The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Japanese日语译成English英语 商务/商业(普通) Translation Glossary

Japanese日语 term English英语 translation
店着リスク risk of non-delivery/delay of delivery
事業執行責任者 COO (Chief Operating Officer)
事業経営再生会議資料 Meeting handouts for turnaround management
事業環境の最悪期は脱出 emerging from the worst of the downturn
事業軸 core business
今期は、西欧がけん引役となります。 This fiscal period will see Europe sales as the main engine for growth
代表取締役 Representative Director
以下 starting with
付け焼刃 Pretend to be ready before really being ready (in this context)
他の会社の株式の普通株主への配当 (cash) dividends paid to common stockholders of another company (or other companies)
他社に先行していく lead the competition
他者へのあてつけとなるような扱い treat a specific subordinate in a certain way in order to send a message (to others)
仕切る manipulate, dominate, control, be domineering
会社名/商号 company name / trading as (doing business as)
Entered by: David Patrick
会社法人等番号 Corporate registration/ID number
Entered by: Beth Dennison
企画演出部 Planning and Production Division
伸びる客先に密着営業 focus (our efforts) on high-growth customers
引き算による商品企画 Marketing through subtraction/Product planning based on subtraction
住設 Home fittings
佐藤部門長付 Mr. Sato, Assistant to the Division Manager
役員 officer, executive, board member
役員, うち社外 officer; including 0 million yen for external officers
彼女は愛され信頼の厚いリーダーシップのとれる人間であります。 She is a well-liked and extremely capable, dependable leader.
作業崩れ Operational failure
当て馬 a bluff
Entered by: David Higbee-Teves
体制構築 setting up service shop/store system.
当期末未認識数理計算上 term end unrecoginized actuarial differences
価値要素 value driver
後付 retrofitted (air conditioners), aftermarket (automotive parts, etc.)
待ちから攻めへ Switching from a wait-and-see to a proactive approach
供応 vs. 接待 Wining and dining vs. entertainment
保証 provision for product warranties in prior year
促進営業 promotional (marketing) activities
北九州市市有財産審査委員会 Kitakyushu City examination/inspection commitee for municipal property
ハードのグレード感 Superior quality of physical attributes (fixtures)
ハードアロケーション stock/inventory allocation
バーっ quickly, in a rush
ムラ inconsistencies
メガ考慮 mega(personnel policy) considerations
モニター受験の権利 trial testing eligibility
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