Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

So much for the theory.

Chinese汉语 translation:


Added to glossary by Francis Fine
Jan 17, 2005 01:15
20 yrs ago
English英语 term

So much for the theory.

English英语译成Chinese汉语 技术/工程设计 电脑:系统、网络
Large companies can be split into two different scenarios: distributed organisations with a number of branch locations where the cost of running PBXs at small locations and maintaining staff to support them would be considerably more than paying a carrier do it all centrally; and large office sites where staff frequently move around desks or from home, and are often in city centre locations where communications rooms take up expensive floorspace. In both cases, the larger the organisation, the more experience it has with negotiation outsourcing contracts and reading between the lines of an SLA.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, there are small- and medium-sized businesses. Bearing in mind their comparative lack of telecoms experience (to buy and maintain a PBX), uncertain futures (will they grow or contract) and being extremely cost conscious (opex preferable to capex), you would may think that many would want to outsource? Market watchers AMI Partners estimates that IP telephony spending among SMEs worldwide will amount to US$1.2 bn by the end of this year. However, a mighty US$1.1 bn of that is accounted for in IP PBX and IP phones. Just over US$100 m is accounted for in VoIP services. So much for the theory.

Discussion Jan 17, 2005:
so much for�Ǹ��̶��������������˼�� Jan 17, 2005:
theory���������Ʋ� Jan 17, 2005:
��һ��������С��ҵ������ˣ�������ȱ������ά��PBX�ľ��顢��չ�������������Ԥ�ϣ����Ҽ����ע�ɱ����Ը����ҵ����ã��������ʱ���֧���������Ϊ�����С��ҵ�������г��۲���AMI Partners���ƣ���ȥ����ף�ȫ����С��ҵ��IP�绰�����֧���ﵽ12���Ԫ������������������11���Ԫ����IP PBX��IP�绰��ֻ��1���Ԫ�������VoIP���񡣣����� Jan 17, 2005:

Proposed translations



This type of sentence carries no substantive significance, and adds practically nothing to what has been said. It, however, does pull all the strings together at the end of a presentation.
Peer comment(s):

agree Danbing HE
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "谢谢! 我已作了删译处理。"


因为这是AMI Partners 估计出来的。
Peer comment(s):

agree Wenjer Leuschel (X) : 理論上是這麼說的...(不過實際上是另一回事). 怎麼掰都行.
agree mirandadhb
1天 23小时
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Hmm... I don't really know how to explain, but you can see it as a nice way of saying "it is bullsh*t".

Here is an example of its usage:
"The whole point of a good sermon (so they tell people in theological college) is that it is supposed to be clear, concise and understandable - to explain the Gospel in everyday terms and to enable people to make sense of it in their everyday lives. So much for the theory! Actually most of the worst sermons I've heard have been excellent at doing all that."
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