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Windows operating systems
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using straight apostrophes on qwerty keyboard 9 (3,896)
Youtube issue: "Open link in new tab" option is not showing 4 (1,919)
Share your translation-related AutoHotkey scripts ( 1 ... 2 ) 19 (5,340)
In-place installation of Windows 10 fixes update error 0 (695)
Copy pasting content sent to the cloud in Windows 11 (clipboard privacy policies) 0 (737)
Microsoft Power Toys 0 (717)
TextPad 9 uses Microsoft spelling dictionaries 0 (777)
Glue previous two words together with case adaption 3 (1,600)
I need help setting up a digital signature certificate on Windows 11 6 (1,953)
What happens after change from 10 to 11 Windows version 6 (2,462)
Windows 11 works but ... 10 (5,763)
Windows 10 nearing the end of its service life - updates ( 1 ... 2 ) 16 (8,735)
Free File Commanders 4 (1,731)
Gratis: Palette for easy insertion of special characters 1 (1,213)
Suddenly, Ctrl+Alt+M types µ 4 (2,089)
How do I remove this garbage file from my Desktop (Win10)? 6 (1,840)
Notepad version 11.2205 2 (1,380)
File commanders with support for the Dropbox protocol 3 (1,661)
S mode for Windows 11 1 (1,282)
BACKUP SOFTWARE: What is best software for backing up files to an external drive in Windows 10? 9 (4,116)
What mechanical keyboard would you recommend? Why? 6 (2,460)
Chrome icon lights up on task bar, but doesn't respond to clicking and no pages open 6 (2,630)
Saving a New File in Windows 10 3 (2,041)
How to change email adress used for Windows account? 5 (2,690)
Japanese version software on English Windows 5 (2,897)
Windows 10 - Webcam stopped working / not found (drivers?) - MS Teams / Skype / Zoom installed - 1 (1,754)
Mouse occasionally simply blocks text and doesn't respond ( 1 ... 2 ) 15 (6,704)
Extracting rows with bold text in Excel 2 (2,031)
Win10 on Parallels - different text scaling factors on different monitors 2 (2,114)
Extra monitor went black and all windows were moved to the main monitor -- what did I do? 7 (3,734)
Win7 EOL... And now what? ( 1 ... 2 ) 19 (9,354)
Improving ergonomics for those who switched between different cat's 0 (1,630)
Good 24/7 Computer Aid Subscription (In US?) 2 (2,332)
Keyboard latency – who else has this problem? ( 1 ... 2 ) 23 (10,368)
How to password-protect folders on Windows 6 (3,525)
Uproof folder location in Windows 10 3 (5,422)
Windows 10 version for freelance translator (home vs pro) 10 (5,157)
Win7/64 won't update - error 80246005 9 (23,780)
How to stack 4 or more windows 2 (2,637)
Still using fax machines? ( 1 ... 2 ) 16 (8,621)
Print Screen has stopped working 13 (19,260)
Programs not installing 3 (3,463)
W10 suddenly denying access to manipulate my own data files 12 (5,676)
A Windows Region Setting (Locale) Specific Problem! 8 (4,097)
Issues with a Windows 10 laptop 11 (5,527)
Please help with Windows 10 update that has messed everything up 11 (5,836)
How do I save a CAP file as is? 4 (3,518)
Text-based file search 11 (5,109)
Still on Windows 7? ( 1 ... 2 ) 17 (11,277)
Windows 10 9 (4,762)
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