Freelance translator security practices   

Use the following list for reference, and to indicate which security practices you offer. (The practices listed have been derived from data entered by translators in SecurePRO cards in free text form.) Discuss these practices in the forum.

Productivity solutions (TM / MT / OCR / TMS)   (6 practices)

  • No foreign TM/MT: I am willing to agree not to use translation memories (TMs) or machine translation (MT) systems that contain data, or that have been trained using data, from other clients.

    A client may wish to stipulate that translation memories, glossaries, machine translation engines, etc., developed out of work for other clients, should not be used for their own work.

    Example NDA term: Translation memories, glossaries and machine translation engines developed for other clients will not be used on this project.

  • Confidential TM/MT: I am willing to agree not to use content from projects worked on for one client, to add to translation memories or train MT systems that are used with other clients.

    A client may wish to stipulate that glossaries, translation memories, machine translation engines, etc., that have been developed out of their projects, not be used on projects associated with other clients.

    Example NDA term: Translation memories, glossaries and machine translation engines developed on this project will not be used when performing work for other clients.

  • TM/MT deletion: I am willing to agree to destroy any translation memories, machine translation engines and glossaries created specifically for a given project, upon completion of the project.

    Some clients ask for translation memories, machine translation engines, glossaries, etc., that have been created out of a given project, be deleted upon completion of the work.

    Example NDA term: Any glossaries, translation memories and machine translation engines created out of this project will be deleted within three days of client request.

  • No cloud MT/TM/etc.: I am willing to agree not to use any cloud-based translation memory, machine translation, optical character recognition (OCR) or other such cloud-based services that involve disclosure of content to third-party systems.

    Use of cloud-based TM, MT, OCR and other such systems may involved the transfer or storage of confidential client content in unencrypted form.

    Example NDA term: Cloud-based translation memory, machine translation and optical character recognition will not be used.

  • No TM/MT sharing: I am willing to agree not to share a given client's TMs and MT training data with other professionals.

    Sharing of translation memories, machine translation engines, and other such resources, could in theory lead to disclosure of confidential content.

    Example NDA term: Any translation memories and machine translation engines from client or developed over the course of this project will not be shared with people not involved in the project.

  • Work on server: I am willing to agree to perform work remotely on tools/applications/portals controlled by the client.

    Some clients ask freelancers to perform work on server systems that they control, rather than on the freelancer's local desktop.

    Example NDA term: Work will be completed on server system controlled by client.

» Next section: Physical office (5 practices)

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