Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

their root word for private has come to be our word idiot

Chinese汉语 translation:


Added to glossary by Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Jul 23, 2004 05:13
20 yrs ago
English英语 term

their root word for private has come to be our word idiot

English英语译成Chinese汉语 社会科学 历史 Intellectual History
This last example can give us a clue to the way the classic Greeks felt about an eternal human problem -- that of the relation of the individual to the society of which he is a part. The show-off is thinking always about himself and how he can hold the limelight. This excessive preoccupation with one's self the classic Greeks disapproved of. Indeed, they cast such discredit on the individual who tried to go his own way regardless of his fellow members of the city-state that their root word for private has come to be our word idiot.

Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
4 +2 FYI

Proposed translations




idiosyncracy(特质), idiotype(个体基因)等词还保留“个人的”原义。

Note added at 1 hr 7 mins (2004-07-23 06:21:55 GMT)

但idiocy 就转意为白痴了。
Peer comment(s):

agree Ozethai : 真是滑稽里藏真理。
agree chica nueva : idiom (
1天 16小时
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "谢谢! 这么说来,古希腊文化里认为「自私」就是「愚蠢」了。 "
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