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Italian意大利语译成English英语 医疗(总称) Translation Glossary

Italian意大利语 term English英语 translation
ampi well-aerated [bilaterally]
ampiamente confluenti regione periventricolare posteriore large confluent posterior PWMHs
ampiezza measured (spinal canal) diameters
ampiezza width
ampiezza di movimento range of movement
amplioscopico fluoroscopic
Entered by: Elene P.
ampollectasia Renal tubular ectasia
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
amputazione di coscia AKA (above the knee amputation)
ANA antinuclear antibodies
Entered by: Jasmina Towers
anaeupolidia aneupolidy
analgesici tollerati se dolore analgesic therapy PRN
anamnesi muta noncontributory history
anamnesi prevaccinale pediatrica pre-vaccination screening
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
anamnestico according to the history / patient report
anastomosi digiuno-digiunale da compressione compression jejunojejunostomy
anastomosi L-T side-to-end anastomosis
anatomo patologiche anatomical and pathological
anatomo-patologiche anatomopathologic
anatomofunzionali portanti load-bearing, anatomical and functional (structures)
Entered by: Mihaela Petrican
anche which may also be
anche attuale but is a value which persists
anche tendenzialmente also largely roundish in shape
ancorina metallica 5.0 mm a 3 fili ultraresistenti 5.0 mm metal (suture) anchor preloaded with 3 higly resistant sutures
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
andamento frusto Fruste or subclinical form
andamento non evolutivo non-progressive course
andamento reclutante recruiting rhythm
andamento temporale del trattamento time course of the treatment/treatment over time
Entered by: Mihaela Petrican
andare a (proceed to)
anecogena anechoic
anellatura ring
anello furanico furan ring
Anemia macrocitica macrocytic anemia
Entered by: Maria Burnett
anemimizzazione anemia
anemizzare Brings about anemia in the patient
angina da discrepanza anemia induced angina
angioscintigrafia miocardica (MUGA) MUGA (Multiple Gated Acquisition) Scan
Entered by: liz askew
angolo di His His angle
angolo di inclinazione del collo femorale the angle of inclination of the femoral neck
angolo di obliquità del tetto acetabolare acetabular roof inclination / obliquity
anomalia motoria parietale cardiaca abnormal cardiac wall motion
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