Glossary entry

English英语 term or phrase:

In the line up

Chinese汉语 translation:


Added to glossary by karcsy
Dec 19, 2009 06:34
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English英语 term

In the line up

English英语译成Chinese汉语 其它 体育/健身/娱乐 冲浪运动术语

Lie 趴划?
Rip/Rip current 两个都是激流的意思?
Proposed translations (Chinese汉语)
3 在碎波线上
Change log

Jan 22, 2010 14:01: karcsy changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/135634">TRANS4CHINA's</a> old entry - "In the line up"" to ""在碎波线上""

Proposed translations



line up ==> to describe the line a breaking wave follows. The "line up" is used to decribe the rideable part of the wave that a surfer will follow.

rip current => A channel of water, or a current, heading out to sea. Often simply known as a rip. Recognizeable by choppy whitewater and sea junk going out to sea.

Rip current = 離岸流;離岸激流
breaking wave - 碎波

(图)碎波带_碎波带图片_图片百科 - [ Translate this page ]碎波带波浪碎波后即扑向海岸,从碎波线至海岸摊线之范围称为碎波带,若在碎波带内兴建海岸结构物,设计时应以碎波波浪之波力计算结构物所承受之外力。 ... - Cached

國立教育資料館 碎波型態特性之探討, Characteristics of Breaking ... - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]碎波型態特性之探討= Characteristics of Breaking Waves on Sloping Beaches. 點閱:120; 推薦:0; 評論:0; 引用:0; 轉寄:0. 作者:施佳利, 林朝福; 出版地:台中 ... - Cached

Note added at 19 hrs (2009-12-20 01:42:49 GMT)

Surf zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAs ocean surface waves come closer to shore they break, forming the foamy, bubbly surface we call surf. The region of breaking waves defines the surf zone. - Cached - Similar

line-up - 1. the place just beyond the impact zone where you wait to catch waves. 2. the place where the surfers are sitting. 3. the place where the waves are breaking 4. a marker on the beach used to position off of

from the definitions above, line-up == surf zone (碎波带)

In the line up = 在碎波带内
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