Freelance translator security practices   

Use the following list for reference, and to indicate which security practices you offer. (The practices listed have been derived from data entered by translators in SecurePRO cards in free text form.) Discuss these practices in the forum.

Other personal characteristics   (8 practices)

  • Code of conduct: I have either endorsed the Professional Guidelines or am bound by the code of conduct of a recognized industry association.
  • Own NDA: I am able to provide my own NDA / security policy for clients who do not have one readily available.
  • Assumption of confidentiality: Absent agreement to the contrary, my assumption is that files and content are to remain confidential.
  • Experience with secure projects: I am experienced working with highly confidential content.
  • No subcontracting: I do not subcontract/outsource work, or I do not do so without client permission.
  • Security specialist: I have been trained in, or I have worked in, the data security field.

    Select this option only if you have held a position in which your title was directly related to security. (Most freelance translators do not have such experience.)

  • Background check: I am willing to submit to personal background checks.
  • Drug testing: I am willing to submit to drug testing.
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