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Italian意大利语译成English英语 工程(总称) Translation Glossary

Italian意大利语 term English英语 translation
Entered by: EirTranslations
Fibratura del legno nella traversa Grain of the wood in the beam
Entered by: Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
filettati a passo metrico threaded with a metric pitch
filetti fluidi fluid fillets
Entered by: Tom in London
filo intonaco plaster ... flush
filtro anti-calorico heat-absorbing filter
fine linea produttivo from leaving the production lines, to reaching the sales centres
finecorsa limit device
finecorsa di salita/discesa up/down limit stop
fino a 5 cm dal bordo up to 5 cm from the edge
Entered by: Jo Macdonald
fiore screpolato cracked grain
flange di tamponamento blind plate flanges
flangia premistoppa e volantino gland flange and handweel
fluidi caricati fluids with solids
fluido esterno di tenuta external sealing fluid
fluido primario di condensazione primary condensation fluid
flussaggio flushing
Entered by: Mara Ballarini
flussi pax passenger flow
flusso produttivo production flow
fochino shotfirer
fogna tecnologica consortile high-tech community sewer/sewage system
folla live load
Entered by: Tom in London
fondi viciniori adjacent land
form padre e form figlio main/master/parent and submittal/ancillary/subordinate/additional/complementary
formatore file row former/row forming device
fornire a nuovo in opera replace new on site
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
fosfocromatazione phosphochromatization
fotocellula a forcella split photocell
fotocellula a rifrazione refraction photocell
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
fotocellula a tasteggio [photocell] contact sensor
Entered by: Guido Villa
Francesca tramoggia (con coclea)
fumana mist
fuori vento out of the wind
Fusioni-Flange Castings - Flanges
galleria di derivazione idraulica power tunnel
gambale leg guard / pad
garniture trimmer
gas e fumi condizionati scrubbed gas and fumes
getto continuo continuous moulding
getto pressosocolato high-pressure die casting
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