Tina Vonhof wrote:
When you check the Blueboard, don't just look at the numbers but also check the comments (does it look like the translator has worked more than once for this agency?), the answers the agency sometimes posts to these comments (are they apologetic or defensive?), and who gave the ratings (is there anyone you 'know' via kudoz or forums, whose opinion you trust?), etc. There is a lot more information you can get from the Blueboard than just the numbers.
I suspect that many of the comments along the lines of "They do need the occasional reminder" really mean that the outsourcer has to be chased most months, often more than once, before they pay. The translator who left the 5 rating may feel obliged to keep on working with them and being nice to them, as they do pay in the end. Maybe not everyone would be happy putting up with that sort of relationship.