Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

Boxer's Song (Taiping)

Chinese汉语 translation:

Have you got the Russian transliteration?

Added to glossary by Xiaren
Oct 10, 2003 01:23
21 yrs ago
English英语 term

Boxer's Song (Taiping)

English英语译成Chinese汉语 其它 历史 History
Anybody knows this song supposed to have been sang by Boxers ? It's also a pinyin guess from a 1920 Russian text.

Tian da tian mi kai !
Di da di mi kai !
Ruo xue deng deng gui.
Wo qing shi fu kai !

Could it be something like ?
若学 ? ?

Many thanks from any help or suggestion.

Discussion Oct 10, 2003:
Get it ! Тен-да-тен мык кай!
Ди-да-ди мык кай.
Жо-сюэ тен тень куй!-
Во цин ши-фу кай.

I know very little of Russian, but It doesn't seem to be the same song... If you have an idea about a more accurate pinyin (with the chinese caracters if possible), it will be really great. Oct 10, 2003:
Vera Sorry, I didn't get yet the original song in Russian. As soon as I receive it, I will post it. Many thanks for your very kind help. Oct 10, 2003:
NO ! 太平天国 ! Really sorry, my head is turning crazy : it's definitly 太平天国.
Hope it's my last stupid add... Oct 10, 2003:
义和团 Sorry for the confusion it's Taiping ;-)

Proposed translations


Have you got the Russian transliteration?

The rhythm is exactly like that of an old Russian song about a coachman freezing to death in the steppe (田,雪,师傅...). Could it be so that the Chinese song is just a translation of the Russian one? It's quite characteristic of the period. I do know the lyrics of the Russian song and i could try to guess the Chinese translation. But it would be better if you provided the original Russian transliteration (there was no unified transliteration system in Russia at that time so it can be ambiguous)

Note added at 8 hrs 0 min (2003-10-10 09:23:34 GMT)

The Russian song is:
Степь да степь кругом,
Путь далек лежит,
В той степи глухой
Умирал/замерзал ямщик.
An this is a the English translation (found here:
Only Steppe and Steppe is around.
The way is far.
And in that desolate Steppe
A postman is dying.

Note added at 8 hrs 5 mins (2003-10-10 09:29:27 GMT)

well, actually not a postman but a coachman

Note added at 8 hrs 18 mins (2003-10-10 09:42:28 GMT)

Sorry, this is the Chinese text of the song
Well, it\'s still possible that in 1920 another Chinese translation existed for the same song, but most probably i have been mistaken
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many, many thanks Vera for your great help, also in private ! Thanks to Yongmei and Lai'an too. I'm sorry to have mixed the Taiping and the Boxers : in the original text it's not very clear (at least in the French version. I don't understand Russian language). I post here the new Vera's pinyin proposition from the Russian : Tian da tian MENG kai ! Di da di MENG kai ! Ruo (MAYBE RE) xue TENG TIAN KUI. Wo qing shi fu kai ! "

Taipings or Boxers?

I don't know the answer, sorry,just wondering...
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太平天国在先,义和团(the Boxers)在后,相差50年(?)。

超星图书馆(我建议人人订阅 -里有三本太平天国歌谣和传说的书,但没有义和团歌谣的书。我快速浏览了那三本书,没有发现跟你的拼音配合的上的歌谣。一种可能是你的那首流传不广,也可能是因为政治原因(如过于崇拜天父,即洪秀全),没有被收录。(那三本书出版于59,60,61年。)

建议去国学网站 (问问
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