The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italian意大利语译成English英语 工程(总称) Translation Glossary

Italian意大利语 term English英语 translation
Adeguamento MER Modulation Error Ratio
Entered by: EirTranslations
aeraulico aeraulic
Agibilità interna Internal accessibility
Entered by: EirTranslations
alberi-ingranaggi shafts - gears
albero verticale vertical shaft
Entered by: Jean Martin
aletta a chiusura automatica self-closing louver
alimentare food grade
all’istante tx di entrata in funzione dell’impianto at time tx when the automatic system starts up
Entered by: Tom in London
allibi lightening (operations)
alluminio anodizzato c.s. anodized aluminum, as above
alta scorrevolezza very smooth / low friction
Entered by: Emanuela Galdelli
alveolo tecnico pipe cavity
AMERICANE lattice beams
ammesso non sul disegno permitted, but not in the design
anagrafe immobiliare real estate registry
anagrafe tecnica technical audit
anallergico non-allergenic
anecoicizzato echo-proofed
anelli P/NP (passa/non passa) go/no-go rings
angoli di assetto firing angles
anima web
ante shutters
Entered by: Serena Tutino
antincrostanti antiscaling | scale-inhibitor | antifouling agent/coating
Antine door wings
apertura batteria battery disconnected
apertura per passaggio tubo pass-through opening
apparecchiature di corredo impianto plant equipment
Appoggiare ed avvitare il diaframma alla staffa Screw the diaphragm onto the bracket
apprestamenti preparations
archi tamponati blind arches/bricked-up arches
area di manovra room for manoeuvre / maneuver (US)
argon U argon U
armatura frame construction
arrivando a poter competere and is now able to compete
Entered by: Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
asp. suction - intake
asportata removed
assieme assembly
assieme combination, assembly
asta comando scarico pop-up rod
aste in lastra temples in (acetate) sheet/plate
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