so I'll probably ask something similar there as well


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What are your experiences with Swordfish IV?

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