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Italian意大利语译成English英语 医疗(总称) Translation Glossary

Italian意大利语 term English英语 translation
appoggio putting weight on
appoggio podalico foot pressure
apporto di sostanze nutritive nutritional uptake
appuntimento vertabral spurring/bone spur/osteophyte formation/ostephytosys
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
APR muta noncontributory/unremarkable remote medical history
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
APxLL anteroposterior and transverse dimensions
AR arrhythmic
aracnoidite arachnoiditis
Entered by: Mihaela Petrican
arcate limbali limbal (vascular) arcades
arco flessorio flexion arc
area cardiaca percussoriamente nei limite cardiac area by percussion is of borderline size
area di retrazione area of retraction
Area Vasta Romagna Area Vasta Romagna
aree di espianto cutaneo skin explant areas
Entered by: Raffaella Panigada
aree ovalari di ipersegnale oval-shaped areas/foci of hyperintense signal
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
aree parietali wall enhancement areas
aree pseudonodulari pseudonodular areas
aree ventilate ventilated areas
Entered by: EirTranslations
areole centimetriche centimetric sized (bone rarefaction) areas
ARIP at rest (a riposo)
arnoldalgia Arnold's neuralgia
ART antiretroviral therapy
artefatti meteorici bowel/intestinal gas artifacts
Entered by: dmesnier
arteria pedidia dorsalis pedis artery /dorsal artery of the foot
arteriografico arteriographic
Entered by: BristolTEc
arteriopatia polidistrettuale generalized atherosclerosis / extensive or global vascular disease (or vasculopathy)
arteropatia ateromasica atheromatous arteriopathy
articolarità joint motion
artografia arthrography
artromiolisi secondo judet Judet's arthromyolysis
artropatia da carico (obesity-related) degenerative joint disease
artrorisi arthroeresis
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
artroscopia + osteotomia valgizzante tibiale di adduzione arthroscopy + tibial valgus osteotomy for adduction correction
AS Miscarriage
AS upper extremity (arto superiore)
AS dx. right arm
ASA ASA scale (for anesthesia)
Entered by: Lara Barnett
ASC Arthroscopy
aSFdx all\'Hunter right superficial femoral artery in Hunter\'s canal
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
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