Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

reporting categories

Chinese汉语 translation:


Added to glossary by Ming Gao
Mar 15, 2009 00:57
15 yrs ago
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English英语 term

reporting categories

English英语译成Chinese汉语 社会科学 教育/教育学 education
The reading assessment addresses two major reporting categories that encompass the reading process. Students read a number of passages from both fictional and nonfictional genres and respond to questions about these passages.
Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
3 報告類別
3 學力測驗報告類別


Ming Gao (asker) Mar 15, 2009:
完全可以 对,下文说的正是这两个文体,应该不矛盾,考察对这两个文体的掌握情况即是阅读学力测验的两个报告类别。多谢您的帮助。
Kathy Huang (X) Mar 15, 2009:
字面上講"報告類別"還是可以的 試譯: 閱讀能力評鑑依閱讀過程提出兩大主要報告類別。
Ming Gao (asker) Mar 15, 2009:
与你商榷 如果指下面所说的“虚构和非虚构”两个文学体裁的话,你认为“报告类别”这个译法是否仍然合适?

Proposed translations



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After pondering over the context, I decide that this translation is correct. Thank you.
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這裡的 reporting 應該是指「針對學生的學習成果依閱讀、數學、科學等各類別進行考試測驗所提出的報告」,再根據報告內容做出學習成果評鑑。雖然英文原文無"學力測驗"的相關字,但根據:

"Standard Testing and Reporting,又稱 Stanford Achievement Test …,此為基本學力測驗,1至11年級都有”, "Testing and Reporting" 應可視為 "Achievement Test",也就是「學力測驗」。只是「報告」的原意還是應當譯出來。

另有關 "reporting category" 一詞的定義與意涵, 請參考以下資料:

"What is a reporting category?
Each test assesses a number of Standards of Learning (SOL). In the test blueprint, SOL are grouped into categories that represent related content or skills. These categories are labeled Reporting Categories. For example, a reporting category for the Grade 8 Reading test is “Use word analysis strategies and information resources.” Each of the SOL in this reporting category addresses skills using word analysis strategies or using information resources. When the results of the SOL tests are reported, the scores will be presented in terms of scores for each reporting category and a total test score.”

“The Reporting Category appears at the very top of each page. There are five Reporting Categories in Mathematics and two Reporting Categories in Reading. Reporting Categories are important because individual student scores will be reported at this level. District and school reports may include reports by Assessment Anchor, if there are enough questions on the PSSA to warrant a valid score by the broad Anchor statement”

“In addition, the Assessment Anchors have fewer Reporting Categories to help create more reliable scores... Rather than reporting student results in all 17 standards, the reports will be organized into four reporting categories.”

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